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Favorite non-sexual touch

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I know we all could list a slew of sexual touches, but what is something you absolutely love that's non sexual?

For me it's fingers running through my hair.
I love holding hands, or arm-in-arm, or arm around my waist or shoulder.
It's my back being scratched or my hair being brushed.
Hugs from my children.
My favourite touch of all is that of my yoga teacher, leaning in her bodyweight to add to stretch my body is doing in bhekasana, supta padangustasana 3, balasana, kapotasana or trikonasana.

Outside of a yoga studio, I adore having my back scratched and I'm surprisingly fond of deep muscle massage and osteopathic fascia manipulation (but please don't tell my osteopath that- I've told her that she went to the same bully school as physiotherapists).
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I love holding hands, or arm-in-arm, or arm around my waist or shoulder.

this. i ADORE holding hands. it's such a simple intimacy that is vastly underrated. i also like when hair is moved out of my face and kisses on my forehead.

Say. Her. Name.

holding hands. My wife and I do that all the time when we walk.
I love to touch a woman's body at the base of the spine just over her ass cheeks in the round of her back - as we are walking a slight touch makes me a great wanting desire...........
For me I love the hand or finger on my cheek with a dragging action as in a hello or goodbye....... followed by a kiss is quite amazing as well lol
smile enjoy always
Having my back scratched, Touching my ears, or a simple touch of my arm
Light scratching on my wrist. It just hits a nerve with me. It tickles, it soothes, and feels vulnerable yet almost intimate like holding hands.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Having my legs rubbed. Sheer bliss.
A full body massage is delightful! My boyfriend got me a whole year's worth of weekly sessions with a professional masseuse for my birthday, and it's SO relaxing and re-energizing.
Foot tickle. I miss then so much.
that's a tie between cuddling and having my hair brushed
Holding hands
Having my hair brushed or washed.
Head scratched or massaged.
I just want to be someone's that a problem?
Holding hands was my first thought. However, I have recently noticed how I do enjoy when I am walking with my special man and if we are not holding hands, the way he places his hand on the small of my back when he holds a door open for me or offers me his arm if it is slippery out.
Check out Kiteares A-Z of kinks and fetishes in micros. The first is of course A Actirasty (if you read it you won't have to google it!)

I love to brush through her hair with my fingers, working the tangles out one by one until it's all soft and silky
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
When my Director's sexy exec admin strolls by and brushes her perfect tit into the back of my bicep. It can make a guy spill....his coffee.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Holding hands is my favorite followed by a hand brushing fingers through my hair.
Holding hands when walking, linking arms is good too. Or arm around each other's waist as we walk close so my hip brushes hers.
the "just brush touch" - the barest contact - is my favorite. when my arm or leg rests alongside another and i first feel their warmth and then - their touch. i purposely will sit next to someone just to feel the sensation. it's similar to asmr - autonomous sensory meridian response - but not asmr = hair brushing (for me)
A hug after a long time apart.