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Younger women

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Active Ink Slinger
count me in i'm 22 then my partner is 28 that time i was thinking when i choice the older women than me the relationship will work since she will understand me but it's not that way it is really in emotion once you deeply in love to each other everything is possible to change no matter the age gap, the nation or even the status in life.
Active Ink Slinger
Been there, done that...and would do it again if the opportunity "arose". Seriously, in my mind when it comes to sex I'm still in my 20's, so I'm going to be looking at an 18-20 year old as a live target.
Writing quality explicit material for over eight one-hundredths of a century.

"If, after hearing my songs, just one human being is inspired to say something nasty to a friend, or perhaps to strike a loved one, it will all have been worth the while." - Tom Lehrer

"There is no such thing as good luck or bad luck; only adequate or inadequate preparation for a statistical universe." - Robert Heinlein
Younger women are a fantasy because if one is attracted to you, it makes you feel a bit younger.
Rookie Scribe
Honestly, I love being with an older man.. Younger Guys (around my age, etc.) Just, in my opion, dont know what there doing.. An older man takes the time to please me, while also pleasing himself..
BTW, this is my first post, sooo..
When a girl is young she expects the guy to know what she wants. We all dream of a sweet young thing (and young is in the eye of the beholder) and as a man gets older he likes the idea of being the teacher in a manner of speaking to bring out the woman in the "innocent" (that too may be a dream now a days) gir (of legal age of course). But as a woman gets mature she isn't afraid to tell her lover what she desires and it is she who becomes the teacher in life. So we guys think of both and women become both. Yes we have a fantasy about sweet young pussy girls and yes we have a fantasy about mature hot women. So girls you have us wrapped around your finger no matter what age you may be as we have a naughty fantasy to fit both.
Active Ink Slinger
I prefer older then that have had sex with a girl in that age group but just wasnt as fulfilling
Active Ink Slinger
younger females just seem to know what an older man wants, it could just be that she enjoys how us older men(i'm 45) takes his time to truely pleasure her in every way possible. younger men seem to only care about getting off whether the girl/woman does or not,leaving them unsatisfied. try an older man you girls wont regret it!!!

edit: admin has edited this comment as a portion of it broke site guidelines
Rookie Scribe
Younger women do seem to try harder and are more open to experimentation. Age doesn't really matter though. I get off watching a woman enjoying herself whether it be from oral, fingering, or sex (which I LOVE doing all those). If I get to make a woman cum, then I'm happy. Her wanting to make me cum is a bonus.
Rookie Scribe
Have been with and still fantasize about much younger women but have found with most there is a limit to how far a relationship can develop. But that's true of anyone of any age.
The biggest impediment I've come across to maintaining such a relationship long term is women - and men - of that age rarely know yet who they are nor have a clear idea of where
they'd like to be headed, what they really want out of life. They have just begun to explore, to throw themselves against life. And that newness, that openness is part of the attraction.
Many people - men and women - by the time they're my age they set in their ways and no longer open to life, they're a bit too jaded, no longer vibrant and alive having been kicked in the head by life a whole bunch.
Rookie Scribe
I sometimes wonder if being attracted to younger girls is like being addicted to crack. Always chasing that 1st crack-hit (so i've heard). Those initial experiences with sex are often seared into memory, serving as a yardstick for future interactions. (ie. 1st blow job, etc.) Just postulating here. I admit recalling similar memories with great fondness ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TrouserSnake
I sometimes wonder if being attracted to younger girls is like being addicted to crack. Always chasing that 1st crack-hit (so i've heard). Those initial experiences with sex are often seared into memory, serving as a yardstick for future interactions. (ie. 1st blow job, etc.) Just postulating here. I admit recalling similar memories with great fondness ;)

Active Ink Slinger
When I was 25 I was with a girl who was about to turn 18. For the most part she was a blast in bed and out of bed! She wasn't someone I could settle down with, but she was sure fun to be with!! Now im married to a girl who is only a few years younger than me. I love my wife to death and wouldn't want anyone different, but looking back, i would have loved to settle down with the younger one. She had a bigger sexual drive and was willing to try anything!! Guess the younger ones do know what they are doing!!
Wild at Heart
Young women, like everything else, are all different. So I'm not trying to generalize.

I'm 28 so not really an older man but to me 18-21 is just too young for me in a dating kind of sense. Thinking about sexually? Checking them out? Hanging out? If I'm lucky and I get to play with them? Yeah, that's fun and great. The older I get the less in common I have with them I'm finding out.

Some of them are in that finding out the world is so fucked up and what we need to do to change it stage...

Some of them are in that I want to get high and party every night stage...

Some of them are in college...

Some of them are not very experienced in all aspects of life and any kind of relationship turns into more of a I'm the parent and you're the child type of deal. Not fun for anyone...

Some of them still live with their parents...

Some of them are very immature...

Of course not all of them and I've met 18 year olds that are more mature than I am. The major thing is that they are just in a different stage of their lives than I am. I find them sexy and beautiful though. I remember being 20 and thinking for every 5 girls my age 1 was hot. Now... I think for ever 5 girls 4 of them are hot. Youth is attractive. Nice skin, energy, innocence will always be attractive sexually.
Constant Gardener
Off the top of my head, I can think of about a dozen 18 to 19 year old chicks I'd like to drill.

Lend me your time machine so I can go back to 1981. I missed 'em the 1st time around.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Rookie Scribe
I am 67 years old and I fantasize about a 39 year old I love so much. She does know I love her but has not really responded to my feelings. I think about her jerking me and letting me eat her and loving her the rest of my life!♥♥ She's the greatest!
Rookie Scribe
Quote by sexi_virgin25
Quote by TrouserSnake
I sometimes wonder if being attracted to younger girls is like being addicted to crack. Always chasing that 1st crack-hit (so i've heard). Those initial experiences with sex are often seared into memory, serving as a yardstick for future interactions. (ie. 1st blow job, etc.) Just postulating here. I admit recalling similar memories with great fondness ;)


My thoughts exactly. I had trouble condensing my theory into coherency when posting that. I must've been baked.

What I should have said was.... I imagine every guy's 1st piece of tail would be pretty hard to forget. It might even stand out. Since most of us were young ourselves for such an occurrence, it stands to reason the girl was as well. --Following the bread crumbs ok yet? I know, it's tough--
Thusly, it could very well be that this experience... set-the-bar, if you will. --ooh a piece of candy--
Maybe that bar was never reset by a better piece of ass. --ooh a piece of candy--
This sub-theory can be thought of in a metaphorical sense, comparing it to a similar phenomena/occurrence, say..... smoking crack. --ooh a piece of candy--
Now I've heard an actual crack head describe their addiction like this "I keep trying to get that first hit again" which makes sense I guess. --pull string--
You should be standing on the "X", I mean making a fairly obvious comparison. --spring trap--
Now that you're in the box, do you get it Mr. Woods? -he he-
Fu%k, now my buzz is gone
Active Ink Slinger
I'm 49 and for me age is not primarily a turn on. But I will admit that when I was in Amsterdam the lovely ladies in the brothels were all in their twenties. Everything was toned and pert, and I really enjoyed the experience. But I have had the best sex with women of my age.
Advanced Wordsmith
Age isn't a huge factor for me. Hotness factor is much more important. In the past 5 years, when I was 40 - 45, I have been with women ranging from 28 - 58. I like the kinky ones better!
Rookie Scribe
Younger girls are a turn-on but I like the more experienced women.
Rookie Scribe
Younger women may look good but older women tend to be more sure of themselves and what they want. My experience is that they have less inhabitions about communicating what they like. Rember beauty is only skin deep but sexy go right to the core.
purely for sex would be ok.... apart from the sex it wouldn't work as they are looking for different things than me .
Ive always been with younger gals then myself. My wife is 9 years younger then I. When in college I dated younger gals as they tend to be a bit more exciting and more experimental. However, the eldest gal I was with was when I was 19 years old and she was 35. That was a fantastic time and she taught me a lot during our time together. No she wasnt married however she did have a boyfriend that obviously was not taking care of her needs. I filled that slot for her (no pun intended......ok pun intended:P).
The Linebacker
Younger Girls? NO! What do ya think I'd be trolling playgrounds and offering candy bars or something? I have seen a lot of sexy older ladies...MILFS!!!
Constant Gardener
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Can easily work as long as the girl is mature enough in herself. I love being with older guys as I find them more settled, attentive and self-assured. Guys my own age do very little for me but older guys (about 10-20 years) are perfect for me.
The only thing I find is that older guys seem to sometimes worry about how thier friends and family will feel about the age difference and this has caused a couple of my relationships to fail. People assume that because I am younger, I may not fullfill an older man mentally.
Active Ink Slinger
oh my:
i love young women love to look at them
Would like to have one for a sex toy may be two just for fun
those hot young body sweet little titties hard young butts
Oh my and the way they dress today
i like the way they make those jeans look
some in shorts so short and hot oh so sweet others are so nasty
showing there butts even as they sit you can see there panties
they show there sweet little pussy this is hot! i like it i love it don't stop
want one to play with
AnAmber you are so sweet i would love to play with you your hot
I like sexy sweet panties
oh but it is the woman that makes then sexy an sweet
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AnAmber
Can easily work as long as the girl is mature enough in herself. I love being with older guys as I find them more settled, attentive and self-assured. Guys my own age do very little for me but older guys (about 10-20 years) are perfect for me.
The only thing I find is that older guys seem to sometimes worry about how thier friends and family will feel about the age difference and this has caused a couple of my relationships to fail. People assume that because I am younger, I may not fullfill an older man mentally.

your hot Amber
I like sexy sweet panties
oh but it is the woman that makes then sexy an sweet
Active Ink Slinger
I think it all depends on the personalities... I'm 51 but feel 30... I've been with beautiful girls in their twenties and thirties... it' a given that they're sexually alluring.. but my ideal is my current girlfriend, we've been together 2 years and she's 39. Sexually we're experienced and both click... but we click mentally too... not sure that I'm really attracted to women my age anymore... unless they look younger! smile

ps AnAmber... you're so lush!