I'm sure this isn't a new question, but I had to ask.
Do you cyber just for fun or do you only cyber if you have a connection with someone? And have you ever just cybered with someone for the hell of it then felt a strong connection?
while i was cybering ( i don't anymore, for the record) all of the above
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
I don't like to connect too much with anyone I cyber with because I don't want to get emotionally involved. I fall in love very easily and sometimes I can become addicted to people. Once you start its hard to stop!!
xx B.
I don't cyber, it does nothing for me TBH
Well, I think you know my answer Dani ;)
Mostly I just cyber for fun but sometimes there is a strong connection, which makes it much much hotter.
I only cyber with guys that are HOT, FUNNY, INTERESTING and that LOVE UNICORNS. I am yet to be satisfied fully by you guys.
I only cyber with girls that are super sexy and hot, that have more than just a pic that shows that they are hot. I find it more erotic if they have published stories and they interest me. Part of the fantasy and excitement of cyber for me.
I used to cyber but not anymore. I cybered for fun, to make the person across the internet happy and even just for something to do it's nice to have a little game of fantasy outside of reality that you totally control
I enjoy cyber, but have found that not all women who cyber are not after the same thing:
* some of them want me to do all the talking while they get off.. practically zero feedback: makes it tough
* some are very specific on what excites them and turns them on: that is very very good
* finding out it's a guy posting his wife is not cool
* finding out it's a guy who wants to share his wife or GF is not cool esp if he shares pics.
me thinks it's important to get to know each other, likes, dislikes, turn on, fetish, fantasy before heavy sexy talk. but hey, that's just me
ISO sexy married women to fulfill their deepest desires... did i mention I love it really wet?
Personally cybering didn't cut it!
I don't cyber too much anymore. My boyfriend is in another state right now, so we do that for now until I go visit him.
Latest story:
I used to cyber few years back when I first got into this, back then I enjoyed it a lot. For the most part it was fun and exciting. I haven't cyber in years but would do it again sometime.
Since I joined Lush, I've cybered quite a lot - and found it exciting and pleasurable. But it is definitely just for fun - if anyone tried to get too close for real I'd probably run a mile!
i don't cyber very often, but when i do its with people on here that i have made connections to. i dont like cybering just for fun and asking every person to cyber. i like to know the person i am talking to and maybe tease them a bit ;)
i dont really like to cyber. i only really like to do it with someone that im close with
I have for the fun and I have gotten attached to people in the past. Now if I was going to would be for just the fun of it the excitement. Has been a while thou lol
If you cant make yourself happy. Who can you make happy
- Cam can be fun once in a while, same phone
- Words on a computer screen can become same-old unless you are both frickin skillful and well connected
- Occasionally it develops into a really meaningful friendship, but my experience is that I drift away from cyber with such people rather doing it more, and simply enjoy the friendship
- Probably the cyber that gets me going more than a roleplayish scenario is simply discussing sex, fantasies, fetishes and RL. A woman revealing the deepest darkest filthiest depths of her mind, or the weirdest things she has done in RL, can really turn me on. Of course I'm assuming there is mutual curiosity there.
- I have sometimes drifted into writing taylor-made stories for cyber friends who get off on them. I wouldn't again. It is simply very easy to get someone off once there is a connection, and consume a lot of time doing so, but I found that it takes me out of the writing that I really want to do. Being the hottest thing to ever wield a pen according to your doting audience of one is a totally and completely different thing to developing skills in writing erotica that has a wider appeal (which I'm still at the beginning of really), and there are x hours in a day.
i dont know about yall , but , words are the strongest influence in the worl. witout true communication it is nothing but actions, so cybering can be fun, exciting and fullfilling. with a good imagination u can fullfill all dreams.
I have ...and will do it again - but with the right person/people. I have to feel some sort of connection. If she is able to arouse me, using my mind as her canvas, I'm sure she would be that passionate in the flesh.UwvXJlfh5U7GadCG