Reading erotica means you will end up cumming... but here I'm talking about writers, who write such hot stories. Do you guys get horny, while writing all those dirty words?
Personally I sometimes get horny because while writing I imagine everything, kind of like a movie playing in my mind.
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
If I don't get horny while writing how can I expect others to while reading?
Every story I've written I've had to stop and 'release the pressure' so to speak.
Yes. If what you're writing doesn't turn you on, why should it turn on any other reader?
Writing erotica turns me on something fierce. Can't count the times afterwards were I needed to "calm myself" Lol
Absolutely... although I also have to be in the mood first before I can sit down to write out an idea.
Kind of blows both ways for me, really. Writing and re-reading what I've written sometimes gets my motor going, but sometimes when I'm horny and can't easily relieve it, I start pouring that need into a story. Like today.
when writing I sometimes get so into my writing I get lost in the scene and when I come up for air, I will be soaked. So yeah it turns me on a bit.
i've only written a few stories and the rest is poetry. It's never made me hot when writing them, but my readers tell me it does it for them.
Not for me. Re-reading it sometimes does. But not when writing - I need to think straight!
Should we ask the writers of True Blood if they get off while writing those explicit sex scenes?
I doubt it though. Producers are probably breathing down their neck for new episodes.
Perhaps the same could be said about those erotica writers who've actually published and peddled their ware at Barnes and Nobles.
Pushy editors and release dates to meet don't sound like fun.
I think here on Lush, where we (sometime) authors "publish" at our leisure, there's a higher likelihood that we would actually enjoy the process of writing.
Whatever enjoy means to us, that's subject to the individual. Mine just isn't getting wet and horny while doing the actual writing! ( Or maybe I do...)
Yes, since many of my stories are based on things that actually have happened to me or a close friend, it does recall the event and get me excited.
"When its too kinky for everybody else, its just gettin' good for me."
(Kinky Freedman)
Actually I get off as I am fantasizing and that is when the story comes to me...As I am writing it I am to absorbed in the writing to get horny. But as I reread what I write then that makes me horny all over again!
Always. If I am not hard I go back and try again.
Not always but when I do, it's a sign I've got something special happening.
Yes, I get horny while writing erotica. If I'm not at the edge of an orgasm on a read back, then something's gone awry. I don't arouse very easily. Therefore, I know I've hit the mark if I end up heated and damp.
Absolutely! Reading them too.
Yes I do...think there might be something wrong with anyone if they don't even a little....
Even if I am writing about a hot dream I had, I write the details based on real moments I've experienced, as I just don't have imagination enough to make up details about how stuff feels :-) Remembering how hot those moments were when experiencing them, brings them right back to vivid life in my memory as I write about them. I can recall every detail about that moment and my body remembers too right along with my mind ;)
Sometimes. But writing is so difficult for me that instead of getting turned on I get so frustrated I want to cry. So there's that.
Of course! I think if you aren't at least a bit horny while writing erotica, something is wrong. I personally have to be horny to write erotica. Otherwise, it just doesn't flow as well.
Since the only thing I've written on here was a true story--absolutely YES!
Most of my stories turn me on. I often have to stop to and vibrate.