I am right-handed, and pretty much do everything important right-handed, but have always been fascinated by left-handed people. For some reason, everyday things look so much more interesting when someone does them with their left hand. So, who is what, and who does what with which?
I do most things with my righ hand but some I can olnly do with my left one.
I'm right handed but left armed.
This is to say, I write with my right hand but throw and swing with my left.
I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?
I'm RH, but my left is not *totally* dumb / useless. My Dad was LH and taught me (by example) how to do a lot of things with my LH. Hand wrenches / tools I can use either way.
I am predominantly right handed but there are a couple of things I can do left handed.
Right-handed. But on mobile devices, my left hand is more dominate
Mostly my right, but can throw a baseball left handed, bat left, golf swing left, drive with my right.
Left handed in all things. Except golf, which I play like once a decade.
As much as I'd like to believe it, the thing about lefties being more likely to come artists and mathematicians (and Presidents) is bullshit. Sigh.
We are better at pitching in baseball though, if only because batters are more used to seeing right-handers. Apparently that is true in combat as well, for the same reason.
I'll quit regurgitating all the stuff I Googled now.
i'm right-handed and do everything with it. recently, i observed my brother texting with his left hand and actually inquired about it - he's right-handed. he really couldn't give a reason why, besides that it's just comfortable.
I am right handed, but I can write with my left hand too.
I write with both hands but my right hand is more easy to read
I write with my right hand, hold a phone with my left, and masturbate with both. Does that make me ambisexterous?
Left handed except for golfing and reeling in while fishing.
Write, throw, bat, cast a fishing rod - only with left hand. Can do about anything else with either - eat, do make-up, hair, wash dishes, sweep, clean windows, etc.
Left handed, but I play tennis with both. I have no back hand. I just switch hands so I always have a forehand. When I was little and signed up for tennis lessons I didn't tell the instructor I was left handed. I have one son who shares being a lefty. We annoy everyone else in the house when cooking. We face the pots the "wrong" way. Don't get me started on power tools. A friend finely gifted me a pair of lefty scissors. It's funny when someone who is right handed tries to use them. I also could not teach my two right handed children how to tie their shoes. I also always have to sit at the end of the table. I bump elbows a lot.
Now I am thinking about how many different ways my life is impacted by my handedness. Thanks Layla, it's an interesting thing to ponder at times.
Oh, I almost forgot about entering a lecture hall in college and trying to find one of the few seats that had a table for lefties.
I also do something a bit more personal with my right hand, with an occasional assist from the left. I have no idea how that came about, lol.
I'm right handed but masturbate with left when i'm here
I finger myself with the fingers on my right hand but use the left hand fingers for clitoral stimulation.
Right-Handed and can use my left hand well...
Male here so naturally I can do anything with either hand .. its called multi-tasking.