Hi everyone would love to know how everyone learned to masterbate/wank/jack off. I learned just by rubbing my dick through my jeans and then one day I got that all too good feeling ;) Also, did anyone when they were younger engage in group masterbation with friends as I also wanted to when I was younger (I'm bi).
This is BDSM related how?
How did I learn? I learned when I was too young and innocent ~ I am afraid if I post details it might breech some Lush TOS about or child porn or something... but I will say that it had to do with stuffed animals. 0_0
I watched an anime the day before yesterday (a VERY ecchi anime) and these three high school guys, at what used to be an all girl prep school, decided to go over to this one guy's to watch this guy's latest, hot porn video. Do guys watch porn together???
None of the guys that I "knew of" watched porn together - it seemed done in private, probably incase they got excited and wanted to masturbate~ maybe for laughs or if there were both sexes, or watching someone's homemade porn at a party, or some movies shows they would have to go to the bathroom so they did not jerk off infront of each other? I only knew of one really gross guy that I did not like who was a creeper on guys. I knew a guy who had sexual experiences, experimentation, and felt violated~ but that is the extent of my knowledge with former guy friends and lovers were more of a "Whoops," walk in, or some experience. Do very straight guys circle jerk and get off togther too?
I do not recall us girlies doing that when horny around each other. (Though there might have been certain things & tension. As a group it did not go farther, or to a mass masturbation, unless numbers were small or split off and then sometimes things happened.)
So~ Just curious.
I'm not much of a fisherman, so I definitely am not a masterbater.
I am, however, a masturbater. And it was so long ago I don't really remember how I learned....just by doing?
I graduated from the School of Masturbation.
Pssst... the answers to the final test are Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Plenty of lube, The magazine under my bed, Avoiding being caught by mom.
I had been to camp where the lads were all older than me, heard them doing things to themselves, and talking about it of course. So when I returned home decided to see what it was all about. My god I shot all over the place, then put it away wondering what I had done. Once downstairs sat in the lounge and my dick decided to leak even more, shit myself. But since then done it many times, and it's great, after all you can make it last as long as or short as you want, especially whilst surfing porn.
I was fiddling with my erect self under the desk in my very first class and got told to put it away by an observant infant school teacher. I had my first orgasm in early puberty and I actually fainted it was so intense but it was no surprise as an experience I had heard about the practice and deliberately did it. I am not quite able to accept some of the accounts on here that people discovered it accidentally in their late teens!! - I find that really hard to believe - maybe my great grand parents would have been so ignorant but today??
I was probably in my early teens when I stated playing with myself in the bath tub.