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Married Men

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Do women really want to have sex with a married man? When you see a guy with a ring on in a bar does that make some women want to fuck them? I have heard a rig attracts women.
I don't want to come off as mean...but do other women have any SHAME left? It does not in the slightest turn me on, in fact a ring or the words "girlfriend" or "wife" is an immediate turn off for me.

A ring means he's taken, regardless of what he's looking for and what the relationship he's currently in entails. WHY should it attract you? What about the partner on the other side of that ring? What about their trust being broken and feelings being hurt? I mean c'mon, is NOTHING sacred anymore? Does the sanctity of marriage mean ANYTHING nowadays? Give me a fucking break...if you're disappointed about the relationship you're in, married or not, LEAVE and move on. Don't go behind another person's back and cheat on them because you're selfishly unhappy. I know that I would be devastated if I were on the receiving end of lies and cheating...

My fellow women, stop getting on the Maury Povich Show trying to beat up the poor wife of some jackass you slept with after you committed adultery multiple times and have the balls to mouth off to the wife. All jokes aside, have some common sense and class please. Some of you make ALL of us women look like cheap, sneaky hoes stealing people's men which is further from the truth!

Men, stop cheating on your girlfriends and wives and ENCOURAGING women that behavior is acceptable and justifiable, because it isn't. It is deceitful and should not be tolerated by other women or men.

Now, if he's married and they're swingers, then that's a different story... (end rant)

I am not sure that married or unmarried is the issue. Whether a man has a wedding ring on or not there are always those males who I see, meet, and think are hot. The question then is what to do about it...
I don't cheat on my wife but yes it true. Once I got married there several women who all of a sudden found me more interesing.
I always wondered if maybe it was the way my behavior changed once I fell in love and became monogamous. Maybe it is just the allure of the unattainable?
Yes, I really want to have sex with a married man. My husband.
Not me. Nor a married woman (exception: my wife) biggrin

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I only want one man-Elliot.

He has all of me.

I want all of him.

Like the John Legend song.
I do not go out looking for married men. But I am sure I have spent a few nights with men who have a ring.

Have we considered that if he is out looking there is something not quite right at home. Unless they are in agreement of an Open Plan

I am married and have been for a long time. He is just as free to share with others as I am.

Works just fine for us.