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Do you enjoy naughty chat?

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The art of painting pictures with words is not a talent everyone posses. Those who have it lets paint some erotic pictures. Those who don't please keep posting those pictures.
Its the dance with all words...and both have to synch. I like knowing I'm great at yes i enjoy it very much!
Yes I dosmile Anyone wanna Get Naughty;)??
can't get enough of it
Haven't done it a lot to give a full answer, but as of right now and the naughty chat I just had (that fueled the inspiration for a new story) I love it.
I think it all depends on who it's with.
If it's with the right person I love it. Sometimes we can get so naughty I just have to masturbate. Sometimes I tell the person and sometimes its my secret!! This is my form of cybersex, LOL!!
Depends who it is with...some are great but others are a bit too full on!
With the right person, it can be terrific. I don't look for it, but when it happens it can be breathtaking.
I only enjoy naughty chatting with someone I know. In fact a very explicit naughty chat is what got me started on what became the story I just posted recently.
Absolutely, but obviously it depends on the person I'm talking with. Some people can come off (to me) as boring or creepy. We have to have similar interests and our conversations will hopefully not be too repetitive.
Yes I love naughty talk. Sexier the better.
It's not something I want to do randomly, with just anyone because I find it unfulfilling. When it's with him , I love it. Otherwise, the conversation just doesn't go in that direction. I have to have a special connection whether it is on line, on the phone, or in person. In bed, I adore naughty talk and some people are better at it than others.
I love it with the right person
Oh, I do love it. But you have to connect somehow. There are people who are absurdly shy and polite, people who come too strong too fast... and then there are just the ones who are into totally different things so can't get you off.

It's very different doing this with someone you are involved with (like your boyfriend) or a stranger, but can be really great in both cases. In my case, with the stranger, I prefer to use my imagination.
It really puts me off if they start telling me how tall they are and how much they weight, or being asked constantly where do I live, if I will send pictures and so on... In the end I just feel empty and frustrated.

But when you find a person that is into the same stuff and you connect, then it's great. Incredibly amazing even sometimes.
I love the conversations that are interspersed with naughty innuendos and flirtatious thoughts... It truly is important to have a connection with the person your sharing with...
Naughty chat - no. 'Chat' is far too simple. I love flirting in general. Getting down and explicit with my man on messaging is arousing, having phone sex is even better. But - talking really, really naughty when we have sex? Now that's wild, but no-one can call those explicit gasps and groans 'chat'!
I love sexy chat its fun and always gives you more ideas ;)
YES! But there are conditions which depend on the mood.

For example, there are times where there is nothing as exciting as a totally anonymous chat with a woman I have just encountered in the chat rooms - anonymous, erotic, fantasy. Cybersex can be pure fun.

But far, far better is dirty chat with a woman with whom I have built a relationship over time. This is much harder to do because it means investing lots of time and karmic energy in building the relationship. But the

The imagination is a powerful organ, and naughty chat is one sure way to exercise it freely.
Sure, if you're my brand of fun and I'm feeling horny enough to want to work out a cyber-sweat.x
Yes, with someone I have got to know, and whose desires I can anticipate, so that we can both achieve maximum pleasure and satisfaction, hopefully reaching orgasm at the same moment after a period of increasing arousal and excitement
I fucking love it , it turns me on every word is like a dirty secret [
I enjoy naughty chat when it is a 2-way street and the creatvity I use to create or discuss sexual situations and scenarios is matched by those reading of them. No greater turnoff for me is the often-heard, "Oh baby. Oh baby. Ohhhh"
Of course... although not every time I come on, depends entirely on the mood and the company ;) Mutual fun is always better than solo though :P
Very much. I love detailed realistic role play
With the right person I love it.
With the right person I love it.