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Who is going to pay the new memebership fee for this site?

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I am sure you have received the latest email saying this site will now be a pay site. This is how the internet will die. Government regulation and fees that keep increasing will surely destroy the free flow of information as it is designed to do. Will you pay a fee for this site? This fee will need to be paid with a traceable credit card payment that will be directly linked to this site and whatever company owns this site. You will now be financially directly linked to it. This site and its content will be traceable and linked directly back to you and your user name. Very dangerous! Will you actually do this?
Well, I did it twice and don't recall being tracked from any traces coming from this site. Yes, I plan on dong it a third time, even though Lush isn't perfect.
TRACKED!! Sounds like someone is into conspiracies. lol
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
TRACKED!! Sounds like someone is into conspiracies. lol

More like have friends who work as a private investigators and for lawfirms that seek information. Tracing this site and related content to its user through financial records will be easy and extremely valuable. We know most content here is not what most people would care to have released. Now it will be. you will also have a direct link if you are posting false profiles. Example - Men posting profiles as women using improperly obtained photos or posting profiles for the purpose of defamation. Not to mention questionable content. Employers, spouses, and law enforcement will now have a direct link toy you and this site. How will you explain purposefully and continuously paying for this site and its content. It even publicly tracks how often you visit. This site will also get slammed by warrants in related legal cases related these new fees. It going to get very interesting here. We will see..........

So you say - Offender of many who cant see truth...the ones who are mired in their own quicksand. A writer when the pen feels comfortable in my hand and proclaiming the truth, THAT porn has no value and isn't art, BUT you cant convince people who are just lost in their own world of tiny bubbles.
If it becomes a ful paysite, I won't.
Tracked!!! Nonsense - as an author here I'm already linked to the site, far more than any payment will do - and even though I got a free Bronze membership for contributing, I plan to buy a Gold. It's a great site, and the fees are minimal.
It keeps breaking, they need to do something to generate income.
This from the same OP who has this idea that one should hoard silver and gold because the Federal Reserve isn't really part of the U.S. government, or something like this. Tracked? Seriously?

Yahhh....I would pay (already have) for the premium membership on this site, and would gladly pay four times over what I paid for my Gold membership.
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Quote by HeraTeleia
This from the same OP who has this idea that one should horde silver and gold because the Federal Reserve isn't really part of the U.S. government, or something like this. Tracked? Seriously?

Yahhh....I would pay (already have) for the premium membership on this site, and would gladly pay four times over what I paid for my Gold membership.

Well that makes perfect sense. You will pay for a Gold Membership but not real GOLD. That explains everything. Well I would like to see what your Gold Menbership will be able to buy you. That seems like an excellent store of value, a website membership. OK You must be a financial adviser too? Please feel free to enter your credit card number below. Posting these threads is expensive and takes up a lot of bandwith. I'm sure you understand. Thank you in advance!
I've been on the internet for a long time, had websites.

Problem is, everyone wants media for free, and there is lots of free content on the internet (including R-rated and adult). It costs money and time to make the content. If it's not free, someone posts an illegal free copy for everyone to download.

So I completely understand the need for the webmasters to make money. Hosting and bandwidth costs money.

Will I pay. Not sure maybe, maybe not. It's entertainment for me, and not essential.
I write erotica. Would I submit a good story to negate or reduce the fees? Dunno if I want to or not. Maybe.

For stories, and poetry; there are rare ones which are good, most of it is low quality drivel voted up in popularity by a few social groups who interact. On the other end, I've seen really good stories which get few votes, just because the Author isn't in the "network."

So would I pay for stories? Um nope. There are better out there.

Answer right now = maybe, maybe not.

Those who think they are being tracked. That's silly. All the software on your computer and phone already has information transfer capability. All the memory cards SD cards and hard drives on your computer, have information which can easily be recovered, erased or not.
Quote by Hytherion
I've been on the internet for a long time, had websites.

Problem is, everyone wants media for free, and there is lots of free content on the internet (including R-rated and adult). It costs money and time to make the content. If it's not free, someone posts an illegal free copy for everyone to download.

So I completely understand the need for the webmasters to make money. Hosting and bandwidth costs money.

Will I pay. Not sure maybe, maybe not. It's entertainment for me, and not essential.
I write erotica. Would I submit a good story to negate or reduce the fees? Dunno if I want to or not. Maybe.

For stories, and poetry; there are rare ones which are good, most of it is low quality drivel voted up in popularity by a few social groups who interact. On the other end, I've seen really good stories which get few votes, just because the Author isn't in the "network."

So would I pay for stories? Um nope. There are better out there.

Answer right now = maybe, maybe not.

Those who think they are being tracked. That's silly. All the software on your computer and phone already has information transfer capability. All the memory cards SD cards and hard drives on your computer, have information which can easily be recovered, erased or not.

So in closing, we are not being tracked and that it silly to suggest, but everything is tracking us anyway so yes we are being tracked, but who cares. And Open Source will revolutionize the world. The free exchange of free information. How exactly do you charge for something that is free? The entire site is made up of other people content who posted it for free. Now the website is claiming ownership of that open sourced content and is placing a fee on it. Only fair then that people should be paid for their contributions, yes? Do you understand that you will actually be paying to access your own content?
People that are worried can get pre paid cards. I work in adult entertainment myself and have a totally generic business name that shows up on clients credit card statements, and ones do use pre paid cards that are paranoid. Believe me, I understand the crippling costs of hosting a big site all too well. Many assume we webmasters are raking in the dough when in reality many times it's a victory to just break even. People want everything for free, they do not know, understand or even care in most cases if it's explained to them, they are enjoying a site on the owners dime. I sympathize and I get it, not many others do until you are in a similar situation yourselves.
Quote by SensualSharon
People that are worried can get pre paid cards. I work in adult entertainment myself and have a totally generic business name that shows up on clients credit card statements, and ones do use pre paid cards that are paranoid. Believe me, I understand the crippling costs of hosting a big site all too well. Many assume we webmasters are raking in the dough when in reality many times it's a victory to just break even. People want everything for free, they do not know, understand or even care in most cases if it's explained to them, they are enjoying a site on the owners dime. I sympathize and I get it, not many others do until you are in a similar situation yourselves.

Problem is, the cats already out of the bag! If there are millions of free websites of same nature, how then do you issue a fee? What is the fair market value of something that is free? And what is to stop someone from simply duplicating this format and re-issuing it for free once again? I have seen web designers copy a web format in a matter of minutes! Most start ups would be more than happy with the site traffic this site posts. It can be duplicated for free. Its that simple. Nothing wrong with free. Even you said you produce a website and are lucky to break even. Why?
Quote by NudistRob

So in closing, we are not being tracked and that it silly to suggest, but everything is tracking us anyway so yes we are being tracked, but who cares. And Open Source will revolutionize the world. The free exchange of free information. How exactly do you charge for something that is free? The entire site is made up of other people content who posted it for free. Now the website is claiming ownership of that open sourced content and is placing a fee on it. Only fair then that people should be paid for their contributions, yes? Do you understand that you will actually be paying to access your own content?

My friend, I write computer code, and amongst the tens of thousands of lines of code, with a little code and by virtue of your IP host address I can tell lots of information about you and everyone else. Plant a cookie on your browser and it becomes even more. You see the freeware I created isn't really free. If I wanted to be malicious it could be even more.

Open source is mostly just a fantasy. No programmer is simply going to write software for free. Yes you can get freeware, but it isn't even close to something a developer uses.

And seriously Lush is a porn site, we are not talking about an intellectual collapse if they charge a fee for sex chat rooms, posting animated porn pictures (most of which do not even belong to lush members), etc. And if you want to erase any dirty Dr Seuss type poetry that you created, as far as I know, you can erase it at any time.
Quote by Hytherion

My friend, I write computer code, and amongst the tens of thousands of lines of code, with a little code and by virtue of your IP host address I can tell lots of information about you and everyone else. Plant a cookie on your browser and it becomes even more. You see the freeware I created isn't really free. If I wanted to be malicious it could be even more.

Open source is mostly just a fantasy. No programmer is simply going to write software for free. Yes you can get freeware, but it isn't even close to something a developer uses.

And seriously Lush is a porn site, we are not talking about an intellectual collapse if they charge a fee for sex chat rooms, posting animated porn pictures (most of which do not even belong to lush members), etc. And if you want to erase any dirty Dr Seuss type poetry that you created, as far as I know, you can erase it at any time.

I understand your point. Open source is far from fantasy. It is the internet itself! You can get almost anything for free having no need to exchange fiat currency. blueprints for a home, once costing $15.000 now free online. Even weapons manufacturing now offered free online including all software! Research Codey Wilson of Defense Distributed. Offers free downloadable weapons layouts. Here -

Or even better the Ghost Gunner -

Mind blowing and world changing and FREE!
I have family in the military. They won't touch social media (Facebook, etc), or allow photos (either on home turf or from theatre) to be used anywhere, because of the information they contain. They won't even use apps like Strava for tracking physical leisure progress on their private phone.

If you access the internet, however you choose to, you can be tracked in different ways. Therefore, it is important how we conduct ourselves. Anything within private messages, and even from those thingies that disguise your location, etc, can be scrutinised by those who know how.

We all know our private lives are our own, but that the world seeks to bring some down in whatever way they can. In such instances, as long as our activities are not illegal, or borderline, then we have a small corner to fight from.

As far as being tracked goes, welcome to the 21st century!

Nicola has built something that most could only dream of, and not only afforded immense pleasure (sexual, emotional, etc) to thousands (millions?) of individuals, but she has also educated and freed people such as myself in different ways.

This is not some massive commercial company from the off. It was built from nothing by starting with one individual's dream, and it is a pleasure for me to know that not only does she (rightly) ask for help with the running costs, but perhaps in the future, she might even make some profit for herself.

I can't currently afford to pay, but have been gifted Bronze because of my drop of offerings in this heaving ocean of pleasure. If I could afford Gold, then I would buy it. I would buy it for two reasons: because it is time to give something back to keep this growing site (and it WILL continue to grow) travelling onwards and upwards, and to show one woman and her team that they effing deserve support from this user.

As for being tracked, as long as I'm not stepping near or over any legal lines, then I'm happy to be scrutinised. I no longer work in a certain field, and if I did, there is still nothing that I am ashamed of, or that could lose me my job via private investigators for ignorant people with nothing better to do than hound those who need some help getting off for stress release.

So yes, when I can afford to pay, I will. Because not only do I believe it is right and good to put something back if I am able, but Nicola has also chosen to keep the original features of the site FREE. Her concept is still here, and still available. There are different branches that have grown, and we can climb higher if we wish. But the trunk of the tree is still accessible. It would be nice if the dogs didn't pee where I'm sitting, but I'm prepared to sit around the other side of the trunk and ignore them.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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No actually, I don't break even on my site, far from it, operating in the red until things take off. I'd say 80% of my running costs are out of my own pocket each and every month. Hundreds of dollars currently I pay monthly for my own hosting fees. You don't seem to grasp the costs of web hosting, whether or not the content is free, it costs a lot for the web owners to deliver it to you. And millions of people pay for everything from paid porn sites, around $19.99-$29.99 a MONTH, to ones that pay for phone sex. I take down clients credit card info every single day. I'd say less than 5% use pre paid cards to begin with. Most adult businesses have generic business names for just this reason. It's not your site, no one's asking you to pay. The conditions have been explained to you. You don't like them, no one's forcing you to pay. Simple as that.
This has nothing to do with anything, but I'm just curious, Rob:

Are you a nudist by choice, or is it because of some big cotton or polyester conspiracy that you're not letting us in on?

The world needs to know.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Anyone who thinks that they are not already linked and can be tracked is delusional.
Anyway, just to be clear, I used to run a plethora of websites, and fully support the idea of making money off of your hard work. With the amount of members here, this site should make money.

I think I decided that I am going to pay for the first bit and see how it goes. I certainly don't think the webmaster should be paying out of pocket to keep this site going. Maybe that's the way it goes these days though.
Quote by Shylass
I have family in the military. They won't touch social media (Facebook, etc), or allow photos (either on home turf or from theatre) to be used anywhere, because of the information they contain. They won't even use apps like Strava for tracking physical leisure progress on their private phone.

If you access the internet, however you choose to, you can be tracked in different ways. Therefore, it is important how we conduct ourselves. Anything within private messages, and even from those thingies that disguise your location, etc, can be scrutinised by those who know how.

We all know our private lives are our own, but that the world seeks to bring some down in whatever way they can. In such instances, as long as our activities are not illegal, or borderline, then we have a small corner to fight from.

As far as being tracked goes, welcome to the 21st century!

Nicola has built something that most could only dream of, and not only afforded immense pleasure (sexual, emotional, etc) to thousands (millions?) of individuals, but she has also educated and freed people such as myself in different ways.

This is not some massive commercial company from the off. It was built from nothing by starting with one individual's dream, and it is a pleasure for me to know that not only does she (rightly) ask for help with the running costs, but perhaps in the future, she might even make some profit for herself.

I can't currently afford to pay, but have been gifted Bronze because of my drop of offerings in this heaving ocean of pleasure. If I could afford Gold, then I would buy it. I would buy it for two reasons: because it is time to give something back to keep this growing site (and it WILL continue to grow) travelling onwards and upwards, and to show one woman and her team that they effing deserve support from this user.

As for being tracked, as long as I'm not stepping near or over any legal lines, then I'm happy to be scrutinised. I no longer work in a certain field, and if I did, there is still nothing that I am ashamed of, or that could lose me my job via private investigators for ignorant people with nothing better to do than hound those who need some help getting off for stress release.

So yes, when I can afford to pay, I will. Because not only do I believe it is right and good to put something back if I am able, but Nicola has also chosen to keep the original features of the site FREE. Her concept is still here, and still available. There are different branches that have grown, and we can climb higher if we wish. But the trunk of the tree is still accessible. It would be nice if the dogs didn't pee where I'm sitting, but I'm prepared to sit around the other side of the trunk and ignore them.

Nicely put.
Not sure about those dogs peeing though, I'll have to keep an eye out for them.SBaWrtrOt6Vlst6b
I don't think I will be paying for membership.

Correct me If I'm wrong but I think the features that I use the site for e.g. reading and scoring stories, posting in the forums and occasionally being in the chat rooms are available to free members. I don't write stories or visit the store so don't think a subscription is required.
I am fairly new to this site. I came here looking for a free chat site. I found something even better. It is a very nice site with nice people(for the most part) and it has the added feature of this forum. There are other aspects that this site has , I don't use very often though . As long as the chat rooms are free and I can come here and read the forums, for free, I will be happy. I agree with the people who say the stories are posted on here for free by their authors and should stay free, unless they are to start getting payed for their efforts.
Anyway I love this site and plan on using it in the future. If I am required to pay to use it, then that is a bridge I will cross at that time.
What I have gotten from Lush ...a new understanding of myself and others. And more important great friends,,,YES i will pay to keep the site open. Its only $10-50 a year. My friends here have made the site important.
Quote by Dani
This has nothing to do with anything, but I'm just curious, Rob:

Are you a nudist by choice, or is it because of some big cotton or polyester conspiracy that you're not letting us in on?

The world needs to know.

Is this Mr elusive?
Looks like cotton to me.

Why can people post as 'guest',(Rank: Lurker) without their id, although in this case we know the contributor?
It should be there for all to see who is commenting should it not?
Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Quote by Frank
Why can people post as 'guest',(Rank: Lurker) without their id, although in this case we know the contributor?
It should be there for all to see who is commenting should it not?

People don't post as a guest. When they delete their accounts, it defaults to the 'guest' account.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I did. They deserve it. Why should we expect it all for free?