When I've been asked to be someone's friend; I actually look at their profile, seeing if we have the same interests and so on.
but I what I find out, when talking with them, I feel they haven't really read my page, even when I tell them what am here for, they still sling a deafy (Scottish slang, "not listening").
ok, some may feel, I complaining, as I'm not. But maybe not everyone is here for the sexual innuendo!
what is your view?
reverse the question to the people accepting the friend request
I look at people's profiles, even when chatting with them. Not only see what they are like, but see what their interests are, e.g. types of people they want to talk to. Some specifically will state who they want to limit their conversations with and I try to respect it.
I look at profiles all the time, ESPECIALLY if I am going to ask to be their friend.
Whether I send one or receive one, I check the profile
I'll even check the profile before responding to a post on the forums - I'm particular that way
i look at profiles all the time. Its mostly what i do here, just for the fun of it. As for the friend requests? dont send many and dont get many.
I have a long profile, It's detailed for a reason. So you can get to know me before bothering me with your request to be friends if we aren't looking for the same thing. I rather just not be arsed if we have nothing in common. I also look at profiles if people send me a request, to make sure I'm even interested. I hate when people can't take the time to fill it out properly, it isn't that hard.
I always read peoples profiles. Even if I'm not friending them or otherwise, sometimes just out of curiosity. however that being said, I would certainly read and look at posting, bio's, etc to see if there is compatibility between us first. Usually there is dialogue too.
I always check profiles, posts, and any other data of people who want to befriend me, or whom I wish to ask. It just doesn't make sense to be friends with someone you don't much about. It seems to be some kind of contradiction, no? Lots of us find another members posts interesting and check their profile to see if they might be a person you might get on well with, and ask to be your friend.
Being a LUSH virgin, I've learn a great deal about people on LUSH by reading every word on their profile before we become friends . I will not accept a friend request if they do not have a profile with information that tells me if we at least have anything in common. With that said, if the person is being truthful on their profile it can offer keen insight into who and what they are truly like. Sometimes reading profiles and thinking you have things in common with a fellow Lushie does not always ring true. I've discovered that by the loss of a few people that I thought had prospects of becoming really good friends with me by what was on their profiles. Looking back at what they did or did not place in their profile often helps to understand why they unexpectedly disappeared from the site, why communication ceased or why we are no longer friends on LUSH. Yes I read profiles once, twice and sometimes three times.
Every time.
I don't request friends but I look at whoever asks me. I also look at the featured profiles each time I log in.
If I send a friends request it is because I have recently become familiar with the person, usually by reading one of their stories or that they have been reading and commenting on my stories. If someone signs up to follow my stories or adds one of mine to their favorites list, I will friend request them. If they like my stories enough to honor me that way then I want to be friends with them.
If someone friend requests me, I always check out their Lush profile page.
I get loads of friend requests from people who obviously haven't read my profile - which specifically says I won't accept requests from people who don't have some sort of avatar. But I must admit that people who say they like my stories, or are following me, usually get added - that seems like the polite thing to do! And what writer isn't flattered by a nice comment?
I always read profiles carefully before I send a friend request. I usually only request people if I've really enjoyed one of their stories, or their forum posts.
I always do and want to know how that person thinks as well
doing my best to be good..
To be honest, I don't usually check out the profile of the person I am sending the request to, but that is because I have either chatted with them in a chat room at length and enjoyed their company, or read several of their stories or poems and enjoyed them.
However, if someone I don't know sends me a request, I do thoroughly check out their profile. I usually drop them a note letting them know that we need to have at least a few interactions, and I also ask them what interested them in my profile and made them want to request me as a friend.
I always read the profile of people I'm requesting, or those who have requested of me. On the very rare occasion it's prompted me to hold my fire or click the reject button, but for the most part I've been happy to proceed.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill. I always look at the profiles of people who send me requests because I like to see if the person is the kind of person I would interact with. Having no bio and using poor language is generally an indication that we wouldn't get along.
I don't generally add people but when I do it's because I admire their writing or their opinion on the forum. I generally then check out their profile but I usually have already made up my mind to add them.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
I have sent out about three requests in my time on Lush, and we had exchanged PMs for a long time before. When I joined Lush, I wish I'd known then what I know now. My friends list would be very small now if that was the case!
I clearly state in my profile that I'm anti-social, so I don't chat. One of the reasons that I don't chat is because I'm not always well, so I can't respond in the way that I would like, or as fast as I would like. The other reason, and the primary one, is that since I have had that statement up, I have been bothered much less by people who want to send me pictures of willies and try to make me tell them things I'm not happy to discuss with them. I've had a bit of bother from having that statement on there, but I don't care what they think. It's made my time here much easier.
I will add people who are kind and understanding, and that have either taken the time to contact me after reading my stories, or got to know me a little. I keep my distance from everybody, including my closest friends, but I love them deeply. I always check a profile before I add somebody. Their message might be nice, but their profile may say otherwise. Certain categories they advertise will immediately make me less likely to add them, although most people get a chance to prove themselves worth knowing. If that's my loss, oh well. I ignore or remove people who are outwardly cruel or pushy, or who are obviously friend-collectors. I don't see the point. Don't tell me what you think I want to hear to get a name on your list! Add me because you want to somehow know me in the small way that I am able, and share a little of yourself with me. If more people did that, I would have a smaller list, and we would all be happier, I'm sure.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.
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