Lies, selfishness, hairy armpits, brussel sprouts, zero cooking skills, BO, cruelty, stupidity, and a few other things.
Judgmental, loud, obnoxious, bad manners
For me it,s bad personal hygiene .... Yuk
nagger, hygiene, cynicism.
More than hygiene or anything it is someone who is clingy esp. way too early. I just can't stand when someone designates themselves your keeper when you never gave them permission to do so.
Women with mustaches and other facial hair. YES! We can see it!
Dirty clothes
Poor hygiene
Being a loud talker
Someone who always says what they think (best way to demonstrate one's stupidity!)
Bigotry of any kind!
Poor grammar is an instant turn off. Hopefully wouldn't have to question personal hygiene. Clinginess also makes the list. Makes me want to head for the hills. I'm a bit claustrophobic and we all need a little space.
Bad personal hygiene.
Judgmental attitude.
If you put me down in order to make yourself feel better about something, I'm going to be turned off.
Pushy, overbearing attitude.
Lack of any manners whatsoever.
I'm sure there are other things, but those are just the first ones that come to mind.
Fake tan to the point of being orange, bad breath
Smells....body odour, ugh!
Big ego.
Aggressive behaviour
Being judgmental.
Too dependent.
Dirty teeth!
Abusing animals.
A smart ass ,cockie guy, or pushy,. a guy that doesnt want anything but to talk about sex every time he talks to you.....makes me think he is needie.
a girl that thinks that just because im a girl, wont talk to me..... a girl that thinks i wouldnt like her just because im a girl......a person that thinks of him/she self as number one.
Girls that are gay or bi ...that wouldnt give me the time of day, because they think id have no interest in them.
Thinking they can OWN me. Well, I own me. Just because I enjoy your company, doesn't give you permission to take me for granted and to start to treat me like the dog doo you scrape off your shoes! Because then I won't enjoy your company any more, and you'll find yourself outside my life, looking in. How u treat me can be a BIG turn on or a MAJOR turn-off.
Bad teeth
Poor hygiene
Stupid y
Loud, For what it's worth some people are loud because they are hard of hearing.. self included.
Someone self centered
Someone who uses other people
When you are preforming oral sex on a lady and she farts
Bad manners
Dirty clothes
Poor hygiene
Cruel and deliberate nastyness.
Be at peace with everything and the world will still turn.....xx
obliviously stupid people
Poor personal hygiene, bad manners, arrogance and cockiness
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."
Arrogance, crudeness, inability to giggle at oneself....and inability to giggle generally...
Lack of manners
Lack of sense of humour
Bad personal hygiene
Bad Manners
Bad Hygiene
Controlling, this one is the worst
I'm immediately turned off by... L O U D N E S S, also graceless. Next would be no humor and cynicism.
Choose n Practice Happiness
Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.