I am a lefty as well. You mention how right handed the world is and it’s true. I often make these points to my friends and they are shocked when they realize how many little day to day things are made for right handed people. Maybe that is why I am virtually ambidextrous as well. Except for writing, I do almost anything as well with my right as I do with my left. I consider that an advantage
It is a known fact that one side of your brain, controls the opposite side of your body, thus left-handed people are the only ones in their right mind.
Quote by Beffer I write with my right hand, hold a phone with my left, and masturbate with both. Does that make me ambisexterous?
Me too, mastrubate with both. Also realized I'll stroke other people with either hand depending on position & other circumstances.
When at the drawing table or on the keyboard both hands have a set of complex tasks as a team. predominately working with one is much slower & unproductive.
Ambidextrous. Learned that after I fell in love with my right hand, I need a little strange once in a while. Thanks that my left was always there, lol.
Ambidextrous here, although there are some things I generally prefer to do left handed and other things I prefer to do right handed. I can write legibly with both hands. When I was a teacher I would freak the students out by writing with both hands at the same time on the white board. Lol.
Quote by Guest It is a known fact that one side of your brain, controls the opposite side of youVery good¬¬r body, thus left-handed people are the only ones in their right mind.