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Your thoughts on sleeping around!!!!!!

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Active Ink Slinger
This one is for all the guys and girls out there!!! Should it matter how many people a potential boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse has slept with to whoever is considering dating or marrying them??
My roommate and I are debating about this. I don't think it should matter to them if you slept with a big number of people before you started seeing each other as long as you stay faithful to that one person. If they truly love you something like the number of people you have slept with shouldn't bother them. My roommate disagrees with this saying that the best way to find a potential significant other is to wait to have sex until you have been in a relationship for a couple of months at least. I say whats wrong with having some fun while you are waiting for Mr. or Mrs. Right to come along?????
No it shouldn't.

All that should matter is they want to be with you. Leave the past in the past
Active Ink Slinger
Doesn't matter from the perspective of the success of my relationship with the person. It only matters from the perspective of the risk for diseases. That said, if they've played safe and been tested, I'm perfectly comfortable with a partner who's had dramatically more or less experience than me. Heck, they just might have something to teach me. ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CliffordAClavin
Doesn't matter from the perspective of the success of my relationship with the person. It only matters from the perspective of the risk for diseases. That said, if they've played safe and been tested, I'm perfectly comfortable with a partner who's had dramatically more or less experience than me. Heck, they just might have something to teach me. ;)

If it mattered I'd never of had a date for the last 30yrs, lol!
We are the sum total of our past - relationships, experiences, and how we reacted or responded to them, ergo, if they love you, then it is the past that has created the person they love. How many or how little BFD.
Active Ink Slinger
I would be a little bothered if my partner slept with numerous people before. It just seems weird to me. I was raised to wait until marriage, but it seems like those who actually do are a dwindling few.

Vulnerability to diseases would bug me and I'd like that bond to be special. The saying "when you sleep with a guy, you're sleeping with ALL of the partners he's had before you" sticks out to me. It's unsettling to think about it like THAT though. I'm not sure how to express my feelings on this properly...

Active Ink Slinger
It doesnt matter as long as STDs' are not involved
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think it matters at all. Sex these days is nothing more than fun, getting with someone to experience something that, let's be honest, feels really good.

If my prospective girlfriend was a slut before we got together that's fine as long as she's clean.

My advice though for single guys looking, if she was a slut before you got together, chances are she is still going to be a slut when you are together.

The best partners are those who have spent the time to know their partner before sleeping with them, and haven't fucked that many people because of that time spent in between sexual relationships.
I agree with Haineko, CliffordAClavin, and Damilesky.

I think it best to avoid this subject and not discuss, at all, all together, because that could open a can of worms that the couple could regret and have some not so good feelings about (and one that if people are tested and clean -should not really matter except to the person) the abundance or lack thereof, as there are real pros & cons both ways, could cause strife, and doubt, and sensitive feelings that I can understand, but lead to discord. As long as STDS are not the issue and you talk about the other things that matter, then it is a personal decision.

It really is an individual choice and depends on what YOU want.
It is a topic that sometimes has roots deeply embedded in spiritual/emotional beliefs and religious reasons.

Active Ink Slinger
It was not of importance how many guys or gals I had been with before we were married and it does not matter how many since.

We love each other and the sex with others in not of importance.
I am in my forties and it is only in the last couple of years since my marriage ended that I have discovered something other than monogamy. You know what, I like it!
Active Ink Slinger
Why not. Nothing at home so have to
Head Nurse
Quote by Jason2013
I don't think it matters at all. Sex these days is nothing more than fun, getting with someone to experience something that, let's be honest, feels really good.

If my prospective girlfriend was a slut before we got together that's fine as long as she's clean.

My advice though for single guys looking, if she was a slut before you got together, chances are she is still going to be a slut when you are together.

The best partners are those who have spent the time to know their partner before sleeping with them, and haven't fucked that many people because of that time spent in between sexual relationships.

This is quite a contradictory statement.
As long as STD's and diseases aren't an issue I think it's ok..

If the number was alarmingly high I might not want to though anyway.
Active Ink Slinger
No, I don't think it should matter how many partners someone has had, or has. We all have a past. As long as you're faithful to the person you are with, that's the most important thing.
Active Ink Slinger
It shouldn't matter. In today's society, there are not many people, my age and older, that have not slept around a few times.
Active Ink Slinger
Like you say provided they're faithful to who they're with, Why should it matter? I say if you're single, Why not? Just as long as it's safe...
Never once physically cheated on my husband, though I have mentally a few times with others I guess you can say but to be honest even though I have been tempted and even recently considered it, I just don't see me doing it ...EVER
I don't think it's anyone else's business how many sexual partners someone has had in the past.
Advanced Wordsmith
No one else's business. Can be fun in the right company.
Advanced Wordsmith
No one else's business. Can be fun in the right company.
Active Ink Slinger
Sure however, if in a committed relationship, both must
know and agree
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I have, it was part of my wild side that was fun at the time, but now i am trying to grow up!! But i learned a lot. So no regrets.
I am very picky but , yes I do and , it is WITH permission
Quote by alliebug69
It shouldn't matter. In today's society, there are not many people, my age and older, that have not slept around a few times.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by shelley2013
Yes I have, it was part of my wild side that was fun at the time, but now i am trying to grow up!! But i learned a lot. So no regrets.

What makes you think that you will be growing up? The middle aged and up people in todays society sleep around alot.
Quote by Haineko
No it shouldn't.

All that should matter is they want to be with you. Leave the past in the past

I agree with this statement 100%! Your partners past lovers, in MY opinion, shouldn't affect your relationship with them.
Active Ink Slinger
Who cares?!? We all have a past no matter how messy, clean or complicated. The past is the past. We grow and sometimes learn from past experiences. Sometimes we do things just to have a little fun. I sure would hate to think of someone being all judgy about my past or indiscretions. Nothing I have done in my life makes me a bad person and I have had a lot of fun in the process. Leave past in the past. If they chose to be with you then great.....go with it and enjoy the ride. Life is too short to sweat everything decision one makes in life.


Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
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