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your woman peeing on you???

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No u shouldnt let her try to cum on your face if she would pee on u i would tell her to slow down in the water so you could tell if she is peeing
Mmm It's sweet and salty too!
I have thought about being peed on, not my face though (I aint that freeky) but never had the experience.
I'd let her do it if I could have anal with her.....

So no, it'll never happen


I'm not in to the whole piss thing but if my lady really wanted to do this,,, I would lay in the tub and let her give it a go. Then she would have to clean up the puke.,,.lmao
Be aware that a girl urinating over the guy's face is a domination thing.

Personally I have allowed it several times, but then I am a submissive.

Urine is so pure that it is recomended as an emergency antiseptic for wounds. I would not consider the flavour sweet or salty.
i wouldnt but thats just me
Hmm, I'd love to watch a woman pee, but not onto me.
A woman's naked arse would have to be one of the most beautiful things every created...
i talked my ex wife to piss on my chest i liked it but she wasnt into it , never would again
Absolutely love sexy....piss all over me....plenty in my to drink piss from a nice pussy
The first few times I gave and received. It was for kinky fun and exploration. No D/s involvement. I do find many of my subs do enjoy it as the ultimate act of submission. That is generally when I will allow them their release. I like humiliating them that way. Having them show how much they like it
Never done it but hey, if it keeps the lady happy then give it a go. Better to try than knock it back I always say.
Absolutely hell yes.

It's essential!
no just got thrown out the window on that one.. HELL FUCKING NO!!! Have you lost your mind and drop sanity off a cliff??
Just let it go.
Yes, yes, yes, x
Not only no, but HELL NO!!!
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Bit too wierd for me this one...
I fully understand those who say no way, I am sure there are things they like that don't do it for me. I have long been a watersports fan, but only got the wife into it by accident - during a great oral session (something we both love) I made her squirt and she peed a little with it. She got all embarrassed and I said it was OK and that I had quite enjoyed it. Progressed from there to licking her pussy while she peed and have had her go the whole hogg and give me a golden shower. It always has the same result, best fuck ever! However, she doesn't like the idea of me doiung it to her. Suits me, I just love to receive it. Great feeling, great taste.
As many others have said, though, only you can decide if it's for you. My motto is try anything once, if it doesn't do it for you don;t do it again. So, with that in mind, I'd say try it - you just might like it!
no. thats just gross
I totally hear and appreciate the 'hell nos'.

There is shit out there and indeed referred to on this very site that in no way shape or form would be my bag. I ain't here to judge.

However, this bag, is so very damn beautiful and Wife just so happens to be god's gift at all aspects of it.

Good times people.


Hell yes!! I have done it on a couple of occassions lieing back wanking while she pissed all over me, including my face which I was happy to take and have also licked her pussy while she was peeing. But then I love watching a woman pee and generally love pee fun so . . . .but I understand why a lot of people wouldn't do it.
sugarbabe your bang on we used to pee on each others privates anytime we were in the shower together harmless fun
If she squirted that's cool. I take that as job well done. Too flat out piss on me that's something else. If a girl wanted to do that she'd have to be someone who i'd doing anything to fuck. A 10 and up or a famous actress
or something. So the answer for me is no.