Ever since I use young, I've always found it sexually arousing to stand naked in front of a mirror, I'm certainly no Adonis so I'm sure it doesn't depend on what you look like? Does anyone else get the same sexual stirrings when doing the same?
Guilty - on more occasions than one...
I don't intentionally strip in front of a mirror at random hours. This usually happens when I'm brushing my teeth in the morning or when I'm about to hit the shower in the evening.
And I'm no supermodel either. It just feels pretty damn good.x
In a way I do. I am always looking for ways to make myself more attractive to my fiancé. If I like some new make-up that I apply, or comb my hair a different way, or even trim my pussy hair a different way, it sometimes turns me on. I just hope that what I like, he likes.
No not at all, the complete opposite in fact. I see too many imperfections to become aroused.
No way, never have. When I was at school a pal confided that he found it erotic to see himself naked in the mirror. I found out much later that he was gay.
Can't say this has ever happened.......
As the only mirror I have is the one I shave in it would be rather difficult. I suppose it could be done for a partial view of my nether regions if I stood on a chair or something but the act of looking for a chair to look at my dick in the mirror seems amusing rather than arousing.
Yes especially after shaving in the shower
Oh yea, watched myself masturbate a few times
I can remember once, but it was more curiosity than arousal.
Yes always
My hands automatically start roaming all over
no I have better taste lol
I used to, when I was modeling and all made up for a photo-shoot. The self-arousal made for better photography.
Not really aroused but sometimes I do like to watch myself totally naked in a mirror.
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.