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Intellectahorn: who finds intelligence attractive, and why?

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Quote by Lustyrose4u
Actually, I am ONLY attracted to men who are intelligent, successful, well presented, and courteous. The ability of a man to hold my attention, peak my interest and stimulate my mind is what makes me interested in being with him.
Men with their mind emenating from their penis bore and repulse me.

Couldnt have said it any better!
Quote by curious3045
Dangerous topic here because intelligence does not necessarily translate into a fun personality. Definitely helps no doubt, but it is important how that intelligence is communicate with others in relationships. Make sense??
Agree! People who seem to have the need to show-off their intelligence turn me off. :/
Quote by Kimasa
Intelligence can be very sexy but it's governed by the personality that goes with it.

It's when you discover through conversation that this subtle person is very intelligent, well travelled, open minded, has a great sense of humour and is so confident in their own skin they don't need to brag, advertise it or want to hold centre stage within their group of peers
^ This! =d>
I think intelligence is extremely attractive. Nothing hotter than a really smart guy.

So do you? Or is it okay if he is dumb but physically attractive?

Should he be smart, but not as smart as you?

I know some people feel threatened by someone who is as smart, if not smarter than them. But I love it. Maybe that's because I'm confident in myself, but who knows.
“Pleasure to me is wonder—the unexplored, the unexpected, the thing that is hidden and the changeless thing that lurks behind superficial mutability.”

My Poems: ENJOY
Lots of people can hit the gym. But to be smart and clever takes just as much effort. He could be drop dead gorgeous but dumb as a post. I'd rather he be smart than muscular.
Quote by freesoul
A guy like this still exists? LOL

I'm a rare breed.

1 in 7 billion + however many animals are out there.
Quote by MadMartigan

I'm a rare breed.

1 in 7 billion + however many animals are out there.
1 in 7 billion? Rare indeed. in fact, that makes you the only one. :P You sure youre normal? I kid. smile
Well as Judge Judy says" Beauty fades but dumb is forever" I want someone I can talk to about more than just sex.
It is a requirement. The mind is what is the most attractive thing about a person. I have seen people who were very physically attractive but their lack of intelligence made them less and less appealing. I have also had the experience of someone rather plain but then they start talking and they become more and more attractive. Intelligent people tend to be curious about the world and therefore are ultimately more interesting to be around.
One point I do want to make, you can't judge a person from their outside appearance how intelligent they are.
I love smart, witty people that can carry on engaging conversations. Smart is sexy, and throw in a good sense of humor, confidence and a caring soul. . .wow!
beauty fades;but intelligence lasts forever
Well as Judge Judy says" Beauty fades but dumb is forever" I want someone I can talk to about more than just sex.

I agree with it..if they can't stimulate my mind or make me laugh then I don't even bother with them.
I don't know... Intelligence is a double edged sword. Sure it's attractive but intelligent people are way harder to bullshit and trick.
Omg .. An intelligent mind is crazy hottt.. Especially mixed with unruly curiosity and imagination. Hotttt!!!
Dumb (girls) are boring. I suppose if it were for one night only, that might be okay (maybe she would not remember your phone number) LOL

Same thing at the gym.

I see the steroid junkies, coming back to the gym, now that they are coming off their cycles. Yeah and some of the girls at the gym are attracted to them.

I just wonder how fast the reciting of a `see spot run` book gets boring ;)
I think intelligence is important but the overall package (intellectually) is much more important. A guy that has a great sense of humor is the key for me but chemistry between two people is just as important.
Of course it's attractive. She can be drop dead gorgeous, but if I have to listen to "me and my friends seen that" or "I could care less about whatever" for too long, I'm liable to just call it a conversation and move on.
Seeing how stupidity is a huge turn-off for me yeah I find intelligence attractive.
It's in the top 5 sexiest things a woman can be. Strong too. Not dominate, strong. Someone who does not require a man or anyone else to be complete. The combination of those 2 DEMANDS my attention and will pull me away from almost anything else.

The outside is pretty much just the package that all the good stuff comes wrapped up in.
I am always a gentleman.
Quote by NickiC
It is a requirement. The mind is what is the most attractive thing about a person. I have seen people who were very physically attractive but their lack of intelligence made them less and less appealing. I have also had the experience of someone rather plain but then they start talking and they become more and more attractive. Intelligent people tend to be curious about the world and therefore are ultimately more interesting to be around.
One point I do want to make, you can't judge a person from their outside appearance how intelligent they are.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
I love intelligent women! It's such a turn-on to sit down and have a long, candid convo with a chick about the curious and the quote/unquote impossible. That's one of the great things I love about my wife.
I find intelligence attractive as long as it's relevant and interesting, and isn't used in an arrogant manner.

If you're knowledgeable in something I wouldn't normally find interesting yet you can make it interesting to me, then that says a lot about you.

However, there are those that are arrogant in their intelligence, or their perceived intelligence. It's pretty easy to detect when someone's talking out of their ass in hopes of appearing intelligent and knowledgeable in whatever they're talking about. But that gets really boring really fast. And if you're trying to showcase your intelligence just to prove that you know something that I don't, that's pretty lame. Intelligence is something to be shared, not lorded over someone's head. If you find yourself doing that...or attempting to do that, then you'll probably find yourself alienated from others fairly quickly.

Intelligence usually means you can say plenty without saying much. The opposite of intelligence is rambling on without saying much of anything.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

My prayer is "O Lord, save me from boring women". Intelligence is a large part of not being boring, but they also need to be funny, strong, independent, open minded, and dynamite in bed.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter

The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
intelligence is sexually attractive for a myriad of reasons. there's something very appealing about someone who is very inquisitive, yet has the ability to remain focused. you can see why this transfers well to sex. intelligence also gives one the ability to converse, cos that is the most important. you want someone who can keep you engaged. humor and wit are often by products of intelligence.

Say. Her. Name.

Intelligence MAKES ME LAUGH AND THINK!!!!!

(OF COURSE I like a PRETTY LOOK but in my experience INTELLIGENT GIRLS can work a look... (????))

Intelligence makes her laugh at my humor... (And me at hers, indeed...)

It's not even about having read the same books or seen the same movies... IT"S ABOUT BEING ABLE TO TALK!!!!!

Clever is MY ABSOLUTE. (You have to be fucking smart...)

xx SF
Intelligence is attractive generally, yes, especially for companionship, but it all depends. I've always been lumped in with honors students all through my educational career, and some of the smartest guys have been insufferably arrogant and dismissive, which I don't find attractive at all. I find that extreme intelligence often brings with it personality and social development deficiencies. So intelligence is great, up to the point where you are so intelligent you have trouble relating to those around you.

Usually, I find highly intelligent women more attractive and relatable than highly intelligent men. Wit, humor, and cleverness are much more attractive in men.
Intelligence is attractive if the person with the intelligence has depth of character. Some people with very high IQs are still very shallow. They can be very narcissistic and worse they can have no redeeming moral characteristics.

Often success has very little to do with intelligence but rather who is willing to work the hardest to achieve their goals.

Intelligence with the right combination of other characteristics can be attractive and intoxicating.
I won't lie and say basic, physical attractiveness isn't important: it is (but I have a wide window of what I consider physically attractive). But only so far as it's the "foot in the door". After that, if I can't stand what comes out of the "trap", all attractiveness goes out the window.