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Do you want/have children?

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Do you want/have children?

Active Ink Slinger
I have a daughter and twin boys.. And maybe one or two more in the future, if I get my way lol.
Clever Gem
Quote by Shylass

Maybe not, but you often act like a kid (I think that's why we get on)...

yeah i'm a bit peter pan sometimes ( a really drunk peter pan hahahaha)
Active Ink Slinger
Do not have, do not want. All my "babies" have 4 legs and tails. It's enough of a challenge to take care of myself and them and support us all. I would never want to be responsible for another person. And frankly, I'm selfish, and there's nothing wrong with that, but if you are a selfish sort and put yourself above others, not really wise to have children. It would be a better world if more realized they should focus on themselves and not have children. Way too many inept people breeding that have no right to at all. I'm sure we all know many people and have thought, they should never have had kids.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by SensualSharon
Do not have, do not want. All my "babies" have 4 legs and tails. It's enough of a challenge to take care of myself and them and support us all. I would never want to be responsible for another person. And frankly, I'm selfish, and there's nothing wrong with that, but if you are a selfish sort and put yourself above others, not really wise to have children. It would be a better world if more realized they should focus on themselves and not have children. Way too many inept people breeding that have no right to at all. I'm sure we all know many people and have thought, they should never have had kids.

My sister is exactly like this concerning animals. She doesn't want children, but literally has a farm with many 'babies' she takes care of and that provide her some form of affection. It can be nice as some kind of replacement, but then you're not raising human beings that will make the world of tomorrow, and it doesn't quite have the same 'spiritual' meaning.

That's one more thing that appeals to me in having kids : transmitting your own genes, values and what the world taught you so that a part of you will still live on in this world after you die. If you consider your children will have kids too, you can even assume a tiny part of you will still remain in a 1,000 years from now.

Plus, as you'll get older and will be slowly decaying, you'll see your children and grandchildren getting more and more strong, healthy and wise themselves, which is just very beautiful and appealing to me.

All of our cells are inevitably dying slowly and our overall bodies keep decaying, but we can procreate eternally and see new humans being born all very healthy and ready to continue with life.
I have a little girl. I would love to have another one but I don't think it's in the cards for me at the time being.
I don't have children.

I don't know if I'll ever be ready to not be selfish and committ 18yrs of my life to it.
What if my child turns out normal and likes whatever is popping at the time? I wouldn't be able to deal w/ it.
Active Ink Slinger
I do not have any children. I do feel a calling to be a parent although I don’t know if these future kids would be biological or adopted. I have feelings both ways but neither wins an overall preference.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Rainbow Warrior
I'm inconceivable. (I do not think it means what I think it means) ...I can't have kids.
Primus Omnium
I made the decision to not have children quite early in my life. Never had any, and never wanted any. My wife shared those wishes. Worked well for us.
Awesome Lady
I had two. Can be a bigger challenge than you can possibly be ready for, physically, mentally, emotionally. But you have to deal. I really don't know if I had "do overs" if I would have any.
living dead girl
Quote by Beffer
I'm inconceivable. (I do not think it means what I think it means) ...I can't have kids.

A gold star for the reference⭐

Pretty certain I can't have them, but I'm also okay with that
I like my freedom, I don't have to get a babysitter
I can go out at any hour stay out for as long as I want
have sex in my living room , walk around naked
Watch horror movies at full blast
and focus on living my life and reaching goals.
Never thought I'd have children--my own parents went off the rails and essentially abandoned myself and my brother when I was about 11, and I knew for damn sure I didn't know how to be a parent. Then I married, still thought the same way, though I told my husband that I was going to have four girls. He asked me how I planned to accomplish this feat, given my personal views on me personally having an abortion, and I just shrugged and said something along the lines of "G-d wouldn't trust me with boys".

Ended up with three beautiful sons. Somewhere, somebody in the universe is laughing their ass off. First thing I did when I fell pregnant with the first one was go to Barnes & Noble and literally buy every parenting book on the shelf. I highly recommend the Sears Parenting series of books, by William Sears and his wife, Martha (I think the Sears have veered off into the anti-vaxxer movement in recent years, but their "The Successful Child" is still literally my childrearing Bible).

My boys are 12, 14, and 17 now, all very tall, very gifted, and very giving--very aware that service to others is a duty, not a choice. I've taught them things about being not just a decent but an actively good human being, things like that it is a privilege to give blood--they've gone with me to give blood literally since birth, and the oldest has already given over gallon--that small kindnesses are something one does because they can be done, not because of an expectation of a reward.

I could still have another, and I do think about it and want it from time to time, about maybe having that elusive daughter, but it's not really a goal I'm actively pursuing. I've been blessed three times over and it seems greedy to expect to be blessed a fourth time.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Southern Barefoot Angel
I have two teenagers 19 yr girl who amazed me by just getting married and she is my mini me. She has her own little family and from that I was blessed with a grandson who is 4 . and I have 17yr old boy .. Can't say he's typical but he's been through a lot in his young life ...he has my attitude for sure .and right now it's all gaming and girls .
Both are mature beyond their years .
Active Ink Slinger
My GF, now my wife, did not want marriage or children. But as luck would have it, after 8 years together, she became pregnant. We married and 5 months later she delivered twin boys. I had always wanted a traditional family: wife, kids, dog, etc. and now I have it. I am a happy man. Oh and BTW, my wife loves our life as well.
No und I have no immediate plans for children either.
I have 3 more years of school for my 2 Graduate degrees, und then a very long adventurous Anthropology/Archeology career.

I'm using the Progestin Implant which ist said to be 99.95% effective for birth control.
Hopefully I not be one of the .05%...smiles

It ist just under my skin on my inner arm below my armpit for the past 2 years, und it not hurt or uncomfortable at all,
except at first it was a bit numb around it, but that has gone away for a long time.

But if I do have an unwanted pregnancy?
I have already planned my parenthood, und my child would have everything und more they need here on our farm.
We're not poor, und I would have no need to burden any of our social systems because of my mistake...smiles
It would only be a temporary inconvenience, but it not stopping my career plans.

Maybe in 10 years or so when I'm 36, if it ist the right time for me, I will think about then, especially if or when I finally marry.
Our family has always been very large with many children/grandchildren about,
so I not worry so much about my fertility. I'm sure I can have many later if und when I want...smiles
I have 2 a son and a daughter.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
No, never really wanted children.

In my twenties I was really opposed to the idea. In my thirties that mellowed a bit but still no strong wish to have them and now I'm in my mid-forties and think I should not have kids anymore. Kids deserve somewhat younger parents in my mind.


I have a son.
Active Ink Slinger
Kids are not for me. My lifestyle would not be conducive to having kids around..
Active Ink Slinger
3 boys and a wonderful daughter. Can't imagine life without them...
My Stories

No Ordinary Gal

Fucked and Taken

That Special Evening
Mana wahine
Nah, fam. I'd date someone and be in a relationship with someone who had children, but none for me, thanks. Don't want any of my own.
My wife and I have two beautiful daughters aged 42 and 39 who we see most weeks. They are both married/have a partner and my younger daughter has a delightful 2 year old daughter of her own. Both went to university and are in well paid professional jobs, the older one as a customer relations manager with a private retail company, although she has also worked in a similar capacity with two major motor manufacturers and a world renowned football club, and the younger one has an important position with a government agency.

We have always been a very close and supportive family which is even more important at the moment now that my elder daughter has been diagnosed with a rare form of squamous cell carcinoma and will shortly be starting a course of chemotherapy/radiotherapy.

The choice about whether to have children is a very personal one and if the decision is yes it should be with the full agreement of both prospective parents. We waited 7 years after we were married until we were financially secure before starting a family, and my wife did not go back to work full time until the youngest was at school. Parenthood is a lifetime commitment based on unconditional love and will sometimes be hard and painful, but our experience is that the joy far outweighs the difficult times.

As far as books on parenting are concerned, forget about them. Every child is different and common sense is a far better guide. I would have said that your experience of your own childhood is also important, but sadly many adults were not as fortunate as my sister and I in having loving and caring parents and a happy childhood.
I have 2 daughters who are my world.
I have one son who is now doing engineering at a university about 8 hours away from home.
Active Ink Slinger
I would love to have kids, but they deserve two parents that are going to be there for the long haul.

At this point I have not met the man that wants kids with me and wants be an everyday parent with me also.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't have kids but I would love to have my own one day
Active Ink Slinger
I don't have kids but I would love to have my own one day
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ChandlerAja2
I would love to have kids, but they deserve two parents that are going to be there for the long haul.

At this point I have not met the man that wants kids with me and wants be an everyday parent with me also.

That was almost my position for many years, and as I grew older it was more difficult to find a woman who did not already have any (I didn't think I could treat my own offspring and those of another man as equals), until I met a woman in the same position - we both agreed to stay together no matter what, as we were older and had done many things before meeting each other.
Now, two children and around fifteen years later, we have been separated for three years and divorce/custody battle almost over, so I find myself on sites like this, hoping to meet a like minded soul with whom to have perhaps a final try at a relationship which works.

Good luck to you, hope when you find the man, you stay together as a family