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List of names in chat rooms on the chat front page

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The recent change of only showing the names of people listed as visible to all, or visible to friends (where presumably friends can see the name) and the rest of the names as invisible so that the list now matches the number of people shown in the room is absurd. A lot of people had already figured out that it was the visibility factor that determined whether a name could be seen or not. And now to change it to show "invisible" to match the number is just confusing. One of the good things about the list showing names of people in the room was that if you were looking to either talk to, or avoid someone, you could look before entering. And I know you can block someone you don't want to see, but it could just be a temporary thing, plus a lot of people don't like to block people. And some people go invisible just to stop random private chat requests, not so that they can't be seen.

I know the reasoning behind the change, and I know a similar change was made to the forums a few years ago, but the chat rooms are a different animal. Some people just like to read through the forums and never or rarely comment , so being invisible made sense. People go into the chat rooms to talk and all you need to do to see them is go into the room anyway, so not showing all the actual names on the bulletin boards in the hallway outside the rooms seems pointless. It's also going to mean a lot more wear and tear on the doors to the rooms as people jump in and out just to see who is in the room. As it stands, you might as well just eliminate the name lists entirely, because they are pretty much meaningless now.
I entirely agree with Cas, bring back the old system, I am invisible on Lush to prevent some harassment when I log on, but have no objection to being seen as a participant in a room
This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. I log on frequently as invisible because I don't want bombarded with chat and friend requests. But I do want my friends to see me in the room so they can choose to come in and chat. Go back to the old system, this is not "better".
i'm going to chime in here. i don't like seeing members marked as invisible in a room, to me it just looks less inviting. like the posters above, i have no issue with being seen in a room. i also use the list to decide whether or not to enter a room. since the new changes, i figured that i'll have to make a conscious effort to make myself visible so that at least my friends can see me. is there anyway we could get an option to show up as visible in a room, but invisible elsewhere? kind of like how we now have the option to show up as always available for certain friends, despite being marked as away.

Say. Her. Name.

I feel exactly the same way as Nicole as well, I sign in and get random chat requests that I have to deal with Go back to the old way.....Thanks
I also want to know who is in the room...bring back the old way Please
I feel like I opened a can of worms suggesting that I prefer to be invisible at all times even while in a chat room. After reading the above I do understand how it is effecting some people. I do wonder if there is a way that you can choose to make yourself invisible in chat rooms as an option if the previous system is restored? Perhaps the default would be your are visible in chat rooms, but you could choose the option of not being seen. I have no idea if this is possible. I only prefer to be invisible because while it is nice that friends see me and enter to chat, stalkers and some people I prefer to avoid also enter. I then have to block them and I hate to keep blocking people. Whatever the majority of people want I will work with of course. Thanks for trying to sort this out.
Quote by Gillianleeeza
I feel like I opened a can of worms suggesting that I prefer to be invisible at all times even while in a chat room. After reading the above I do understand how it is effecting some people. I do wonder if there is a way that you can choose to make yourself invisible in chat rooms as an option if the previous system is restored? Perhaps the default would be your are visible in chat rooms, but you could choose the option of not being seen. I have no idea if this is possible. I only prefer to be invisible because while it is nice that friends see me and enter to chat, stalkers and some people I prefer to avoid also enter. I then have to block them and I hate to keep blocking people. Whatever the majority of people want I will work with of course. Thanks for trying to sort this out.

giggles... so you're the one! I do have a question though. do you mean you just want your name to be invisible on the list? You don't mean actually invisible in the room as that would be rather counterproductive. And I agree with you about blocking people. I believe if someone is casing issues, THEY are the ones that should be reprimanded, that i should not have to block them. I compare it to letting the criminals run loose, while law abiding people lock themselves in their homes But it seems to be Lush's answer to everything.
I hate seeing so many invisible people in the chat rooms. Please bring back the visible in chat rooms.
Quote by adele

giggles... so you're the one! I do have a question though. do you mean you just want your name to be invisible on the list? You don't mean actually invisible in the room as that would be rather counterproductive. And I agree with you about blocking people. I believe if someone is casing issues, THEY are the ones that should be reprimanded, that i should not have to block them. I compare it to letting the criminals run loose, while law abiding people lock themselves in their homes But it seems to be Lush's answer to everything.

Yes I am the one to blame, lol. You are right, I should have clarified that statement. I don't want to be invisible in the chat room, just on the chat room home page. Blocking people is fine but it does get tedious at times. I don't like having to do it, but I don't know if you have run into the same problems? Some behavior is not necessarily against the rules sometimes it just can be creepy.

I'm fine with it going back to the way it was. I just probably won't visit the chat rooms anymore or very infrequently. I don't go there often anymore because of those issues. I perfectly understand why people want it returned to the previous arrangement.

Thanks for letting me clear up the confusion about my issues.
I agree totally with Adele and Nicole.

Please fix it.
I agree with apparently everyone! just is
my view is same as others if it aint broke dont fix it
my view is same as others if it aint broke dont fix it
it does seem silly...i mean whats the point of even listing who is or isnt in the room if your going to force us to come in to find out anyway?
There's probably little reason to add more to this, but I, too, disagree with the 'invisible' member listing. If someone wishes to create a private room and not list the occupants, that's fine, but it is nice to see who is in an open chat room before entering.
Add my name to the list of those who perceive this as a very bad idea. It's simply created a bunch of problems that didn't exist before. I am invisible just so I don't get unwanted attention from random people but I have no problem if people know I am in the chat room. You go in chat you are going to have that limited degree of visibility and that is ok. Plus as Cas mentioned everyone is going to be going in and out of the chat room now, myself included, just to see who is in there, if certain friends are there etc. so the names list has become irrelevant and meaningless. Please please please go back to the old way!!
I don't believe listing someone as "invisible" will solve any problem. I for one always look to see who's in a room before I go into it. I avoid drama, and a good way to avoid it is to not go in a room where someone is prone to create it. Am I punishing myself?, perhaps, but if drama can be avoided, but if I can avoid drama, I'll go elsewhere.
i dont like it plze fix huggsssssssssssssssss
it is hilarious!!!!!! one time the ladies room was filled with "invisibles'" ...but jokes apart yes it is a bit annoying not see the full listing...
Lush you have taken a step backward. The name list for the chat rooms prevented people from stalking the room. Not sure who in the R&D ivory tower came up with this idea. But it needs to be turned back.
This feature has been rolled back. We will now show all names for members of a room regardless if they are invisible or not.
Thank you gav!
Quote by Gillianleeeza
I feel like I opened a can of worms suggesting that I prefer to be invisible at all times even while in a chat room. After reading the above I do understand how it is effecting some people. I do wonder if there is a way that you can choose to make yourself invisible in chat rooms as an option if the previous system is restored? Perhaps the default would be your are visible in chat rooms, but you could choose the option of not being seen. I have no idea if this is possible. I only prefer to be invisible because while it is nice that friends see me and enter to chat, stalkers and some people I prefer to avoid also enter. I then have to block them and I hate to keep blocking people. Whatever the majority of people want I will work with of course. Thanks for trying to sort this out.

The old way was to me better.... and to avoid the pesky black boxes I set my self to the away setting with a message stating precisely that I was in a chat room, that if the wanted to talk to me they could do so in the room as chatting both ways at the same time was just too much and that was it... those that wanted to chat went into the room If not they left me a mail or talked another time. That with the option not to get pvt chat requests set to off I never got bothered by those either
And again I think that being in all the rooms at the same time is ridiculous...
Have this feature for perhaps gold members... it is annoying to have the same people in every room when we go to different rooms for different moods...
And I think that all rooms need the feature the ladies room has to vote to remove a pesky member, at least the lush rooms so if there are no mods and someone is out of line they can be removed.

Thank you, Gav!
I'm with the rest . Cas stated it so well. I often remain " invisible " due to unwanted contact .
Thank you, Gav!
Quote by gav
This feature has been rolled back. We will now show all names for members of a room regardless if they are invisible or not.

Aww man, I was just getting used to seeing it. Those rooms are crawling with invisibles.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.