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Friend Requests and Profiles

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If someone friend requests you, do you check out their profile page before friending them? If so, what do expect to see on it as a minimum before you accept them as friends?
The Engineer
Of course I check out the profile. I mean isn't that the social protocol. I like people to be honest and lovely. Put a nice profile pic not necessarily yours, write what you like , you dislike, your dreams and stuff. Cause I believe...once people know the real you, that's a good foundation for a fruitful friendship.
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Personally I never except a request from someone whom I have not chatted with before. I prefer to chat to them a while, see how comfortable I feel chatting to them, if I enjoy chatting and feel comfortable I will then add them or except a request. Some just like numbers and maybe a pic or a comment, but I feel you need to get to know more about them, than what is just on their profile. Also at the beginning I added a few straight off, that had good profiles, but they turned out to be a bit weird, so quickly deleted lol.
Chat Moderator
Good question. I need a well written bio with complete sentences. With written words being the primary means to communicate here, I need him to care about how he presents himself. However, despite all of that, I don't add easily. I have not added a new friend in over a year. The 8 friends that I have are plenty for me. The rest I can chat with in passing. The site moves fast
Active Ink Slinger
I always look at the profile in order to gauge who the person is. I usually will accept the friend request regardless since I can always remove them later but typically I will want to send them a message and start a conversation. The more they put on their profile, the more they give me to work with when it comes to those first few exchanges.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Active Ink Slinger
I always check profiles, and I particularly like a bio that discusses what they're looking for in friends. If exchanging pictures/ names/email addresses is something they expect, I tend to decline. Otherwise, I'm happy to chat to anyone. There's always the 'remove' button!
I take being a friend seriously and do look at a profile. There are several ways I measure, although sometimes I miss. Usually if not a writer I will pass and once a friend they never converse...then they are omitted. Being realistic, friends are more then a name.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I'm not picky about who I accept as friends, so I accept pretty much any request when I receive it. There's nothing on my profile that's so sacred that it can't be seen by everyone, so I don't make a big to-do about accepting people's friend requests.

I don't really look at profiles until after I accept a friend request...and that's if I remember to go back and check. If something on their profile creeps me out or gives me a bad vibe, I just delete them.

And if they irritate me at any point, I just delete them. It's a very non-complicated process.

And no, I don't have a criteria for what someone should have on their profile.

If they have a full profile, great. If not, no big deal.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Cheeky Chick
If I know them from the forums or stories, I'll add them. I add most any mod, because I like being able to get in touch with them if I need something too. And they're all kick ass. ;) But I do look at profiles of those who send me requests. I wouldn't say I'm super picky, but if you have only two badges and those are yearling and socialite, I'm guessing you're just a friend collector and I don't need to be apart of that. Other than that, I'm not entirely picky.
Rainbow Warrior
Of course I check them out. The only requests I turn down are guys who never read and comment stories or post in the forums, but only seem to want to chat with girls.
I always look at profiles of potential friends, read their forum posts and a sampling of their stories if available. As a minimum, I expect some type of avitar other than the red profile and I look at their favorite authors, books, movies, music, etc. I'm not a friend collector, so I like to know we have something other than a sensual mind in common.
Quantum Tease
I read profiles and I check with current friends. Perhaps cold, but it does give some verification. Now it is the case that some have been recommended that are.... "out there"... smile
Active Ink Slinger
I always read a profile prior to accepting a friend request, usually several times. That being said, I do not click the accept button until I have conversed in someway a few times with the person. When I read a profile, I expect to see proper grammar and sentences structure. If someone uses lots of acronyms such as "hru, gtg , and ic", I do not accept. I keep my friends' list relatively small and if I don't speak to someone on a half way regular basis (real life does sometimes get in the way which is understood), I delete the friend status.
Prolific Writer
I always look at the profile. I will add people who are interesting and tell me about themselves when asking for friendship.

....HOWEVER.....If I do not talk with them within one week of adding them.....I delete them.

I am not a friend collector and hate wall flowers.

I enjoy picture exchanges and do that with a lot of my friends, which also counts as hearing from them.

Active Ink Slinger
I only consider request from people who have something in there profile to make me think they would be interesting. Or maybe they will tell me a story in there request that catches my interest.

To new members I often tell them that they need to tell why we would enjoy each other as friends.

Some pick up the ball but many do not.

"Ask anything you like" does not attract may attention.

If you do not communicate with me on some regularity, I promise you will be deleted.

The is a rumor going around Lush that many young member have trouble reading and writing. Could this be true?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes. It is a common problem in the US.
The Bee's Knees
i ALWAYS read a profile before i accept a friend request. when looking at a profile, i want to see more than stats. it's great when they've put in the effort and filled out other areas. i try to find at least 3 things that we have in common. HOWEVER, i generally don't add people until we've had a few good conversations.

Say. Her. Name.

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I read it, and if it is interesting, I accept. I don't do a lot of BB or chat rooms, though, so conversations don't happen all that often (maybe I'm just asocial). I like email and the Forums as a way to get to know someone.
How can you not check out a profile before accepting a friend request? If you haven't known the person previously, she or he's certainly NOT a friend, Hell, not even an acquaintance in most cases. Checking the profile is one way of vetting the request. A chat or exchange of messages should be involved as well. Your choice of friends reflects on you as a person. I wouldn't want a child molester, for example, front and center on my friends wall. Shakespeare's Polonius had a take on this question--"The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; but do not dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatched, unfledged comrade." Having said all that, today's only my second day on Lush. I've been wrong before, and hey, it's just chat.
How can you not check out a profile before accepting a friend request? If you haven't known the person previously, she or he's certainly NOT a friend, Hell, not even an acquaintance in most cases. Checking the profile is one way of vetting the request. A chat or exchange of messages should be involved as well. Your choice of friends reflects on you as a person. I wouldn't want a child molester, for example, front and center on my friends wall. Shakespeare's Polonius had a take on this question--"The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; but do not dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatched, unfledged comrade." Having said all that, today's only my second day on Lush. I've been wrong before, and hey, it's just chat.
Fancy Schmancy
Quote by Verbal
I read it, and if it is interesting, I accept. I don't do a lot of BB or chat rooms, though, so conversations don't happen all that often (maybe I'm just asocial). I like email and the Forums as a way to get to know someone.

I am about the same. The BBs kind of drive me crazy, and if there is lag time between the parts of the conversation, I often get an answer where I have already forgotten the question. Annoying.
The Linebacker
Quote by GeorgiaGirl21
If someone friend requests you, do you check out their profile page before friending them? If so, what do expect to see on it as a minimum before you accept them as friends?

Hey, if they love The Dawgs, then hey! hey! They're okay!

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by LaylaJune

I am about the same. The BBs kind of drive me crazy, and if there is lag time between the parts of the conversation, I often get an answer where I have already forgotten the question. Annoying.

I KNOW! If the conversation splits into two tracks it is so hard to follow. And the boxes keep disappearing! Grrr.
Quote by 1nympholes
I only consider request from people who have something in there profile to make me think they would be interesting. Or maybe they will tell me a story in there request that catches my interest.

To new members I often tell them that they need to tell why we would enjoy each other as friends.

Some pick up the ball but many do not.

"Ask anything you like" does not attract may attention.

If you do not communicate with me on some regularity, I promise you will be deleted.

The is a rumor going around Lush that many young member have trouble reading and writing. Could this be true?

Yes, that "Ask me anything you like" really gets on my nerves. Or better yet, "I don't put anything in my profile because I want to tell you personally." It seems at best an excuse for laziness to me, at worst they are the 'stalker' types I was warned about by some Lush veterans when I first joined Lush. There are a couple of guys on here who are absolute creeps, and I see them show up in just about every chat room, and they hit me up for chat like they've never heard from me in the past telling them to get lost. And of course, their profiles are as bare as a 'baby's butt' lol
of course you look ... and you usually have had an interaction or a read a story or forum post from them before friending or being requested a friendship .. and friend collectors are usually not accepted by myself ..neither are men unless circumanstances apply
Active Ink Slinger
I always read their profiles before accepting, but the friends I add are the ones I've interacted with either on the forums or via private emails. I prefer to keep my friend's list small, and I try to interact with everyone either by posting on their wall or sending them a message.
Quote by Buz

Hey, if they love The Dawgs, then hey! hey! They're okay!

I love Uga!!! He's sooooooo cute!
I always read profiles. Usually I only post in the forums, if someone new starts posting, I check them out and post with them a little bit. If people collect friends quickly I tend not to bother although I will interact in the forums with them. I struggle enough keeping in touch with the friends that I have, so I don't need a long list!!
Quote by GeorgiaGirl21

Yes, that "Ask me anything you like" really gets on my nerves. Or better yet, "I don't put anything in my profile because I want to tell you personally." It seems at best an excuse for laziness to me, at worst they are the 'stalker' types I was warned about by some Lush veterans when I first joined Lush. There are a couple of guys on here who are absolute creeps, and I see them show up in just about every chat room, and they hit me up for chat like they've never heard from me in the past telling them to get lost. And of course, their profiles are as bare as a 'baby's butt' lol

LMao you friended Curious 3045 . That's about as creepyish and stalkerish as it can get hon
Active Ink Slinger
of course I do, if Im adding someone its because something makes me think i might like them. i like a page that is filled out to at least a certain degree and preferably with a profile pic (not necessarily the persons pic but something that relates to them or is original) and an intro that introduces them. I dislike blank profiles because it shows the person put zero effort into it.