I'd have to go with Irish!!!
Mostly Scottish, or Irish, or Australian, but some English accents can get the heart pumping. BUT! it has to be from a lady person....guy accents don't do much for me. Example; Billie Piper or Kiera Knightley, could say anything she wanted to me and my jeans would get sticky....Hugh Grant...not so much.
Bostonian, New Yorker, or New Jersey accents along with all Southern (US) accents make people sound illiterate (TO ME!) BUT! again I have heard a few ladies (don't know where they were from) with a southern accent that I could listen to all night and into the morning.
Just Sayin'
"and the southern girls with the way they talk, they knock me out when I'm down there"
I have a British accent but not the slang, men find it attractive in a way. I think the sexiest accent has to be Irish!
I always find it amusing when foreigners say they like 'the british accent'. Have you any idea how many accents there are in britain!!? There's a different accent for practically every city. I'm from yorkshire & we certainly don't sound like the typical posh london or cockney as seen on tv!!
Back to the question though. I love accents, my partner's Scottish I do love a Scottish accent - though do struggle to understand the western Scottish sometimes! I lived in North Eastern Scotland for a few years so I've ended up with a Scottish twang in mine! Love most of the american one's I've heard. I think one which grates on my the most though & I can't stand is a Scouser accent!! :/ (Sorry any Scousers out there! LOL)
as an English girl i have been around accents all my life. i fine a posh English accent a real turn OFF. cant stand it.
i love a slow cockney drawl (middle class London accent) i also love Australian, south African (especially dutch Afrikaner) and New Zealand accents. find them very sexy and a big turn on
I enjoy:
I have a southern drawl, the Georgia variety. There are several different southern accents, and those bad imitations from Hollywood and TV aren't them.
I love Brit accents on women. You can throw in Aussie, Scottish, French, and most European accents too. I like 'em!
I'm a sucker for the Australian accent and love certain British accents. The more soft-spoken British guys are just oh so cute.
As long as she has a smooth, musical kind of voice ;)
I do like South African, various British (but not all), and oddly German haha
there is always a choice - make it a conscious one
I LOVE women with accents! It's a huge turn on.
Accents are sexy, especially Island girls and Latin chicks