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are you straight, gay, bi-sexual, or bi-curious

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Agree with Nikki703 above. I just LOVE sex!
Quote by BiMale73

That would mean virgins can't be hetero-, bi- or homosexual then? I'm not sure everyone agrees on that.

No it does not. A person can be any of those things without ever having had to have sex in any of those categories.

Many gay guys know they are gay even before they have ever have sex with another man. It is because attraction to women does nothing for them, but they know they are attracted to men. The same for gay women. Women turn them on even before they have sex.

I knew I was bisexual even before I ever had sex with anyone. I got turned on by both men and women. It didn't matter.

A person who is 100% heterosexual doesn't have to have had sex to know they are heterosexual.

I did a google search on the term "what does bi-curious mean" and this is what the general answer on quite a few sites says:

Bi-curious is when you do not know if you are straight or lesbian/gay or just plain bisexual. It's the experimental kind of stage. Myself I went through it and I am bisexual. You can decide by yourself what you become. (this is from


The basic definition of curious means eager to learn or know; inquisitive.

You add the word bi to curious. It just means you are eager to learn what it is like or to know.

If you have already had sex with someone of the opposite sex then you should know if you liked it or not. You should no longer just be curious about it.
The short answer is "yes, what a stupid open-ended question".
as straight as an arrow me biggrin
Quote by HotBttmInBriefs
No it does not. A person can be any of those things without ever having had to have sex in any of those categories.

But that's not what you said at first:

Quote by HotBttmInBriefs
Bisexual simply put means you have had sex with both the same sex and the opposite sex and would do it again. It is normal practice for you.

Bi-curious simply means that at this point you are curious about what it would be like to have sex with the same sex (man on man or woman on woman) but you haven't gone beyond the stage of just fantasizing or wondering about it.

Well, unless 'sexual' means something different in bisexual than it does in heterosexual and homosexual of course.

Quote by HotBttmInBriefs
Bi-curious is when you do not know if you are straight or lesbian/gay or just plain bisexual. It's the experimental kind of stage.

OK, I guess that could be one definition. But there are a lot of people, here and elsewhere, that claim to have done the experimenting but still call themselves bi-curious. It seems that bi-curious and bisexual often means the same, but some people just prefer one term over the other to describe their own sexuality.

And why are there no such terms as BDSM-curious, milf-curious or trans-curious? Just askin'


Quote by BiMale73

OK, I guess that could be one definition. But there are a lot of people, here and elsewhere, that claim to have done the experimenting but still call themselves bi-curious. It seems that bi-curious and bisexual often means the same, but some people just prefer one term over the other to describe their own sexuality.

And why are there no such terms as BDSM-curious, milf-curious or trans-curious? Just askin'

I hold that my first thing I said and the 2nd are still the same.

You can know you are bisexual or heterosexual or whatever and not have had sex.

But you can also be in a stage where you are curious about it too or even confused. You might think you are attracted to guys and want to explore it but you are not sure until you try.

You might be interested in BDSM but not sure if you want to or not -- so you are curious about it.

As far as what you say about people preferring to say bi-curious instead of bisexual. There are a lot of gay or bisexual guys out there too that prefer to say they are straight. But does that make it so?
Had a brief fling with being straight.
Bi-curiosity was brought to a toe curling end by a girl called Beth xx
Quote by HotBttmInBriefs
As far as what you say about people preferring to say bi-curious instead of bisexual. There are a lot of gay or bisexual guys out there too that prefer to say they are straight. But does that make it so?

That's exactly my point


Straight, but I have many gay and lesbian friends.
Im bi just started a couple yrs ago. Never to old to start.
People are who or what they should be it is not my position to judge.Lets all just try to be happy in who and what we are.
Have to say Bi-sexual. I was very oral with a guy for years before I married my wife. She loves guys sucking guys and now wants to see me do it for her!
Straight. I thought I might be bi once but I don't think so anymore.
I know that I am straight, I am not sure if I could ever be swayed in the other direction though. I mean, it's not that I don't find other women attractive, I just don't think about them in a sexual way.
I am Bisexual. have been since I was 13.
Bisexual, maybe more preferable to men.
I am definitely bisexual. My interest lie right in the middle.
I've been bisexual since forever. I tend to fall in love with girls and fall in bed with boys.
I discovered auto-fellatio when I was a teen, which led to a brief experimentation with bisexuality, but meeting a 25-year-old divorcee disabused me of any notion of sexual attraction to men. I've been straight for 49 years.
I would have answered bi-curious had I responded when this poll went up, but I now go with "bisexual". I've experimented a bit with men and it's definitely on my menu.
I am actually Bifocal.
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

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Bi-curious and no real reason why I havent as I want to but it has not happened
use to be curious till drunk and online one night,Had cpl asking for bi male.Long story short I knew answer 4 hours later answer to all of .Found out the anal part(getting) was hot the rest I could pass on. Only twice since and all where 10 years ago. So bi educated and now just women and her toys unless eating creampie by others count.