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Exposed - the sexiest thing a woman can wear

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What turns your head the most (in a good way) when you're out and see a woman dressed to impress?

Note: I know everyone has different body types and certain things will work for some more than others, but let's assume we're talking about someone who can pull off all of the above (and has a lovely smile and a 'great personality' etc). What body part do you think looks sexiest when showcased?

Is there such a thing as baring too much? And for the guys - does this affect the way you'd approach her as far as one-night-stand material vs possible girlfriend material or does what she's wearing when you meet her not matter at all?

Feel free to post pics or elaborate on what you think looks sexy and what doesn't when it comes to baring a bit of flesh when dressed up for a night out.
Her personality is my first choice
Personally, I never look at a woman's body and assets ; I only look into Her eyes, because it is the reflection of Her soul. I simply want to put Her personality on a pedestal, and admire Her under the moonlight.

Seriously though, I had a hard time choosing ; I chose Something tight yet with nothing exposed, but it doesn't reflect my perspective 100% accurately. There's no body part that I really prefer, so all the first options were discarded from the start for me ; I also don't really like when too much skin is shown. I like clothes that give hints of sexiness without revealing too much.

I'm a casual type of guy, and so my preference goes for casual sexiness ; I don't hang out in VIP nightclubs, but in casual places where no dress code is really required. I also have a thing for jeans ; I think they're universal/timeless and it makes a girl appear friendly and approachable.

My preference would be something like this :

This girl shows just the perfect amount of skin in my opinion ; arms, shoulders, neck, and the subtly exposed skin at the waistline is just amazing. Plenty enough is shown to figure out she has a nice body, yet she also appears as an intelligent girl who's comfortable with herself ; she's not shy to look sexy, but she doesn't feel the need to be the most provocative girl around either. She could also wear short shorts to reveal her legs, though it would be a bit less appropriate for an evening.

This is also very nice for a casual date. Not really 'dressed to impress', but she looks very sexy and feminine nonetheless. I love the way her upper garment puts emphasis on her boobies in a subtle way. I also like belts that put emphasis on the hips.

These also suit my tastes for a more classy evening. I love the high boots in the second picture, as it looks assertive and confident ; I also love the tight fit of the dress. Sexy heels look good too, for a more feminine style.

As you can see, I like black a lot, LOL. I'm not sure why, I think it just looks classic, intelligent and modest ; I like a bit of modesty. When a girl can spark my attention without wearing overly flashy clothes, I feel a special interest for her.

Something like this is too much for me :

Of course I'll take a raunchy peek at a girl like this in a bar, but I wouldn't want to approach her either. A girl like this looks like she's only there to attract attention and not much to have meaningful interactions with people (which I have nothing against really, but I wouldn't approach her). Getting to talk to her would also mean competing agaisnt a dozen of cocky jerks and douchebags, which is a big turn-off for me. I also like when I can at least a bit 'forget' that the girl I'm interacting with is sexy/provocative, so I can get to know other aspects of her without constant distractions or a goofy smile on my face.

Concerning one-night-stand vs possible girlfriend, I'd look for exactly the same things with either. I don't actually approach girls with a precise idea of what I want to do with them ; I just like to get to know them and work from there. I'm also not a fan of typical one-night-stands ; I had bad experiences with the few I had in the past.

The only time I would enjoy something more provocative is if the girl is already my friend/girlfriend, but then it would be to impress others more than to impress me. That way I can take her out and go "Yep, that's my girl alright", which can just be fun and amusing. This would fit that purpose nicely :

For some reason, I also think the belly is the most provocative part of a woman ; maybe it's because I actually think it's the sexiest too. I wouldn't mind a girl exposing her belly on the beach, at a resort or on vacations, but I'd prefer it not to be exposed when I approach a girl for the first time.
Ash several of those things are a tie. Even better are several of those things combined. I have to say I love LOVE, sexy legs and a well toned shapely butt. A tight toned midriff is awesome too. My wife can knock me out with so many of her outfit combinations. But she really does me in, wearing sexy short skirts or dresses. When she wears a sexy ruffled mini skirt, with high heeled wedges on, and wearing a tight low cut cleavage showing blouse tied in front allowing her muscular toned belly to show, she can get me to do anything. Add to that I love to see lots of jewelry, bangles, and long earrings that dangle.
"Hiya dudes, is this where the line starts to court that provocative bombshell?"

These all look fine for a semi-casual evening. The first outfit is particularly provocative in a subtle/cool manner ; I also like the subtle see through of the rainbow one :

This is also nice for a casual date :

These streetwears are provocative but hot as hell :

As I've said, there's a difference for me between a girl that's dressed to impress and one that's dressed to interact with.

I can admire a provocative girl that's dressed to impress for her body/looks, but I wouldn't want to interact with her because as I've said, plenty of horny guys are going to be chasing her. A girl dressed up like this is most probably just there to showcase her body anyway, so it's kind of a turn-off for getting to know her ; I don't feel like being a dumb puppet that's simply being played with.

A girl that's dressed to interact with can be just as good looking, but won't be as provocative and will attract guys that seek something a bit more down to earth. Such a girl is more appealing to me personally ; even if I don't get her number (which is not necessarily my intention anyway), at least I can have a conversation with a fine lady without having a bunch of creeps bothering me. I really don't need to see a lot of skin or assets to imagine that a girl will look good naked anyway.

Then again, the same girl can go out dressed either way, but she surely won't provoke the same kind of interactions in each case.
I'm all for legs
For some reason I've always thought the back was one of the most beautiful things to expose. I find it very sexy/classy. Next would be legs. I wasn't expecting the midriff to be as popular as it is actually. It's definitely a hot look, depending on how you wear it and where... but yeah, backless and bare legs is one of my favourite looks.

Showing a lot of back is very sexy Ash, but especially tied into legs and cleavage. A very short, backless, plunging front, evening dress and a pair of heels combined with your most glamorous make-up, hair and jewelry should turn any man into finger putty. It sure does me. When my wife dresses like that for going out to a fancy social function or an upscale club, I really want to go ahead and take her before we're out the door.

She has a few dresses like this one you posted and she knows how I love to see her in them.

Ive always found the sexiest thing a girl can wear is a smile. It doesnt matter what else she wears if she doesnt smile too.

besides that, Its legs for me.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
For some reason I've always thought the back was one of the most beautiful things to expose. I find it very sexy/classy. Next would be legs. I wasn't expecting the midriff to be as popular as it is actually. It's definitely a hot look, depending on how you wear it and where... but yeah, backless and bare legs is one of my favourite looks.

I agree completely. Few occasions or outfits allow the back to be shown, so it is a rare and fancy sight. It's beautiful though not sexually provocative ; not for me at least. My reaction to it is more along the lines of "(sigh), what a fine and beautiful lady", as it exposes their vulnerability somehow. Shoulders and neck provoke a similar reaction for me, to a lesser extent.

The midriff is the exact opposite in my opinion ; it's more of a provocative cheap thrill. That's probably why a lot of guys voted for it so far, as it provokes a strong sexual response. Of course the context can change that perspective, like if it's shown on the beach or at an exotic location ; it's still going to attract attention, but won't be perceived as provocative then because it's going to be a bit more appropriate/expected.

The legs are in-between for me. They're both very elegant and sexually explicit.
High heels and a provocative come hither smile!
Nothing beats the smile
Quote by Buz
Showing a lot of back is very sexy Ash, but especially tied into legs and cleavage. A very short, backless, plunging front, evening dress and a pair of heels combined with your most glamorous make-up, hair and jewelry should turn any man into finger putty. It sure does me. When my wife dresses like that for going out to a fancy social function or an upscale club, I really want to go ahead and take her before we're out the door.

She has a few dresses like this one you posted and she knows how I love to see her in them.

Yep... that's why I buy stuff like this too. It's like drop dead sexy without looking as obvious as something where your breasts are hanging out. You can still look classy. Plus it's the illusion of more nudity too... no bra and probably no panties. Plus when I'm backless it just feels more sensual - when there's a bit of a breeze along the spine or against the back of the neck. Or when someone puts their hand on your bare lower back as they lean in to say something to you. It's way sexier and more intimate than just having a guy staring into your cleavage while he talks.
Quote by SereneProdigy

I agree completely. Few occasions or outfits allow the back to be shown, so it is a rare and fancy sight. It's beautiful though not sexually provocative ; not for me at least. My reaction to it is more among the lines of "(sigh), what a fine and beautiful lady", as it exposes their vulnerability somehow. Shoulders and neck provoke a similar reaction for me, to a lesser extent.

The midriff is the exact opposite in my opinion ; it's more of a provocative cheap thrill. That's probably why a lot of guys voted for it so far, as it provokes a strong sexual response. Of course the context can change that perspective, like if it's shown on the beach or at an exotic location ; it's still going to attract attention, but will not be perceived as provocative then because it's going to be a bit more appropritate/expected.

The legs are in-between for me. They're both very elegant and sexually explicit.

Yeah, the midriff is all about being situation appropriate. At a bar or club it definitely gets attention. I've always reserved that look for certain clubs where everyone is kind of dressed semi-trashy and you're not looking to meet someone to actually date. That and beachy days, resort towns and outdoor music events.
It's all about the titillation honestly. A woman who shows a bit of skin, but still leaves ton to the imagination is both sexy and a turn on.

Specifically speaking, however, I've always thought a mildly skimpy sundress can be really sexy. On one hand it has the vibe of innocence. At the same time, it can be super sexy when it shows off a set of beautifully toned legs.

The open back dresses are super sexy. You're able to see the subtle curve of their back and the tease of their lower back where the hips and butt start to flare out.

But yea, the classic hip hugger jeans/low ride jeans with a tank top is super hot. Or the daisy dukes.

Mostly though, it depends on the occasion on what the sexiest thing a woman can wear and how well you actually know them.
AS naughtynurse said - a smile. But I'll admit to being a fool every time for a woman in a little black dress.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
I voted for miniskirts and short dresses but they are all sexy depending on the body type
To me what makes an outfit truly sexy is how the lady feels in it! You can see instantly whether a girl feels sexy in her clothing and they look so much better when they feel the part! smile
A pair of Drop dead "follow me fuck me Stilletos" & a little black dress.
I like the backless look discussed upthread, especially if the rest of the look is fairly modest. Very sexy and I love to run my fingers along a woman's spine.

Bare midriffs, for some reason, don't do much for me. I'd rather see some cleavage or leg than midriff to be honest. Even with cleavage, while I love seeing it (I'm a boob man), a shallow V-neck that bares neck and collar bones without any boob or cleavage has always felt very inviting and arousing to me.

In general, I like clothing that manages to be sexy without pushing into lingerie/bathing suit levels of exposure. An LBD that isn't too short or low-cut but still shows a nice dollop of leg and cleavage. A flowing gown that drapes beautifully over breasts and other features without necessarily revealing much. A business suit that is maybe a bit snug with a few strategic buttons undone and a lacy something underneath.

That's in public. Once you're in the bedroom (or on the beach or other suitable location) then by all means show what you got.
i,m a whole box and dice man, love a womans legs in hosiery and a great pair of stilettos and a LBD
tank top,tight blue jeans and cowboy boots,especially if she walking in the cattle pen full of shit
Me personally.... I'm a neck shoulder and underarm man love sexy underarms... such a turn on
So much for the Quick Reply, for some reason it took me 15 minutes to scroll through this thread. Nummy stuff. If I had to pick one look/outfit that catches my eye every time, given the OP's description of the woman it'd be on, I would have to go with a black pencil skirt and white blouse accentuated with black stockings and heels and some dangling yet subtle earrings. To add to the biz/teacher attire cliche and really stop my heart she could wear glasses.

Nude stockings - daytime.
My first post in the Forum! I'm a newbie.

While I've got a thing for the occasional thigh high/stockings/fishnet school of sexiness, for some reason I really love the everyday hotness of a thin, sleeveless "wife-beater" tee shirt (I'm NOT implying wife beating is cool, just the shirt). I like how nipple-friendly it is, and what easy access it alllows. I love to have a lover leave it on, and caress her over and under the thin cloth. And watch her do the same smile.
And I've gotta agree with bikeboy - this is a very yummy thread to scroll through smile.
I am straight errrrrmmm..... But I love breasts!?!? haha So, this!
I have never been a great fan of putting everything on display, I think sensual dressing is much more subtle than that. Not too long ago I was walking out of a department store passing two women coming in. One was a woman around my age dressed, or so she thought, to kill. What might work for a teenager doesn't work for a fortysomething and the look on her lovely face was missed because her skirt and legs were a mismatch for one another. The other was a Muslim woman about the same age, but covered modestly, but wow, she was a stunner -- and very sexy as a result
what an AMAZING thread ... well done Ashleigh

for me the first thing I notice is her hair.. how she wears it and does it suit...
and her style... sooo many wear really good clothes that do nothing for them.. both women and men..
omg a man in a jacket where the sleeves r too long...

short skirts r wonderful .. what buzz .. if the legs can carry them..
my ideal