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Does anyone else here believe in that perfect someone who will complete there life? I know that there is someone for everyone but I'd like to here other opinions
Yes. I've met her but just can't be with her.
She literally is my soulmate, if I got to be with her then she'd be my one for an absolute definate.
It sucks, but at least I managed to find her!
I thought so but she doesn't have any interest. Both people have to feel this way by definition don't they?
Most definitely but they are extremely difficult to find. Some of my friends have been extremely lucky, but they represent single digits.owuDh5JGunjfZTJ6
Quote by Broccck
I thought so but she doesn't have any interest. Both people have to feel this way by definition don't they?

Unfortunately yes - very sad.vDx7Y5pCErszwFv8
Quote by Broccck
I thought so but she doesn't have any interest. Both people have to feel this way by definition don't they?

I can relate very much
I believe in soulmates. I believe they exist and some people are lucky to find them. But I believe soul mates find each other. A soul recognizes another and they know they are meant for each other. One sided love is not a soul mate
I don't subscribe to the "there's only one soulmate out there for you" theory.

I think there are several mutually compatible souls for everyone in this world. And you should consider yourself lucky when you find one, and not beat yourself up if one of them doesn't work.

The other half to that is that people become soulmates. They don't necessarily start out as one.
Quote by MadMartigan
I don't subscribe to the "there's only one soulmate out there for you" theory.

I think there are several mutually compatible souls for everyone in this world. And you should consider yourself lucky when you find one, and not beat yourself up if one of them doesn't work.

The other half to that is that people become soulmates. They don't necessarily start out as one.

Well said MadMartigan, I agree with your thoughts. You're such a wise cowboy
Check out my profile & add me as a friend!

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My Opportunistic Neighbor,The Dorm Room Diaries: Tempting Terrell,
Claiming the Rear Entrance

Quote by Marethyu53
Does anyone else here believe in that perfect someone who will complete there life? I know that there is someone for everyone but I'd like to here other opinions

The problem is what do people think a soulmate is. Does it have a different meaning for different people? I can only speak about my interpretation, what a soulmate is for me.
I think that I've been in love only once and that person wasn't my soulmate and never would be, yet, to this day, I love that person!
A soulmate to me is a person who's on the same wavelength, they think like you do, they see the world as you see it. It doesn't matter if they're male or female, straight, gay or bi, what colour or religion they are, all that is stripped away. They somehow feel a part of you, almost like a psychic connection.
Now if you're lucky enough to fall in love with each other then you've hit the jackpot because they are the partnerships that have the best chance of lasting.
Quote by MadMartigan
I don't subscribe to the "there's only one soulmate out there for you" theory.

I think there are several mutually compatible souls for everyone in this world. And you should consider yourself lucky when you find one, and not beat yourself up if one of them doesn't work.

The other half to that is that people become soulmates. They don't necessarily start out as one.

He got that very right. I found mine 43 or so years ago and have never looked for anything else. When it works right you don't "Need" anything else. I've never stopped looking at women and fantasizing about them but I have no desire to stray. I've wanted a threesome, which my wife never did, but in all my fantasies about it she was one of the two women.

Why fuck with it when it's so right because you stand to lose everything if you do.

There are more than one and I'm getting ready to post a story about that. I've never regretted my decision either. I describe it in one of my stories.
I am always a gentleman.
Nah, I think it's a bunch of romantic phooey. How many people here have dated 300 people or more? If you have, congratulations, you've dated % of the earths total population so you now can be confident that there is no one better matched for you in the world. Oh, wait, that's not a very representative sample. Bah, you get the point. To say there is only one person for each person is mathematically silly.

You find someone who doesn't drive you to drink, who can bring a smile out of you on a grey day, who knows how to rev your engine and you call it good. The rest is just Hollywood stuff.
I don't believe there is only one soulmate for a person. I believe you can have lots of soulmates whether the person is in your life for a little while or for a long time. I think your soulmate can be who ever you want it to be.
Quote by MadMartigan
I don't subscribe to the "there's only one soulmate out there for you" theory.

I think there are several mutually compatible souls for everyone in this world. And you should consider yourself lucky when you find one, and not beat yourself up if one of them doesn't work.

The other half to that is that people become soulmates. They don't necessarily start out as one.

Brilliantly said.

My wife and I are soul mates. We're perfect for each other. There's no way I can't have her in my life. Now that's not to say there aren't dozens of other women out there who I'd be equally happy with, maybe even more so. But I'm the donkey she's shackled her wagon to, and that's the end of it. 'Til death do us part...the sweet release of death.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Like some other people have said I don't agree that there is only one soulmate for you. Although I can see why people may think that. The idea of a person who is compatible with you in everyway and completes and fulfils your life is a romantic thought.

I think that it is possible to have several, maybe more 'soulmates'. For me the definition, if I was to be asked for one, of a soulmate would be someone who is always there for you, lends a sympathetic ear when your down, shares in your triumphs and who will support and love you for who you are and whatever choices you may make in life.

I personally have met 2 people who I would consider to be soulmates. One of them I met on Lush and another who has been my friend since I was young. Both these people I love dearly and would never want them too disappear from my life as it would be a very bleak one without them.
yep i found and am with him okay im cheesy dont judge smile so yeah i guess i just say there is someone out there for everyone
my newest :)
Hmm, I'm not sure if I believe in soulmates. I don't think I have ever seen a couple that were so in love that I thought they must be destined to be together. I sure haven't felt that way yet.

I guess when I meet someone that makes me feel like a better person, like they bring out the good parts in me and counteract the bad, that's what I would consider a soulmate and what I look for in a person. (Also someone that shares my same geeky qualities and makes me laugh.)

To say that there is only one person meant for you is pretty fucking depressing. What happens if they don't feel the same way or it doesn't work out? Then you will spend an entire life fixated on someone who couldn't care less. I agree with what others have said about how there are probably many people out there that could become a potential soulmate.
I think there are many good fits. But I do think there is one that fits the best. One that satisfies across the board. One that you couldn't imagine your life without.
I believe soul mates exist, but not that they have to necessarily be romantically involved. A soul mate is someone you have a deep connection with.
She's a saint with the lips of a sinner.
- r.m. drake
Quote by Wilful

Brilliantly said.

My wife and I are soul mates. We're perfect for each other. There's no way I can't have her in my life. Now that's not to say there aren't dozens of other women out there who I'd be equally happy with, maybe even more so. But I'm the donkey she's shackled her wagon to, and that's the end of it. 'Til death do us part...the sweet release of death.

Awww. That's sweet.

I don't believe in soul mates in the supernatural or destiny sense whatsoever, in the same way that I don't believe in fate. However I think that certain people have certain compatabilities with each other, based on their attaction parameters (and even then that doesn't matter), and that is the basis of whether or not a relationship can flourish. I don't think there is one person for everybody, I think everybody is for everybody, so long as there is a chemistry, attraction, a personality connection and a desire to be together. What more do you need than that?

I don't think that two people are destined to be together, real life isn't The Notebook.

Alot of people might find it depressing or unencouraging that their relationship isn't the work of some kind of supernatural love guru, but I think thats narrow minded and in fact I believe the truth it's quite the opposite. The infinate possibilities are amazing.

Quote by cherrycola703
I believe soul mates exist, but not that they have to necessarily be romantically involved. A soul mate is someone you have a deep connection with.

I think it's quite sad that somebody who is your 'soulmate', isn't somebody you're romantically involved with. I think the person I'm in a relationship with has to be the closest person to me in my life, and that there would be nobody else I would confide my feelings with before them.

I also think people set themselves too many parameters when it comes to chosing partners, because they are too specific with what they want, without really think it through. People have made poor decisions and ended up staying single because they didn't take a chance, and in hindsight it's their own mindset that has ruined them. People saying "I only go for a girl with big tits" or "I only go for tall guys" are shooting themselves in the foot by cutting people who could be perfect for them, out of the equation. Attraction is not a choice, so it's bizzare that some people set themselves such strict criterea, and often they end up regretting it.

My stepmother already admitted that my Dad is not the type of man she would usually go for, but she took a chance, now shes in love.
Quote by Archadia
I don't believe in soul mates in the supernatural or destiny sense whatsoever, in the same way that I don't believe in fate. However I think that certain people have certain compatabilities with each other, based on their attaction parameters (and even then that doesn't matter), and that is the basis of whether or not a relationship can flourish. I don't think there is one person for everybody, I think everybody is for everybody, so long as there is a chemistry, attraction, a personality connection and a desire to be together. What more do you need than that?

I don't think that two people are destined to be together, real life isn't The Notebook.

Alot of people might find it depressing or unencouraging that their relationship isn't the work of some kind of supernatural love guru, but I think thats narrow minded and in fact I believe the truth it's quite the opposite. The infinate possibilities are amazing.

I think it's quite sad that somebody who is your 'soulmate', isn't somebody you're romantically involved with. I think the person I'm in a relationship with has to be the closest person to me in my life, and that there would be nobody else I would confide my feelings with before them.

I also think people set themselves too many parameters when it comes to chosing partners, because they are too specific with what they want, without really think it through. People have made poor decisions and ended up staying single because they didn't take a chance, and in hindsight it's their own mindset that has ruined them. People saying "I only go for a girl with big tits" or "I only go for tall guys" are shooting themselves in the foot by cutting people who could be perfect for them, out of the equation. Attraction is not a choice, so it's bizzare that some people set themselves such strict criterea, and often they end up regretting it.

My stepmother already admitted that my Dad is not the type of man she would usually go for, but she took a chance, now shes in love.

I didn't say that they couldn't be romantically involved. Not everyone finds their perfect match in a lover; some of us find deep connections in friendships or even with a family member.
She's a saint with the lips of a sinner.
- r.m. drake
I have a sexual soul mate, does that count? ☺️
I don't believe in the H'Wood soulmate like finally finding each other and living happily ever after.

I don't think sex or romance has anything to do with being a soulmate.

Sex is a symbol of what we are looking for - union with someone, total emersion, with someone that helps us be a better person and vice versa.

To me it is a karmic relationship - love does not die. I have had several soulmates that when we were together we knew we were together for a reason, when that reason was over they left or I did.

All of those relationships were healing and loving ones.

Each of us were drawn to the other and didn't recognize why at first, then we were no more.

We brought love and peace to each others lives.

One was 68, another 19, and another 17, and another 44.

We come together when we're ready, and leave when done.
Yes. (Finding them though that's another story)
ooooh yes! totally believe in soulmate(s) ... why should there be just one?
I believe in soul mates.

I don't believe in 'the one' in the sense that most people believe, though. I do believe there's someone out there for everyone, but I also believe that there are several someones that we may cross paths with that we may click with, and they all have the potential to be 'the one'. And that bit is up to us and fate and whatever else may come into play with these sorts of things.

But I don't believe in the notion that it's just this one particular individual in the whole entire world that could be 'the one', and if you've missed out on meeting this individual or putting aside your own set of standards or whatever else may hold you back, then you've missed out entirely on your soul mate. I think you've missed out on a potential soul mate, but I don't think these moments dictate the rest of your love life and happiness.

I mean if the notion that there was one person in particular out there for everyone were true, then the world would be a (much more) miserable place. Suppose you or your special someone dies before one of you is even aware the other exists? Are you doomed from being with your one true love? And what's to be said of people who are widowed and find happiness again? I mean long-term happiness, not the temporary shallow stuff.

I even believe that people who divorce were once soul mates, but if people can grow/evolve/change, then so can the things that once made them soul mates. Especially if you grow in different directions. And all of that aside, perhaps the things that made you soul mates couldn't transcend into things like every day living (paying bills, taking care of a household, etc.).

And I know some may argue and say that if someone is truly your soul mate, then you should be able to overcome these things. But who made up the rule that soul mates last forever? Is a love (real love) that lasts one year, two years, and so on any less authentic than a love that lasts a lifetime?

Even if it were just for a season, at some point that person was your soul mate, and that's what matters. And if it lasts forever, that's just the icing on the cake.

But I think that if you find it once and lose it somehow, then you can find it again. And the good thing about that is you'll recognize it for what it is when it shows up.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I wouldn't speculate on how many potential Soulmates exist for each of us, but I do believe that there are certain individuals that you connect to on a level deeper than physical attraction. People who you become bonded to at first eye contact or the first time you speak. It's thunderous when it happens.

You can say its pheromones or just the fact that their synapses fire in harmony, whatever you wish but for me it's spiritual. I met a person like this and I knew it the moment it happened.

Is there another out there? I don't know. That's a subject for a philosopher who is far deeper than I to decide.

That's a lot of pressure to put on someone as well. I believe you can have something like a 'short-term soulmate' - which often happens in the early stages of getting to know someone when you absolutely convince yourself that this is the best person in the world for you and the euphoria of connecting with them will never end.

But... then after that - life is flexible, people change, they grow. The likelihood that there is nobody else on the planet that could fulfill you in the same way (or in a better way) is impossible to gauge because you're probably looking at a rather small sample size compared to what's actually out there.

I don't like the concept of "you only have one soulmate" in general though because if you think you've identified "the one" for you and then inevitably as life happens, the relationship fails, then what does that mean? That you were wrong about the label you put on them (in which case, you could be wrong again and again), or that now that this person is gone, you are doomed to a life without real love. Again - wayyyy too much pressure.

If you can find someone that you connect with deeply and gives you that giddy high - just enjoy it - there's no need to look for higher meanings.
Quote by Dancing_Doll


That's a lot of pressure to put on someone as well. I believe you can have something like a 'short-term soulmate' - which often happens in the early stages of getting to know someone when you absolutely convince yourself that this is the best person in the world for you and the euphoria of connecting with them will never end.

But... then after that - life is flexible, people change, they grow. The likelihood that there is nobody else on the planet that could fulfill you in the same way (or in a better way) is impossible to gauge because you're probably looking at a rather small sample size compared to what's actually out there.

I don't like the concept of "you only have one soulmate" in general though because if you think you've identified "the one" for you and then inevitably as life happens, the relationship fails, then what does that mean? That you were wrong about the label you put on them (in which case, you could be wrong again and again), or that now that this person is gone, you are doomed to a life without real love. Again - wayyyy too much pressure.

If you can find someone that you connect with deeply and gives you that giddy high - just enjoy it - there's no need to look for higher meanings.

This is EXACTLY what I believe - beautifully said