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Age is just a number: Christie Brinkley is 60 yrs old

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Have you seen this cover? At first I assumed it was a photoshop masterpiece.

But then I saw these candids taken on or around her 60th birthday. Clearly she's blessed with impressive genetics, but I thought it was worth sharing. I think she defies a lot of expectations of what a 60 yr old woman looks like (or rather *can* look like).

So what do you think? Is she a positive role model, an unrealistic role model, or does she need to give it up and stop the va-va-voom? Is there an age limit to dressing like a hottie or is it more a matter of 'if you've got it, flaunt it'?

Also, feel free to post pics of other gracefully aging beauties.

She is so curvy and delicious looking...and vibrant.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I have mixed feelings about this. The same mixed feelings I have whenever it comes to promoting a decent appearance while sometimes pushing it too far actually.

I do believe she looks amazing for her age (duh). She might have had some minor plastic surgeries (I did a quick research), but she's still obviously genetically gifted and takes great care of her body.

What worries me are the expectations the general population might create from such stories. At some point, it simply is normal and natural for a woman not to look as good as she did in her 20s. Of course taking care of one's appearance and having healthy habits is something that should be encouraged through all of our lives (this woman especially impresses me by her fitness level), but both males and females shouldn't expect their own gender or the opposite one to look great eternally, in my honest opinion.

That woman is a model though (and obviously lucky), and probably didn't try harder than many other women to look good at her age. Of course if you've got it, why not flaunt it, but it's the too many efforts, time and money that some women can invest to look good that concerns me.

Comes a time in someone's life when 'looking good' shouldn't be a top priority anymore, for everybody. When I'll be her age, I'd much prefer to be concerned about what I've achieved and how I can still contribute to the world without worrying about my appearance and the one of my lover.

I still haven't gone through that grief though (and hopefully I still have some 'handsome' years ahead).

Anyway, I think we should encourage 'perfection' and aim for it without really expecting it all that seriously. We should also be tolerant to each other's flaws and imperfections. There are so many other things a human being can bring to the world aside from just looking good.

Just for the laughs, here's a picture with her daughter! Give me the mother please!

Quote by SereneProdigy
Comes a time in someone's life when 'looking good' shouldn't be a top priority anymore, for everybody. When I'll be her age, I'd much prefer to be concerned about what I've achieved and how I can still contribute to the world without worrying about my appearance and the one of my lover.

Why can't you do both?
Quote by Nikki703

Why can't you do both?


Haha seriously, a person can obviously 'try' both, but let's face it a lot of women won't look as fantastic as this woman at her age, no matter how hard they try. My two parents have always looked much younger than their real age, but my mother certainly doesn't look as hot as this model despite being only 1 year older.

Hopefully both my partner and myself will still care about our appearance at that age, but I'd much prefer to appreciate my lover for her overall qualities than simply expecting her to look like a 21-year-old model.
Quote by SereneProdigy


Haha seriously, a person can obviously 'try' both, but let's face it a lot of women won't look as fantastic as this woman at her age, no matter how hard they try. My two parents have always looked much younger than their real age, but my mother certainly doesn't look as hot as this model despite being only 1 year older.

Hopefully both my partner and myself will still care about our appearance at that age, but I'd much prefer to appreciate my lover for her overall qualities than simply expecting her to look like a 21-year-old model.

That's not what I am saying. You don't have to look like a model to care about your appearance. I am saying why can't you care about your appearance, trying to look the best you can while still being concerned with your accomplishments and what you can do to contribute to society. Very few women will look like Christie when they are 60, but very few have looked like her when they were 20 also.

All I am saying is you do not have stop trying to look good when you are older. Not saying you should obsess about it, but don't just give up and say "What difference does it make, I'm old" either.

Sorry DD for disrupting your thread!
Quote by Nikki703
All I am saying is you do not have stop trying to look good when you are older. Not saying you should obsess about it, but don't just give up and say "What difference does it make, I'm old" either.

Yes, that's what I meant with my last post. A person can still look good while displaying signs of aging though, and up to a point we should also realize that most 60-year-old women will likely look like 60-year-old women.

Even for men, our testosterone production drops by around 10% every decade past the age of 30, which has a big impact on building muscles. Hopefully when I'll be 60-year-old I'll still engage in physical activities, but I also hope that my lover won't expect me to have a jaw-dropping 6-pack.

And don't worry about DD, I'll save her thread.

I do have to say this... Many women have a natural beauty that lasts years... Yes some of it can be enhanced with plastic surgery and numerous lotions, creams and youth potions... Ultimately I am a firm believer in that living a clean and healthy life will preserve your body the best...

We all know Raquel has had plastic surgery... But I have to say at 74 years old... She is still looking very much the lady...
I love the debate ~ it's an interesting concept - beauty and aging. Keep it going! smile

One thing to consider - are we only comfortable celebrating ageing beauty when we are given images of women who don't actually look their age? Christie and Raquel are gorgeous and definitely look significantly younger than their years. There are nips and tucks, hair colour, make up.

But what about beauty and a more natural take on the ageing process.

In 2012 American Apparel signed 60 year old model, Jacky O’Shaughnessy, as the face of their ‘advanced basics’ line. She's the same age as Christie - yet I'll bet the average person feels more awkward with this kind of photo spread. Jackie probably looks more like a typical 60 yr old than Christie does. She certainly looks healthy and natural. Would you like to see a broader range of ages being represented in advertising and beauty mags or do you think that certain categories (like lingerie, provocative clothing etc) should be left for the younger set with older models being given more conventional 'age-appropriate' assignments? (unless they look like Christie Brinkley, of course. lol). To me, there is still a bit of a double standard - 'celebrate your age!... as long as you don't actually look your age.

Do you applaud American Apparel or do these images still make you somehow uncomfortable?

If I was Bi

okay so she's only in her 40s but I . . . Hmmmmm
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Do you applaud American Apparel or do these images still make you somehow uncomfortable?

I applaud Them and Her!

Fine, she does not look as good as Christie but she probably never did. But she keeps herself looking as good as she can without radical cosmetic surgery. This is the point I was trying to make. Why can't we do everything we can to stay fit and look as good as we can as we age without obsessing about it and going under the knife.

I know a number of 50+ women and men who look great and not just great for their age either. Sure, part of it is genetic but diet, exercise and attitude are a big part of it too. I know I plan on trying to look the best I can until they cover me with dirt, LOL!

Hope we see more 50 and 60 something models in future!!

Here are a few more Hotties.

Jacklyn Smith 68

Cheryl Ladd 62

Bo Derek 57

she looks awesome for 60.I'm 60 also and your'e as old as you feel,I'm in better shape now than when I was 21.I'm sure genetics play a role but also lifestyle choices and diet play a big role also excercise excercise and excersise when you turn 50 you lose 8% muscle mass per year
I suppose the question is whether I want to look like that when I'm sixty... Do I want to do all the things necessary to keep looking as if I'm in my twenties? Do I want to wear those kind of clothes? Do I want to deny the pleasures of being older rather than pretending that I am still the same age as my daughter? Do I want to spend so much time every day in toilette, hairdressing, etc? I think the answer is that it would be lovely but I have to say no.
We have become a better aging generation than past generations and I suspect our children and (when the time comes) their children will age better than us.

I have an aunt who is 70 .... and she seriously looks 50. She is healthy, active, still works .... a real inspiration!

I think, one has to be "happy" with themselves.

Some people, turning 30, is a crisis. Imagine what 50 or 65 will be like for them .... or maybe by the time they get there, they've figured out that there are some great advantages to aging.

I hope I age like my aunt (and my mum). I honestly believe, being active (mentally and physically), continued good health and REDUCED stress will help aging gracefully.
I agree with VG that we are aging better and longer. Health education and fitness are part of it. For some it comes naturally. Others have the means to have a Nip and Tuck (what a concept for a TV show) here and there. As with most things, if one makes it a priority for themselves, one can make it happen.

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She is a timeless beauty, but individuals with money are able to hide those lines, tucks and trims. The only thing one can not fix, is Stupid!!!
It is wonderful to see people looking fab, fit and healthy in what is now considered to be older-middle age! However, as other commentators in this thread have mentioned Christie Brinkley (and the others) have exceptional beauty to start off with, so its a bit disheartening to draw comparisons for us ordinary mortals! Also, although I do look after myself, as I get older I inevitably have laughter lines etc, that I actually rather like and see as a rite of passage and just a sign of my life experience. I'm not criticising those who choose (or can afford) to have the odd nip and tuck, but it would be a shame if only a youthful appearance, artificially engineered, is seen as beautiful.

Monica Belucci is 50 and still very much 'got it'.
Talking about ageing, I just saw this on my FB feed.

It's Renee Zelwegger. I honestly would not have recognised her at all and while I think that she still looks pretty, I do wonder what motivated such a dramatic change? She was so pretty before...




Age 80.............A lot of her looks is that of a woman with presence; comfortable with herself....

Well, I am 59. I have never looked as good as Christie Brinkley... but I do my best!
In my opion age is only a number yes I've been with 13yrs + and still find it attractive looking at covers of magazines are no way a reflection of how we really see what we want if a woman or a man are happy with in them selfs and a proud to walk the street and show them for who they are I find that more sexy and erotic than most if not all magazine or photoshopped pics of the 40 to 60 yr old models
Gosh, seeing all of these vibrant, happy, graceful older women makes me sooo happy! Society puts so much emphasis on youthful being a "better look" for women. Seeing a smiling woman with gray hair, wrinkles and fucking cute lingerie surely proves otherwise! Maturity is so far from being a bad look on women.
Christie Brinkley looks as beautiful now as she did thirty years ago.

She looks way better than all those plastic pulled injected other women

I am so tired of seeing fifty year olds with skin so tight u can bounce a toddler off of!

You know its not that hard..I love the sun but I have been wearing spf 70 and a hat since I was 25

I think a lot of these men and women also have something else that makes them beautiful

Happiness and confidence

Loving what AGE you are every year is the key to both inner and outer beauty
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I love the debate ~ it's an interesting concept - beauty and aging. Keep it going! smile

One thing to consider - are we only comfortable celebrating ageing beauty when we are given images of women who don't actually look their age? Christie and Raquel are gorgeous and definitely look significantly younger than their years. There are nips and tucks, hair colour, make up.

But what about beauty and a more natural take on the ageing process.

In 2012 American Apparel signed 60 year old model, Jacky O’Shaughnessy, as the face of their ‘advanced basics’ line. She's the same age as Christie - yet I'll bet the average person feels more awkward with this kind of photo spread. Jackie probably looks more like a typical 60 yr old than Christie does. She certainly looks healthy and natural. Would you like to see a broader range of ages being represented in advertising and beauty mags or do you think that certain categories (like lingerie, provocative clothing etc) should be left for the younger set with older models being given more conventional 'age-appropriate' assignments? (unless they look like Christie Brinkley, of course. lol). To me, there is still a bit of a double standard - 'celebrate your age!... as long as you don't actually look your age.

Do you applaud American Apparel or do these images still make you somehow uncomfortable?

I'd give my right arm for such a woman! She is breath-taking.