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Best experience on Lush?

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After talking to a new friend today, we were discussing our own best experiences on lush. So whats yours? Whether it was a great conversation, a special pic someone posted or something else. Let me know! xx
I actually cried when I got my first Recommended Read. Daft I know, but I was so thrilled.

I have an odd sense of humour, so always love it when someone picks up on something I've said or posted and then pm's me or posts on my wall with a subtle and /or cryptic pic that's designed to make me smile. That sort of thing is amazingly thoughtful.

I wrote a story with a good friend too. That whole week of bouncing ideas and parts we'd written back and forth between each other was an amazing experience. It was so much fun and I also loved the whole energy and feel of that week.
My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
It is a toss up for me. I have two

When I published my first story on Lush, it tapped the creative side of me and gave me an outlet. There was nothing like the thrill of the votes and positive comments. From that story I now have written 17 others.

Answering the first email from my owner. It has opened a whole world that I did not know existed. I am cumming more and by means I would have never thought possible.
The support given to me by people who didn't even know me when my wife had a miscarriage. I still find it humbling.
A few things come to mind...
- Rescuing our horse Dave from his prior pompous owner
- Adopting our llama Fun - saving him from a life of drama
- Exchanging hysterical pictures with someone who is awesome
- Unknowingly chatting with the sweetest person in the world
- Forum bantering with a similarly adorable deviant
- Sharing thoughts with a wonderfully interesting person

Of course, it's the people behind each one that make it the best experience smile
There are too many for me to recount.
I love hearing from Nicola out of the blue, especially when she's appreciative of something I've said or done. She's been wonderful about that, and its refreshing, because I've been on more than a few sites with owners for whom I didn't have much respect.

I also enjoy having people here who have so much confidence in my writing expertise that they ask me to proofread and edit their stories before they submit them. I've done this for a few members now, and I love helping people become better writers. So many others have helped me in the past.
Reading a story and posting the audio and having all this love and good will come flowing unexpectedly back at me. Someday I will try to do it again.

And, of course, meeting some very good, warm, genuine people. I think that the sharing of deeply personal things, as this site encourages, tends to bring out the best in people.
Well, it is great to see my stories published, plus it has been lovely chatting with people all around the world. I especially enjoyed chatting with a new young friend from Australia who inspired one of my stories. She is one of those who disappeared one day from Lush without a word. So, I think I would say meeting someone who was an inspiration for me was a great experience, but losing her so quickly was a very sad experience. Such is life!
meeting ppl that i had NO idea would become so near and dear to my heart

Say. Her. Name.

Learned things about myself, and meeting others from different walks of life... at one point, it was my only contact with other adults...
Quite a few, actually.

• Meaningful relationships (especially one in particular) that all began with a few forum posts or a conversation in the chat rooms.

• The chance to learn the inner workings of an online community by gaining a behind-the-scenes perspective as well as the perspective of being a member.

• Actually being a part of the evolution of such a site...not many people can say that about any online community they're a part of, and lots of us here can say that.

• Meeting and interacting with people from so many different walks of life. I get to do this in my real life, but it's different online.

• All the titties. I really do mean that. People show me tits on this site all the time, whether I ask them to or not. It's been great.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I really enjoyed doing my collaborations with Stephanie and Magical Felix. They're both very well respected writers on this website.

I was thrilled when I received all my RR's. The first one I literally fell out of my bed. Giggles.

I also have made some very dear friends here.

I have developed, by surprise, some very dear friendships on Lush. Most of which who have helped me through some very tough personal times. If you are one of them reading this I sincerely thank yousmile

In addition, I have learned a tremendous amount about myself and my sexuality. It has helped my marriage immensely by allowing me to shed the suffocating values I was raised with.
For me it has been the amazing friends I've made here and the help and support I've received from others In discovering my creative writing ability.

Good question by the way.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I love hearing from Nicola out of the blue, especially when she's appreciative of something I've said or done. She's been wonderful about that, and its refreshing, because I've been on more than a few sites with owners for whom I didn't have much respect.

I also enjoy having people here who have so much confidence in my writing expertise that they ask me to proofread and edit their stories before they submit them. I've done this for a few members now, and I love helping people become better writers. So many others have helped me in the past.

Agree 100% and thanks for being my proof reader. Hugs.
What a fantastic question. I'm not sure I can narrow it down to one, or two, or ten even. First, some background. I'm Eric. My wife Paula and I share this account. I have a long history here on Lush. I've always been a fan of written erotica. I read here for years as a guest. Then I created an account. Years later, my wife joined Lush About a year ago, we consolidated to one account. Many of our friends made the migration with us. Spanning all that time, we've had some wonderful experiences here. In no particular order:

-Sharing pictures here reignited my wife's sexual spark and gave her the confidence to believe she was still sexy after having three children.

-In my younger days, I published some poetry and some fantasy/sci-fi shorts. Between work and children, I gave up. Couldn't find the time. Lush gave me back my passion for writing.

-We have met two amazing lovers here. Not the "it's in, it's out, it's over" kind. I'm talking about two passionate, articulate, funny, and extremely naughty men that we look forward to many more good times with.

-Our friends. We have formed such deep and powerful friendships here. Some we interact with daily, and some much less often. Whether we talk daily, or once in a blue moon, you have helped us to love, laugh, and share here. Thank you all.
Getting the opportunity TO REALLY FUCKING HATE Raphael Sprite in public.

xx SF

Ah, Fuck!!! OF COURSE I don't mean that!!!

I echo ALL of the above. As I writer, I LEARN and I enjoy it here. As a PERSON I've made friends. AS a LOVER I bat out of my league. As a MOD I believe I encouraged talent. I'm really proud to be a part of what I truly believe is a real, perhaps unique, community.
Making "your mum" jokes in serious forum threads.
Quote by clum
Making "your mum" jokes in serious forum threads.

Your Mum likes doing that too.

xx SF
Collaborating with writers like Principessa, Sweet as Candy, Dirty D, Jayne33 and Poppet. They all are so different in their approaches to story telling and each was a pure joy to work with.

Sharing creative juices isn't easy at any time, but doing so in an erotic work requires a huge amount of trust and professionalism. For me, those moments were very satisfying.
Quote by Mysteria27
I really enjoyed doing my collaborations with Stephanie and Magical Felix. They're both very well respected writers on this website.

You're a sweetheart. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Quote by stephanie

Getting the opportunity TO REALLY FUCKING HATE Raphael Sprite in public.

xx SF

Ah, Fuck!!! OF COURSE I don't mean that!!!

I echo ALL of the above. As I writer, I LEARN and I enjoy it here. As a PERSON I've made friends. AS a LOVER I bat out of my league. As a MOD I believe I encouraged talent. I'm really proud to be a part of what I truly believe is a real, perhaps unique, community.


Best experience... hmm... my 5 year aniversary is coming up in a few days, i think. i joined the site on a whim, really, looking for a place to publish a dirty supergirl story. i think i made a bit of an impression - lol - within a week i'd gotten lectured by Nicola about posting links to other sites. i was kind of scared of her after that for a while. now, i consider her a friend. i've made a few of those, some very special, in my time here, people that i treasure so much. i think you all know who you are, so i won't do the list thing...

i don't think i would have become the writer i am now without this place, and the support and encouragement of a few of my fellow writers. one of my best memories is the very first comp i entered - i took first place, and there was some fierce competition. that just really bouyed my self confidence. i'll say it again, i would not be the writer i am without this site, and i really need to do one shout out, to Dancing Doll, who has encouraged me to keep pushing my boundries, to keep trying to improve, who pushes me to write when i really don't feel i have anything in me at the moment. thank you, Ash. you are my inspiration, my friend, and my idol all wrapped in one. you're also still better than me, but i'm catching up fast! ;)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I think being able to co-write with people like Milik, Dirty D, Jinxy, Jonathan and Andrew are probably right up there in the best things I've gotten to do.

Of course there are a few others that I'd truly love to write with. I'm just too shy to approach them.

I, like Katie also cried when I received my first recommended read and a few other times too. I'm a soppy sort.

Making some amazing friendships with a handful of people has been pretty damn great too!
It's difficult to mention a few best experiences as the number is close to infinity.... But I think interaction with sincere, straightforward people with good sense of humor would always remain my best experiences here smile
Falling in love with someone I'd never met before in real live was by far the best experience I've had on Lush.


My "best" experience? Telling someone a fantasy that I'd never even put into words before that time, and getting a friendly, respectful, honest, and sexy response. I'll admit it: I was relieved. It opened the door for me to become a new man -- after my 67th birthday!
Being able to express my feelings in poems, my friends that I love and adore.

There are some of you I love unconditionally.

Learning about myself.

Messages from sugarbaby2013.

Thank you, Linda.