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What is real D/s?

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I found this poem on tumblr awhile back. It was so profound I saved it. I want to share it with all you who are curious about what D/s (Dominance and sumbmission) really is. This poem was written by a real Master (not myself)

The Old Master

Thirty some odd years ago they took a chance.

Time has erased the irrelevant detail of who moved first.

He accepted her submission with pride and confidence
and a little hidden nervousness. She eagerly submitted
to Him with wanton expectant abandon. He was Her
Master and she was His most prized gift.

Together they tried new things, experienced new feelings,
and grew closer together. He looked deep into her soul
and she showed Him His.

The passage of time marched its inevitable march forward.
Each grew into a role now familiar; comfortable.
But as their bodies grew frail, their minds - those wonderful
minds - looked into each other to continue to grow.
To look to challenge. To look to experience. To look to grow
together ever closer. Closer. Closer. Closer to One.

One moment His physical heart failed Him, but she was by
His side. She carried Him in his weakest moments.
How could she not? His heart beat for two. Her heart beat in
rhythm with His.

That was ten years ago now. Whatever happened to that
power exchange? He was still her Master. A term now used
with such gentleness and affection off her tongue that still
threatened to burst His heart with a humble pride. She was
still his most precious gift. His reason to be the Man He was.

But the collars and cuffs and chains and whips rarely left the
drawers these days. Fine presents their ancestors would
blushing discover when they were finally resting together
in that final peace.

These instruments of youthful lust were still prized possessions.
But their lives had transcended the need for these tools. The
connection that these helped establish was now complete.
One look from old twinkling eyes was all it took to rekindle
those old desires.

The photo above? That was last year. His 80th birthday.
She had invited a few old friends over for dinner.

His gift?

The greatest gift He could ever want. For once again,
she gave herself fully and completely to Him.

* * * * *

D/s is not a game people. It is not something you do for thrills and then go back to real life. D/s - true D/s - IS real life. There is no off switch, only an occasional time out if need be to deal with Outside issues. But even still it is D/s to those who practice it. This is MY world. 24/7/365.
This is lovely - thanks for sharing it smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Oh how moving and tender this is, thank You for bringing it to lush, Master_Jonathan
There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."

C'è un fascino per il proibito che lo rende indicibilmente desiderabile.

— Mark Twain
I thank you humbly Jonathan
Anyone who spends any time in the life fully appreciates the words of the Master practitioners of the gentle art.
Beautiful, Thank you Sir for sharing.
Click below to see

That was wonderful and so very true.
thank You for sharing. that was quite touching.
This is certainly a touching story of a couple in love, who have grown old together, and still feel that love for each other, even as their roles have been reversed. But I am at a loss to see how it speaks to what a D/s relationship is. Are you saying that in a true D/s relationship, Dom and sub will be in love with each other? Is it a D/s relationship because she has stayed by his side "through thick and thin"? Is it about D/s because they have put away the collars and whips? How is that any different than a couple who have danced together for years, but no longer can because of the inevitable problems aging brings? I am sure there are countless MILLIONS of vanilla relationships that would look from the outside exactly like this, where the man has taken a stronger role in the marriage and the woman deferred to him, but now she has had to begin doing the things he always did because he no longer can. That hardly makes them D/s relationships.

And your footnote - once again someone who wants to tell everyone what "true" D/s is. Is there a rule somewhere that grounds and supports your opinion? Of course there isn't. Do you have to be in love to be in that "true" D/s relationship? I think not. Can you have a "true" D/s relationship that is not 24/7/365 (what about Leap Year)? Of course you can. Can you have a "true" D/s relationship that is just for thrills? Why not?

It seems to me that labeling a relationship "D/s" implies some more or less explicit roles of "Dominant" and "submissive". Beyond that, each relationship will, wittingly or unwittingly, create its own definition of what D/s means to them. If your definition of D/s is really the "true" definition, then it follows that any different definition is invalid. I am certain that there are many people who consider themselves in D/s relationships who would unequivocally disagree with you.
OldDom, first off let me re-iterate that I found this poem online and I thought it was very touching - how two people could still be so devoted to each other after all these years. Yes they call themselves Master and submissive, but that is between them. They could just as easily call themselves man and wife or banana and orange - it's their relationship!

Secondly, you and I both know that D/s is a very vague and ethereal topic - each of us has their own journey and their own goals and needs. I do not claim and never have claimed to know all there is to know about D/s. I simply say what MY journey is like - others can follow for as long as it works for them or not. If I can serve as any kind of example I am happy to do so. If I can give advice, I will be happy to. But my journey is mine and my girls alone.

Do I think "real D/s" involves intense emotions? Sure I do. In my experience it has always been so. You can't have that much trust and intimacy without feeling something for the other person. If you are truly connected and not just playing kinky games, you can't help but get emotionally connected. I'm not calling it love necessarily, but there are strong emotions involved in every D/s relationship I've had or known about.

My opinions here or elsewhere about this lifestyle are based on my own knowledge and experiences - many years of them. And I only put them out there to try to help others find their own path - not my path, but there own. They are free to take what I offer or not. It's up to them. And as a Dom yourself, surely you have your way of doing things too - which may be different than others. But neither of us are "right" because there is not "right" way to do D/s... only your own way.
Master_Jonathan wrote: But neither of us are "right" because there is not "right" way to do D/s... only your own way.

That right there defines the relationship....Nothing else matters.. There is no book of instruction...

It is the look in each others eyes that define the soul of any D/s relationship.
Quote by Master_Jonathan

My opinions here or elsewhere about this lifestyle are based on my own knowledge and experiences - many years of them. And I only put them out there to try to help others find their own path - not my path, but there own. They are free to take what I offer or not. It's up to them. And as a Dom yourself, surely you have your way of doing things too - which may be different than others. But neither of us are "right" because there is not "right" way to do D/s... only your own way.

Master Jonathan I have so much respect for you and your wise words. You definitely set the standard as far as being a balanced and a Dom worthy of trust.

As sub I appreciate all the comments here. But, there is always that one that has never earned the right to comment in a thread of this nature. And, should stop. His "soul" has no honor or code.
? A True Story ?
Thank you my dear, you honor and humble me with your words. And might I add the same is true from my side as well. There are a lot of "submissive" women on this site, however very few of them know what the name entails. Nor would they, when pressed into service, find the idea of submission as appetizing as their fantasy role is. It takes a strong woman to yield herself and kneel before a man. While the idea of being a submissive is romantic to them, the reality is that they just cannot bear the idea.
Quote by avrgblkgrl

Master Jonathan I have so much respect for you and your wise words. You definitely set the standard as far as being a balanced and a Dom worthy of trust.

As sub I appreciate all the comments here. But, there is always that one that has never earned the right to comment in a thread of this nature. And, should stop. His "soul" has no honor or code.

Your little subliminal comments have no place here...That just validates the actions.
I may be an outsider to the lifestyle, but I know this: a true Master does not just seek control, but takes responsibility for his sub's well-being, even when breaking the bond. A man who does not do that, has no honour or code, and does not deserve the honour to be called Master.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by Palidon

Your little subliminal comments have no place here...That just validates the actions.

yeah - next time just say it, girl!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Thank you for sharing this poem. It give true light to the D/s relationship and not the nonsense that some wannabe erotic writings want to share. It does shed a true light on these relationships and how they can grow into so much more.
Quote by sprite

yeah - next time just say it, girl!

Now who in the world finds my comments subliminal?
I'm just keeping it real and complimenting those who do too. I happen to like Sprite's whip because she's so real and cool as hell.
? A True Story ?
Quote by patokl
I may be an outsider to the lifestyle, but I know this: a true Master does not just seek control, but takes responsibility for his sub's well-being, even when breaking the bond. A man who does not do that, has no honour or code, and does not deserve the honour to be called Master.

You maybe standing outside but you have it pretty much right.

Quote by NymphWriter
Thank you for sharing this poem. It give true light to the D/s relationship and not the nonsense that some wannabe erotic writings want to share. It does shed a true light on these relationships and how they can grow into so much more.

You are so right NymphWriter.
? A True Story ?
I have much I'd like to say and will once I can think it all through but I definitely think this is a wonderful poem that outlines so many things and I'd like to share it here for you.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

Quote by TonyaL
I have much I'd like to say and will once I can think it all through but I definitely think this is a wonderful poem that outlines so many things and I'd like to share it here for you.

I wish to give some clarity to others why I wrote this poem. I was told by a couple of people on this site that they maintained a string of three or four subs at their service. I could not let that go by without commenting. In virtual or in real life it is impossible to maintain that type of relationship, unless the relationship is a fake one.
A sub requires very careful protection, love and care and a wholly committed relationship with one dom.
It was also meant to let my Baby Girl know what my real feelings and intentions were.
The unfortunate part is that the type of master who's ego grows by the number of women he calls subs does not read poetry. He is too macho to do that.
If you do me the honor of reading it please comment and please pass it on to others. Thanks.

My bookshelf includes 227 stories, which include 76 collaborations;

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Quote by sprite

yeah - next time just say it, girl!

Quote by avrgblkgrl

Now who in the world finds my comments subliminal?
I'm just keeping it real and complimenting those who do too. I happen to like Sprite's whip because she's so real and cool as hell.

That's no whip. She rides that unicorn horn so hard the reign snapped and she hasn't noticed yet.
Wow... I had no idea when I came across this poem and posted it here to share with others that it would cause such "debate"! I merely found it touching and a fine example of not only D/s but of commitment between a man and a woman.

There are far too many people in both vanilla and D/s relationships that for whatever reason give up and throw it away. Now abusive relationships I can understand, but to just not want to play anymore is beyond me. You loved this person enough at one time to want to live with them for the rest of your life. So what changed?

We need more people willing to commit and keep that commitment like this couple have.
Ladies and Gentlemen
As with everything a person does of their own free will, someone, will undoubtedly come forward and say its wrong.
A D/S relationship is after all built on trust commitment and acceptance, from both sides, Dom and Sub. Just as an ordinary relationship is, ours is no different, BUT, who am i to say thats right for everyone.
For those who believe in monogamy ,fine, live your life your way. For the ones who want a harem ,goodluck, men and women are fickle creatures and eventually it will end probably in disaster.
I dont care. I will live MY life how i want to ,I respect the commitment my pet gives me and will honor her for that, with my commitment to her 100%.
I am not a slave master telling her what to think and how to act 24/7, she has a brain and a heart and a soul. She knows what i expect and how I expect her to react and when she does as i ask it honors me.
A relationship like ours grows and matures its not all about Bondage ,pain and sex, there is more to it , and anyone who doesnt think that is crazy.
A quiet talk with your Sub can reveal so much,an insight into their soul and offer ways to reach them you may not have thought of.
We are all of a mind to enjoy ourselves, sexually and mentally, the brain is your biggest sex organ after all.
The difference between pain and pleasure is moot after all.
The one aspect I abhor is emotional pain and suffering inflicted because of the use of a delicate person, one who wanted a relationship not a user.
But thats just me.
Master J chrisM all power to you both ,incite full and instructive your comments lead the way and your words give power to many people
Well put WazzM8, and good for you. I like seeing the words commitment, trust, and respect. I also agree with talking - communication is the key to any good relationship and more so with D/s. And I am right with you on the abhorrence of emotional pain and suffering. D/s should be a loving relationship (IMHO) and if it isn't, you need to get out. No one whether sub or slave, Dom or Master has the right or should have to suffer emotional abuse. The mantra Safe, Sane, and Consensual applies at all times.
Now that Master has spoken I will say what I need to. First I am so grateful for Him and the respect and patience He has for me and with me. I am lucky enough to have found Him and our relationship is all about learning and growing together. Each day we talk and learn new things.
With that being said, I've been on the receiving end of the abuse spoken here. Some people who call themself Dom, Master, Sir, Daddy really have no idea what those words mean or what they entail. As a sub whose first experiences were not by a person who took me serious or my feelings into account on many occassions. I am very grateful for threads like this and the people who saw me faltering after being broken. People who were there to say you've done nothing wrong. Some people have no idea what it means to be a true Dom. I will forever be grateful to them and although I won't name them I do hope they see this as well as the fellow sub that is always ready with advice as I keep learning and growing.
Master will always make sure I am comfortable in all we do as He continues to pick up the pieces left by someone else. Our relationship is first and foremost built on respect and trust. This is ours and ours alone as I know everyone else is different but this works for us. Our connection is so great that He knows when i need a moment or when something is bothering me that we need to address. This is a need in any relaionship not just D/s but husband/wife as well. Without trust, respect, a connection what are you left with. Thank you Master_Jonathan for this thread and thank you Sir Chris for allowing me to post your beautiful poem here. Always thank you Master for the respect you show me in everything.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

for some, it's a game, or an experiment, or trying out something new. for others, it's much more serious. i've had 2 actual Dommes in my life, both here. Both amazing women. both understanding their responsibility, as i understood mine. i also was a switch for a short time, and so i get what it takes, what those responsibilities are. not to be taken lightly, that's for sure. i keep my mouth shut, but yeah, i see some playing at it, and i just have to shake my head.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.