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Why would you not like anal?

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Active Ink Slinger
I'm a guy and have no idea why women won't try anal.
"How wold you like a dick in your ass?" Is generally the response, and well, I really like dicks in my ass. It feels great. I can see where people could be out off, as if you rush into it, it can fucking hurt! A LOT! But even a big cock can be squeezed comfortably in a tight tight ass. Too much lube is never enough. If you do it right, and ease it in, let your ass stretch to fit the cock, pull in and out with more lube, and you'll be suprised at just how big and deep something will go
Quote by Sirene_Jaune
I don't mind anal, though I have had some bad experiences involving anal. It depends on the person I am doing it with.
I think this is why people don't like it. All it takes is one guy to do it wrong, one bad experience, and many won't try it again.8GRKLFIyhPs3eWtV
Active Ink Slinger
Never done it and never will. Two reasons spring to mind.

1. IMO the ass is for exit only.

2. When you consider how lovely the vulva & vagina are, no part of my brain will ever say "Actually I think I'd rather go in the other hole and get shit on my cock".
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy

Nice post, thanks a lot.

What is the proper preparation you speak of? As I mentioned, the only girl I steadily dated who did anal used to wash her anus with a dildo under the shower. Is it how all women do it?

Some more casual anal sex I had also featured a very clean ass. I figured these women must have done something prior too. Didn't feel like asking though.

Wow, this is a thread from before I was even a member.
If she was using a dildo that wasn't going to clean her ass out properly. It might have been to open her up to let a tube in to wash it out. If there was a showerhead on a tube, that screws off and leaves you with a hose.
Two or three good douches will usually do the trick, more if you enjoy it. Each one should ideally be bigger than the last, with the last one being completely clear.
The effect can often last for a good two or more hours.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by mikej007

All it takes is one guy to do it wrong, one bad experience, and many won't try it again.

Or two in some cases.
Active Ink Slinger
This is old
Someone has to be the Villain
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SirDominic
This is old

Not as old as me, lol.
You often get old threads popping up. New members haven't seen them and like to have a say. It's often quite interesting, I didn't know it was here until today. Not like me to miss a thread on this subject!
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by dpw
Wow, this is a thread from before I was even a member.
If she was using a dildo that wasn't going to clean her ass out properly. It might have been to open her up to let a tube in to wash it out. If there was a showerhead on a tube, that screws off and leaves you with a hose.
Two or three good douches will usually do the trick, more if you enjoy it. Each one should ideally be bigger than the last, with the last one being completely clear.
The effect can often last for a good two or more hours.

I can attest that this method did clean her ass fairly well; we never had any problem when she did it that way (no sight of anything and no unpleasant odor). When you think about it, the dildo certainly cleaned every region that could possibly have come in contact with my dick. Whatever might have remained dirty in her ass wasn't accessible by my dick anyway.

In another thread that I started about the subject, the majority of girls mentioned that they didn't perform anything special before anal sex, or simply washed their asses with their fingers. Using a dildo is already an improvement over these methods, if you ask me.
Active Ink Slinger
Tried it twice and it hurt - its not a turn on for me anyhow.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy

I can attest that this method did clean her ass fairly well; we never had any problem when she did it that way (no sight of anything and no unpleasant odor). When you think about it, the dildo certainly cleaned every region that could possibly come in contact with my dick. Whatever might have remained dirty in her ass wasn't accessible by my dick anyway.

In another thread I started about the subject, the majority of girls mentioned that they didn't perform anything special before anal sex, or simply washed their asses with their fingers. Using a dildo is already an improvement over these methods, if you ask me.

I don't want to go into too much graphic detail here. If she was that clean, it was more luck than judgement, possibly quite clean beforehand. However, the only way to be as clean as possible is to flush it out.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by dpw
I don't want to go into too much graphic detail here. If she was that clean, it was more luck than judgement, possibly quite clean beforehand. However, the only way to be as clean as possible is to flush it out.

You can be as graphic as you want with me, no worries.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was pretty regular, and pooed almost every morning before cleaning her ass that way. She was still cleaner than a lot of other girls I've had anal sex with though.

In fact, this whole subject still has me wondering; it's not exactly a subject that I enjoy talking about in real life, even with girls I'm fairly comfortable with. Fortunately, Derek is finally here to instruct me about all ass-related matters!

I highly doubt that every girl uses a douche to clean her ass. Still, most of them are fairly clean, most of the time. I guess they just test themselves in their own privacy, until they find a personal method that doesn't leave any traces when they insert something in their asses. Even with girls who are generally very clean though, it happened at times that the condom had a 'slightly altered color' or that 'something started to smell'.

Generally speaking however, girls who usually take great care of themselves (appearance, cleanliness, good manners, etc.) aren't all that problematic. But I'm still taking a small chance every time I have anal sex with them, especially when it's a more spontaneous encounter. Hence why pussies are often a lot more appealing to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy

You can be as graphic as you want with me, no worries.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was pretty regular, and pooed almost every morning before cleaning her ass that way. She was still cleaner than a lot of other girls I've had anal sex with though.

In fact, this whole subject still has me wondering; it's not exactly a subject that I enjoy talking about in real life, even with girls I'm fairly comfortable with. Fortunately, Derek is finally here to instruct me about ass-related matters!

I highly doubt that every girl uses a douche to clean her ass. Still, most of them are fairly clean, most of the time. I guess they just test themselves in their own privacy, until they find a personal method that doesn't leave any traces when they insert something in their asses. Even with girls who are generally very clean though, it happened at times that the condom had a 'slightly altered color' or that 'something started to smell'.

Generally speaking however, girls who usually take great care of themselves (appearance, cleanliness, good manners, etc.) aren't all that problematic. But I'm still taking a small chance every time I have anal sex with them, especially when it's a more spontaneous encounter. Hence why pussies are often a lot more appealing to me.

I think it's a gay thing. I do it even though I don't get fucked! I love the sensation of the warm water filling you and then emptying. It cleans much further up as well, the bowel and not just the rectum. Hence, it lasts longer.
My point about a dildo is that it will only move things round, not remove them. Also, if plenty of lube is used and the sphincter is tight, most impurities will scrape off when you remove your cock.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by dpw
I think it's a gay thing. I do it even though I don't get fucked! I love the sensation of the warm water filling you and then emptying. It cleans much further up as well, the bowel and not just the rectum. Hence, it lasts longer.
My point about a dildo is that it will only move things round, not remove them. Also, if plenty of lube is used and the sphincter is tight, most impurities will scrape off when you remove your cock.

Thanks for these advices, it's fun talking about tight sphincters with you.

Maybe anal douches are more common than I thought among girls; I've rarely encountered any, but then again I'm not really looking for them. Girls usually keep these topics very private, and I'm quite content about that myself.

On a few occasions though, when some girls wanted to try anal with me as a first time experience, I just suggested them to "wash their asses neatly before we met the next time". Most of them had to improvise a method to clean their asses (or maybe they asked some of their female friends for advices), yet they were rather clean most of the time.

Generally speaking, it was with the lousy ill-mannered girls that I had the worst experiences. Luckily, I don't fuck that type of girls anymore.
Typically, it's one of two things. First, everyone is built differently, and sometimes it's just painful. I have to be treated very gently to enjoy anal, and some guys are just too big, and it won't happen. Sorry, sad

Second, some people are skeeved out by germs. Usually bacteria, specifically; but yeast infections along with a handful of other things are also valid concerns.

For the record, I do love it. I think most people who give it a fair shot do, but I tend to think that about most things sexual. Everyone has boundaries of course. Even me.
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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Heartofblue
Never done it and never will. Two reasons spring to mind.

1. IMO the ass is for exit only.

2. When you consider how lovely the vulva & vagina are, no part of my brain will ever say "Actually I think I'd rather go in the other hole and get shit on my cock".

About sums it up, please people tend to be more picky about size when it comes to anal to.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by foxjack

About sums it up, please people tend to be more picky about size when it comes to anal to.

Lol! Do you mean they want bigger or smaller? I think shape is more important than size, the straighter the better. Slight curve up is fine but curving to one side is often painful.
The Bee's Knees
0 likes don't understand why someone would be opposed to having something stuck up their ass? mmkay...

Say. Her. Name.

Wild at Heart
Quote by SereneProdigy

It looks like I'm carrying the torch at the anal olympics.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by Magical_felix
It looks like I'm carrying the torch at the anal olympics.

Anal olympics... sounds like a lot of fun.

Wild at Heart
Quote by SereneProdigy

Anal olympics... sounds like a lot of fun.

Now that's not funny.
As with all else in life... too each their own. Some do and some don't. The reasons (as if any are really needed) have been listed by others so I won't relist them, all I WILL say is it's called understanding and acceptance. Do I enjoy engaging in anal with willing ladies? SURE! But, the choice is entirely theirs and I accept it either way. For my part...NO! No strap ons, vibrators, fingers or anything else thanks.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Weavindreams
For my part...NO! No strap ons, vibrators, dingers or anything else thanks.

Are you renouncing your power bottom status? You were so proud of it just a few short weeks ago.
Quote by Magical_felix

Are you renouncing your power bottom status? You were so proud of it just a few short weeks ago.

Your claim not mine. *edited by moderator* given the fact that my comment made no mention what so ever of you and you felt the instant irrestible urge to once again launch into an abusive lie you see as being "humor"? After all, as you see no harm at all in claiming your pleasure at the expense of unwilling others...
Wild at Heart
Quote by Weavindreams

Your claim not mine. As long as we're asking questions...are you an anal in addition to be a compulsive troll...given the fact that my comment made no mention what so ever of you and you felt the instant irrestible urge to once again launch into an abusive lie you see as being "humor"? After all, as you see no harm at all in claiming your pleasure at the expense of unwilling others...

I was just going by your posts. No need for gaslighting like you like to do... Didn't you also once let it be known that you and your sarge would get mud on each other's helmets in the trenches? That I'm pretty sure I remember you saying clearly.
Please get the thread back on track.
Quote by Magical_felix

I was just going by your posts. No need for gaslighting like you like to do... Didn't you also once let it be known that you and your sarge would get mud on each other's helmets in the trenches? That I'm pretty sure I remember you saying clearly.

You are just a bundle of compulsions aren't you? I've made no such posts and you can't provide any to substantiate your self serving claim. *EDITED BY MODERATOR.* IS THAT why you've stalked and trolled me? Because you have the hots for me?

To Delphi sorry my response to his further attack was being typed as you made your post and I hadn't seen it.