Recently a friend of mine has been experiencing a horrible headache just above the back of his neck when orgasming but only with masturbating. He's followed up with his doc and such, but I'm just wondering how many other people experience this.
Quote by Katherine
Recently a friend of mine has been experiencing a horrible headache just above the back of his neck when orgasming but only with masturbating. He's followed up with his doc and such, but I'm just wondering how many other people experience this.
It's interesting that it's only when he's by himself and not with a partner. Gotta ask the obvious questions...
A) is he doing some sort of acrobatic move?
B) Is he stressing?
Not even kidding on B. I was raised Catholic (fully recovered now, lol) and the self pleasure/guilt can be a real thing. Add in if you have a tendency to worry about things, your mind could start wandering to weird places, like, what if I die like this and this is how they find me?!
If y'all weren't worrying about stuff before while you're having a crafty dangerwank, you're welcome 🤭
The first time was actually kinda mid- or post-head, when he was about to come in her mouth/face as he was jacking off. Then it happened solo and happened a couple more times as he's experimented with it. Now he's found it's better when he edges rather than to go straight to it. idfk lol
Thanks for the weigh-in, Will! I was wondering if it was kind of the same for everyone or for all the dudes that have them, but I guess it's different for everyone, wow.
Years ago, I went through a phase of having sex headaches if I’d drunk alcohol. It didn’t need to be much alcohol, but there seemed to be a connection.
I drew on that experience when writing about a sex headache in the following story: