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Do all Dominants want multiple submissives?

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Cock Connoisseur
Quote by jerseylynn
One important thing to remember if one does move into a Polly relationship that there is NO room for jealousy. To agree to a Polly relationship means sharing and if you have reservations then decide what is more important to you. Always be true to yourself no matter what. If you enter it cause your Dom/me wants and demands it and your not comfortable with it then that is a recipe for disaster. I've seen so many subs get the lil green eyed monster on their shoulders and then holly hades the drama start.

Polly relationships aren't for everybody but know who you are and what you want. If you are a one on one person then make sure your wishes are heard and understood that may in the long run save your relationship and lots of days and nights being hurt.

Amen to that!
I agree, being true to yourself is very important. I also think being true and honest with not only yourself, but your chosen partner(s) is also crucial. I have seen too many cases (even in general relationships) where being true and honest took a back seat to temporary gratification or "the idea of", and it lead to complete disasters. People get hurt, and if at a minimum self honesty does not begin to be seen, the same things will happen over and over.... with the same results.

Multiple subs, or Multiple Doms is also (as has been stated by others) a case where jealousy can NOT be an issue (because many times it IS an issue.. I hope that made sense LOL). And yes, there are subs that are excited having multiple Doms as well as the other way around. But I will also point out that jealousy is not by default a "bad" thing or "not normal". I would present that healthy jealousy is not only the norm, but is a good thing. Far too often in places like LUSH when someone displays NORMAL feelings, emotions, or desires, they are looked at as being strange and even pushed aside because of it; and that is unfortunate.

I will also state that many times the fantasy aspect takes over, and people lose themselves and all sense of reality and logic, even when supposedly having a genuine conversation about any given topic. There IS a difference in a lot of cases between "playing" and "reality"... more so between online and off. We see this with many issues, such as 3somes, cockold, , and so on... not just BDSM. Hopefully though, most members can tell who to take genuine advice and views from, and those who are simply applying fantasy to every post and aspect of LUSH.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
i guess i just need too much personal attention to thrive in a situation like that. and being a Dom/me is hard work, doing that for more than one sub just seems like too much.

... you think there might be subs that are so demanding their Dom's need a rest from time to time? Should that surprise me?

One of the bad habits of the net is the way that everything seems to turn into what we call in the UK a dick size measuring contest. People assert that there is only one proper way to do something and if it isn't theirs then it does not count or is wrong or inadequate. The only real Lesbians are gold stars! Role play is not proper BDSM, got to live it 24/7! A/V double penetration is passe, got to be double anal or it s nothing!

Most people get on with two parents, so I can't see why having two Masters would be inconceivable. The main issue would be whether the Masters could agree on a consistent approach. Otherwise it is a recipe for, umm a sub plot for one of my novels.
The answer is no, like all people in all walks of life, we are individuals, and also some only claim to be dom's to justify thier need to fool around and thus avoid the guilt of responsibility to the one sub they should be caring for
Yes, I think everyone in the lifestyle can agree ... the simple answer is NO! Not all Doms want multiple subs. But polyamory has been around forever ... even in the vanilla world. Which brings up a more intriguing question ... has anyone ever known polyamory to work? I mean, really really work long-term? I personally haven't seen it last. The dynamic always seems to get messed up somehow.
Active Ink Slinger
I have found that the majority of Doms that consider themselves tops want one slave. There is a difference in experience level though. The more training the Dom has had it seems the more slaves that would like. There are exceptions to this though, as there are exceptions to everything.
Im a dominant and right in real life, i have 5 different subs. I love to have multiple subs.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm still looking for one. two is a stretch right now.
Being a Dominant is a hella responsibility as it should be. Being a "dominant" who wants to amass a string or harem of submissives almost always means the "dominant" is a player and taking no real responsibility for the submissives. That said, poly-relationships are another matter altogether. A mutual D/s relationship especially in the early stages is about communication and learning each other. Adding more submissives to that mix reminds me of the current Internet meme "Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!"
Active Ink Slinger
If you get involved with Certain members be prepared to not be the only one but be prepared that they will tell you otherwise. Just my two cents. Believe no one unless you live it and can see it!
Constant Gardener
I'm just frustrated that Gav hasn't created a way for us alpha dominants to show that we own a harem of nubile subservients here at Lush.

I'm not going to grovel for this, Mister. I will ask nicely again. One more time.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Cock Connoisseur
Quote by WellMadeMale
I'm just frustrated that Gav hasn't created a way for us alpha dominants to show that we own a harem of nubile subservients here at Lush.

I'm not going to grovel for this, Mister. I will ask nicely again. One more time.


You just can't help yourself can you?
Constant Gardener
Quote by Ravyn

You just can't help yourself can you?

Seriously? No...I mean yes...that's why I've also asked Felix to help out too. Next week I'm gonna ask Scooter, Merc and maybe...maybe Dirty Martini.

I'm overloaded over here.

You know how it is, right?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Cheeky Chick
I’m happy with just one submissive, of course he’s also my boyfriend and if I had another submissive it would in MY eyes be some form of cheating. I’m not okay with that, so I don’t do it.

I had the chance to be a temp Domme to someone when his Mistress wasn't around, and I was thinking about it, but my submissive expressed to me he wouldn't like it. I respected his wishes, and denied the offer. Not because I let my submissive tell me what to do, but because I respect his feelings.

I do sometimes come off Dominate with friends, more in a joking manner, because they have a submissive side. It never goes beyond what Jamie (my submissive) and I feel comfortable with.

I never really got the appeal of having more than one. Why can’t one be good enough? To me it’s like anything else. You don’t have more than one girlfriend/boyfriend, or more than one wife/husband etc. So, unless you’re into the Polygamy thing, then don’t treat submissive’s like toys. Yes, you “own” them, but they are people. Even if they’re okay with you having others.

Anyway, that’s my opinion.
1 would be enough if I was to find the right one
Active Ink Slinger
When I noticed this thread I immediately thought of my lush experience. I never went into a chat room thinking I would meet the next submissive to add to my D/s family or the next equals lover for that matter. Each submissive is a gift and a treasure to be cared for and loved. I actually met and collared my first 2 submissives more than a year ago and though we have been separated once or twice we are all together again now. The most I've had at one time was 3 full time subs but even that limit wasn't planned. Having a fourth would have meant giving up some sleep but that is a sacrifice I would have been willing to make for the right partner. As for them, as any of my close lush friends will tell you, I am VERY possessive of my girls, so they are expected to give me their absolute obedience which includes being mine and mine alone!