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Can online relationships be significant or meaningful?

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Active Ink Slinger
Yes online relationships can be just as meaningful and significant as a real life relationship. It all depends on how much you put into it and if you are open and honest with each other. A relationship does not have to be a face to face thing. Whether it involves , phone calls or *gasp* letters, the connection is still the same. The timing may be different - waiting on a letter verses an online chat - but if two people connect and can become friends or more, then the method really doesn't matter.
What matters is that you are happy...because in the end, that is the goal.
Active Ink Slinger
Provided the basis is complete honesty and faithfulness to each other I don't see why not. That said I think an online relationship, much like a long distance relationship would require a lot more trust than a regular one would.
Active Ink Slinger
On other online platforms, I have had a meaningful relationship. Ultimately, the relationship I formed with that guy turned into something more. And Im now marrying him this coming April.
As for lush, possibly. I believe you can form feelings for people here. But as for a relationship, I dont know. I guess if you're prepared to take it further, certainly.

But, as a whole, YES. I believe online relationships can be significant and meaningful. Then again, Im all for the romance and love!smile
Quote by MorganMoans
In a way I believe you could have one of the strongest relationships online- if you are honest. Online they don't take your body or looks into account when all they have is your personality. They actually know you for who you are inside.

While on the one hand I DO agree (as is evidenced by something that can be found on my profile) on the other, it ASSUMES that EVERYONE is being completely candid and honest. I AM for real, but I have learned to be VERY skeptical of others and their honesty online. In short, the person you THINK you KNOW might not even exist.
If course they can! And if you're really lucky you will get the pleasure of meeting that other person and spending some time with them. It could turn into something more if both are willing. Being online gives you the chance of meeting other people you've probably wouldn't have met in the first place so it's really special if you find someone to share a special connection with smile
The short answer is absolutely.

Because Lush is the only experience I have with interacting with others online who I haven't ever met, I can only speak to the friendships I've formed here. I've come into contact with so many different people on this site, and really I am thankful for each of the "major" relationships I've formed here.

Those aren't all positive experiences — I have been lied to several times here and shared a lot of deep, personal thoughts/emotions/dreams/fears with people who only ended up being jackasses, but, like I recently told someone, I suppose that's the risk you take when you open yourself up to someone else, especially in a place like this. And I will be honest, for each of those friendships that I formed that have ended because the other person lied to me, I have cried and been just as hurt as I have been by people I've met in real life and known for several years. The hurt is the same — in a lot of ways, worse, since I have found myself being very candid and honest with some people here, which is not the case with many people I know in real life.

But for all of the bad I've run into here, I've also made several good friends who have been there for me through huge life changes and successes over the last 14 months. I talk to those people just as much as, if not more than, people I know in real life and I tell them about those changes/successes/failures. In fact, I would venture to say that one of my best friends and confidantes now is someone here on Lush, who I'm not sure I will ever meet. It doesn't make it any less real or meaningful (to me, at least), though.

It takes a lot of trust and honesty, but in the few friendships I've formed here where both of those are present, the relationships are absolutely both significant and meaningful.
Active Ink Slinger
I think a meaningful relationship can be found on this site as long as both are truthful, otherwise I think it's totally possible. The internet does tend to free people up and bring out their real personality which could be great for making a relationship that lasts
Advanced Wordsmith
I think everything we do is only as significant as we want it to be. That includes online relationships. Many people in the real world have no significant relationships, and there are those on line who are as honest and so what they say and do are significant as anything off line. It depends on the people involved
Advanced Wordsmith
I think everything we do is only as significant as we want it to be. That includes online relationships. Many people in the real world have no significant relationships, and there are those on line who are as honest and so what they say and do are significant as anything off line. It depends on the people involved
Active Ink Slinger
Yes it can make real sense depends on how much botj of u can hold up
The Bee's Knees
OMG YES! i met one of my best friends online two years ago and i love her like a sister!

Say. Her. Name.

I admit I was skeptical and reluctant about anything on the internet or through it. What few times I stuck my toes in the waters to try things, I did not really like the experiences. It left me feeling very "blah" and yet I have made friendships. Now, I have the love of my life and it was through a meeting of the minds and falling inlove with the inside person. Granted, it is not perfect, we have a huge age gap, but our connection is VERY real and all started online. I'm not sure where it will go, but we have seen each other through many things and are happy. We are also best friends. We plan things... We want a life together. I would say that is pretty darn meaningful. No one has ever understood us, touched us, and connected the way we do with each other, and that is very real. We have enjoyed many things together, as much as anyone in my life. It has been a great discovery for both of us! We know what we have is rare. We feel truly blessed~ so it has been very meaningful on many levels, as well as meaningful on deeper levels.

We can not only touch the lives of people we come in contact with ANYwhere ~ but we can CHANGE their lives, and sometimes -subsequently be changed ourselves.

I think that you find love in the most unexpected places , and the most unexpected situations .there are a lot of people out there who had made a real connection by words only .its beautiful really
If it works for you , you make some connection wit another individual or group well that's a good thing. If the relationship helps take away feelings of isolation and you can really share a bit of yourself , well that is a positive result from an online relationship smile
For me, meaning and significance in any relationship can only be achieved through investment. Not just of one's self and honesty, but of one's time as well.
While I'm as honest as I can get without jeopardising my privacy and safety, I find myself hard-pressed for time to commit to anything serious around here. Casual, off-chance interactions work best for me online. Admittedly, a lot of my Lush friendships have fizzled out due to a lack of commitment on my part. But my lack of commitment might also stem from the fact that there was never any real connection to begin with; so there is a lot of truth in what's already been said about establishing a connection, first and foremost.

But having said that, I do have a few friends around here whom I absolutely adore and speak to on a regular enough basis for me to consider their position in my life pretty meaningful and significant. (Posh 'n' sassy redhead, I'm looking at you!) Also, there're lots of Lushies whom I speak to sporadically but still find really amazing. I don't talk to everybody at once while I'm online, so comfortable silences are part of what it means to be great friends on here.

As for an exclusive romantic relationship, I pretty sure it can't work for me online. I feel that I need to share all aspects of my life with the other person, so that rules out long-distance relationships for me in general. But hey, it's still nice to know that there are people who've found happiness or contentment with this sort of thing.x
Yes they can. It takes time and effort but most of all open communication. With open communication comes trust and love. Yes fully believe in this.
Active Ink Slinger
I believe an online relationship can be serious or at least the feelings and emotions are. However if you want it to be lasting at some point you have to move beyond the web. But here is a good a place to start as any, maybe even better, because you get to know that person first.
Meaningful? Of course! No question about this. *Some* online relationships can be more packed with meaning than a decade's worth of RL relationships.

Sustainable? Much harder to do.

Some of the reasons online relationships can feel so meaningful is that they are virtually (hee!) free of the day to day grind that causes so much stress in relationships. You don't worry about who cleans the cat litter, whether you get to spend Christmas at your family's or theirs, why they haven't gone to the doctor like they said they would....

And we also get to the best version of ourselves for so much of the time online because people see so little of our actual lives. We tell ourselves that they are seeing "the real" us because we may share more freely or deeply, but even when we do that soul-baring, we still present only a certain side of ourselves in a way that is much harder to do in RL relationships. Plus, people online seem to have a penchant for seeing what they want to see in their online partners instead of sometimes seeing what is really there. Still! Online relationships can have so much meaning! But they are more like fireworks that are briefly spectacular than a warm, crackling fire that might not be as exciting but provides warmth and comfort for a longer time.
Sure! It's how I met me wife.
Quote by bedhead82
Meaningful? Of course! No question about this. *Some* online relationships can be more packed with meaning than a decade's worth of RL relationships.

Sustainable? Much harder to do.

Some of the reasons online relationships can feel so meaningful is that they are virtually (hee!) free of the day to day grind that causes so much stress in relationships. You don't worry about who cleans the cat litter, whether you get to spend Christmas at your family's or theirs, why they haven't gone to the doctor like they said they would....

And we also get to the best version of ourselves for so much of the time online because people see so little of our actual lives. We tell ourselves that they are seeing "the real" us because we may share more freely or deeply, but even when we do that soul-baring, we still present only a certain side of ourselves in a way that is much harder to do in RL relationships. Plus, people online seem to have a penchant for seeing what they want to see in their online partners instead of sometimes seeing what is really there. Still! Online relationships can have so much meaning! But they are more like fireworks that are briefly spectacular than a warm, crackling fire that might not be as exciting but provides warmth and comfort for a longer time.

Truly profound.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Curious_Shellie

Truly profound.

I very much agree with these two intelligent gals. Very well stated and thought out
My Stories

No Ordinary Gal

Fucked and Taken

That Special Evening
They can be very meaningful and significant, that is how I met my husband was online. He is the love of my life and has help me overcome a lot of fears in life. heart I <3 <3 <3 him!!
Active Ink Slinger
Definitely think so. You can really get to know someone when you are typing things out instead of sitting across from them momentarily.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by bedhead82
"Meaningful? Of course! No question about this. *Some* online relationships can be more packed with meaning than a decade's worth of RL relationships.

Sustainable? Much harder to do..."

Your entire comment is so true. Thank you for saying it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by bedhead82
Meaningful? Of course! No question about this. *Some* online relationships can be more packed with meaning than a decade's worth of RL relationships.

Sustainable? Much harder to do.

Some of the reasons online relationships can feel so meaningful is that they are virtually (hee!) free of the day to day grind that causes so much stress in relationships. You don't worry about who cleans the cat litter, whether you get to spend Christmas at your family's or theirs, why they haven't gone to the doctor like they said they would....

And we also get to the best version of ourselves for so much of the time online because people see so little of our actual lives. We tell ourselves that they are seeing "the real" us because we may share more freely or deeply, but even when we do that soul-baring, we still present only a certain side of ourselves in a way that is much harder to do in RL relationships. Plus, people online seem to have a penchant for seeing what they want to see in their online partners instead of sometimes seeing what is really there. Still! Online relationships can have so much meaning! But they are more like fireworks that are briefly spectacular than a warm, crackling fire that might not be as exciting but provides warmth and comfort for a longer time.

Lovely. I have a number of multi-year online friends, and the best are the ones where the chat is completely unpredictable even now. There might be grousing about husbands or kids, flirting, talking about stories we're writing, hot sex, sometimes talking about other online or offline relationships (without naming names, of course). The hot sex is the spice, not the main meal.CLfZRyVfke2Z8WIz
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And please read my competition entry:There's Always Time. A sweet love story set in a time traveling universe.
Certainly they can.
Whether we meet someone at work, thru friends, sports or online is insignificant I think.

I have made a few very good friends here on Lush and also been fooled by a small few here as well. You take the good with the bad I suppose, just as in real life.

Some of the friends I have made here I have/had strong feelings for. Some are just friendships but some are much more. These people have crossed the boundaries of Lush and are, what I feel, part of my real life (though not physically). Some our contact is just via or outside messaging systems, but some also have my phone number and know more personal information about me. Some of these people I honestly can't imagine not having in my life, even if we only chat occasionally. They have become part of me.

As for loving, sexual, long term relationships go..... I have felt some very, very strong emotions here. The feelings were very real. When we open ourelves up truly and honestly to someone, share the physical pleasures together(via /phone sex etc) , want each other, care for the others happiness, and seek each other out daily it is hard not to develop feelings. Can they last only online? I am not sure? With true comittment from both parties I would say yes definetly they can! Any relationship requires all of the above and more. Where you have this relationship is up to the people involved.

Love is love. And love is rare and hard to find. I say if you find it here, online else where or in real life you should grab it and cherish it before its too late!
Active Ink Slinger
yes you can'if you can feel it in your heart than it is real for you.I have been in a relationship for over a year it can be difficult but mostly it's wonderful
Active Ink Slinger
I think online relationship is directly proportional to mutual honesty or realness... that way the passion and sentiments can be really enjoyable smile
Active Ink Slinger
nope I do not think it is, learned the hard way
Active Ink Slinger
Yes can be meaningful but only with real friends