I am an Aquarius and I am a submissive
Sagittarius. I'm very sagittarian too.
Taurus the Bull.I used to look forward every morning to read my sign and really thought it meant something .Things started to go bad in my life and I lost interest .
Has anyone done the same ?.
Be nice to have a sexual one to read every day.
Aquarius doesn't seem like many of us.
I was born in February. What does that make me? haha
I think that many of you need to understand, that although you maybe a Taurus for instance, and born on the 1st of May, in actual fact, because you were born at a certain time, and a certain place, you are therefore under the influence of other Planets .
I, myself was born on the 1st of May 1952, in Dover England, and my astrology chart says that I am a Taurus Male, with a Leo Female side, and that there are various other planets which were in alignment at the time, or in that part of the sky.
So instead of saying, I am a Capricorn, for instance get a chart done or do it your self and find out what you really are and what the other planets are the influence your life.
Don't belive in Astrology, then ask a woman what influences her periods ? Usually its the moon, hence the word Menses meaning related to the moon. still don't belive well look at the tides and the seas, all influenced by the planets and particularly the Sun and the Moon.
A good place to start would be google " astro Diest " and then open up personal charts / Portraits. Enjoy the reading. Oh and you will be able to do a comparative chart analysis for your partner too.
For the record Taurus / Leo : and a Dom !
Capricorn. Holy crap!!! Pretty much right, with work and love.