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Active Ink Slinger
what is the worst punishment you have given out or have been given
Active Ink Slinger
Agree a safe word.

Then gag the slave.

Then say, "You can use the safe word any time you want me to stop."
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Rocker of the cocker
Quote by charmbrights
Agree a safe word.

Then gag the slave.

Then say, "You can use the safe word any time you want me to stop."

Are you trying to be a smart ASS? Or does it come naturally?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by charmbrights
Agree a safe word.

Then gag the slave.

Then say, "You can use the safe word any time you want me to stop."

i love it what a amazing idear
Quote by charmbrights
Agree a safe word.

Then gag the slave.

Then say, "You can use the safe word any time you want me to stop."

You do know that if someone can't consent to something or tell their partner to stop, it's essentially , don't you?
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by charmbrights
Agree a safe word.

Then gag the slave.

Then say, "You can use the safe word any time you want me to stop."

i have to wonder if you meant this to be funny. i could see how you could, and if you did, that's cool. thing is, it's not really that funny. not to me.

true story. i was introduced to bdsm by a man who, at the time, was my bf. i'm not sure when things started getting out of hand, but at some point he kind of had the same idea you presented. only he didn't gag me. he'd fill up the tub and push my head under water, preventing me from saying no or using my safe word until, eventually, i'd say yes. fear does that. voila. consensual sex. at one point in the relationship, all he'd have to do is start running the water. i said yes to a lot of things. i imagine gagging me would have worked just as well.

oh, eventually, i did say no. it was a very emphatic no. i should post pictures someday. i still have scars. that's the closest i have ever been to dying. sometimes i wake up screaming to this very day. those are bad nights. Ask my wife just how bad they get. just sitting down and typing this is making me shake.

i don't share this story very often, but sometimes, it serves a point. some stuff is just not funny. sure, you may not GET it, but don't belittle it, and think before you post. this has been a Public Service Announcement. now, back to your regular programming! smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
It seems you all but Sprite didnt understand the question. The worse punishment you can give a sub/slave is the silent treatment because then they know you are upset with them and their only goal is to please their Master or Mistress. I wont answer the second question because i am a Maestro and trained not only in the art of BDSM but S&M so I have inflicted more pain then most people can imagine
Quote by dirtywhorepussy

i love it what a amazing idear

thats pretty decent!
Advanced Wordsmith
I love to get spanked but my guy once gave me a few whacks with a flip-flop and I howled my head off. Never again.
Any punishment is horrible. Knowing you have done something to upset your Dom is the worst part. I personally hate timeouts where all I can think about is my mistake and upsetting my Master.
Rocker of the cocker
Quote by freesoul19
Any punishment is horrible. Knowing you have done something to upset your Dom is the worst part. I personally hate timeouts where all I can think about is my mistake and upsetting my Master.

I agree with this.. especially the bold part
Active Ink Slinger
The silent treatment is great because it does exactly what they have claimed. It puts your slave in his or her place with no real need to inflict any physical punishment.

Sprite, reading your post made me shake with anger at that individual. There is never a reason to take things to the level of torture, ever.

However the worst punishment I ever handed down was chastity and orgasm denial. One dice rolled once for the number of times that my slave rolled a set of 5 dice. Then we added the numbers of the five dice up and that was the number of days she went with out any orgasms. For the record she rolled a 4, and then 5 dice 4 times.

I had to go back and look up the numbers they were 4,3,1,2,4 - 5,1,1,2,6 - 4,4,4,2,5 - 5,6,6,1,1 = 67 days with no orgasms. It made the point rather well.
If you have read 50 Shades of Gray and think that you are ready to be a dom or a sub. Then you have a lot to learn.

Follow my slave's blog slave skye's real life blog if we can get 100 followers she is going to start posting pictures!!! I know there are at least 100 of you that want to see that click the link enter your email and follow. We hit 100 then she has said she will post a picture of herself.
Quote by ProfessionalMaster
The silent treatment is great because it does exactly what they have claimed. It puts your slave in his or her place with no real need to inflict any physical punishment.

Sprite, reading your post made me shake with anger at that individual. There is never a reason to take things to the level of torture, ever.

However the worst punishment I ever handed down was chastity and orgasm denial. One dice rolled once for the number of times that my slave rolled a set of 5 dice. Then we added the numbers of the five dice up and that was the number of days she went with out any orgasms. For the record she rolled a 4, and then 5 dice 4 times.

I had to go back and look up the numbers they were 4,3,1,2,4 - 5,1,1,2,6 - 4,4,4,2,5 - 5,6,6,1,1 = 67 days with no orgasms. It made the point rather well.

Master, I pray I never do anything to get that punishment
The worst thing my mistress could do as punishment is ignore me. Thank goodness I have never done anything to warrent that.
Rocker of the cocker
Quote by Beck
The worst thing my mistress could do as punishment is ignore me. Thank goodness I have never done anything to warrent that.

Yeah.. Being ignored sucks balls! In my opinion, the silent treatment is the worst punishment.. As a submissive, you'd have to do something pretty bad to warrant that.
I agree 100% with that Callisto.
Quote by Beck
The worst thing my mistress could do as punishment is ignore me. Thank goodness I have never done anything to warrent that.

I completely agree... Having the silent is utterly terrible. I got it for just a short amount of time and it made me feel just terrible... I was just lucky that I wasn't bad enough to get the full blow of the punishment.
Just to put a little insight in the subject from another submissive, the silent treatment or ignoring me DOES NOT WORK AT ALL, for me it makes me mad as hell as well for me ends a relationship excruciatingly fast! Doesn't matter if its just a D/s relationship or a vanilla relationship with D/s dynamics.
The worst punishment I can give My pet is to tell her that she has disappointed Me. Giving the silent treatment doesn't really let the sub/slave know what they did wrong. But if I find that My pet did something so bad it is worthy of this punishment (and it's only happened once) then I sit her down directly in front of Me, explain what she did wrong and then look her straight in her baby blues and tell her that I'm disappointed in her. She started tearing up instantly. Then I sent her to her room to think about it until I called her. She came back downstairs VERY contrite indeed.
Advanced Wordsmith
My Owner stating how much I disappointed Him.

I so full of self-recrimination that couldn't face talking to Him for over a week, and that only served to infuriate Him all the more.
Si vos postulo me, sed non vis me, oportet me manere.
Sed si vis me, sed non vos postulo me, oportet me abire.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by ProfessionalMaster
The silent treatment is great because it does exactly what they have claimed. It puts your slave in his or her place with no real need to inflict any physical punishment.

Sprite, reading your post made me shake with anger at that individual. There is never a reason to take things to the level of torture, ever.

However the worst punishment I ever handed down was chastity and orgasm denial. One dice rolled once for the number of times that my slave rolled a set of 5 dice. Then we added the numbers of the five dice up and that was the number of days she went with out any orgasms. For the record she rolled a 4, and then 5 dice 4 times.

I had to go back and look up the numbers they were 4,3,1,2,4 - 5,1,1,2,6 - 4,4,4,2,5 - 5,6,6,1,1 = 67 days with no orgasms. It made the point rather well.

The silent treatment is normally what 14 year old girls employ... how puerile...
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by PrimalMind

The silent treatment is normally what 14 year old girls employ... how puerile...

Yes, but how many 14 year old girls do you know engage in D/s, sir?
Si vos postulo me, sed non vis me, oportet me manere.
Sed si vis me, sed non vos postulo me, oportet me abire.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by NikkiP
I love to get spanked but my guy once gave me a few whacks with a flip-flop and I howled my head off. Never again.

If I may, I'd like to know if when you said "Never Again," did you mean "I will never again do whatever it was that merited that punishment" or "I will never again consent to being punished in that way"?

The two reactions are, of course, quite different. In the first case, it suggests that the punishment perfectly achieved its goal. In the second case, it suggests that either your dom(me) crossed a line or you discovered a new one. In either case, I hope you discussed this with him or her after the fact. There's likely to be a next time, and if he or she doesn't know that punishment is beyond your limit, he or she may do it again and the result will be more friction rather than less.
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