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why send a friend request if you don't know me

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Lot's of guys are wussies and see a negative profile and want to "fix" you or "make you happy"
So inadvertently you may be attracting a specific personality.

I read the profiles or the posts to see if something there interests me. For others they do not even read the profiles

No offense, but I generally don't add any girls who profess to be lesbians or bisexual, because more often than not, they are really interested in speaking to girls.

Ultimately it's your choice who you friend and who you don't.

Best of luck, my advise, ignore them.
Quote by HeraTeleia
Okay, I've sent out exactly one friend request, once, to a person who commented on my story (she accepted, thank you, Poppet). And why whine in public about your avatar? Why are you using someone elses' pic anyway? Oh, that's right, you want attention--want people to see your avi, think it's you, go to your profile page, and friend request you. My avatar is me; what exactly are you hiding, besides loneliness and need?

ok, just reread your post. when did you hear me whine about my avatar? it is beautiful and to me. one of the sexiest avatars on lush. go back and read what i wrote. i said i wish the guys would read my profile so they would know it wasn't me but it seems apparent you didn't even read the heading of this thread or my first post. and btw, i'm not lonely, i have some of the best friends ever, some I've had for well over 4 years here on lush. and i also have kk. so I'm good
Active Ink Slinger
From what ive seen men dont care whos avatars are real or fake. They just want the fantacy for cyber. And for ALL of the women attacking other women for fake avatars need to calm down. When your real photos end up on Tumblr or any photo search with out your consent you wouldn't be so quick to judge.

We are all on here for different reason. Just injoy it and show everyone some respect.
Quote by BluRootz
From what ive seen men dont care whos avatars are real or fake. They just want the fantacy for cyber. And for ALL of the women attacking other women for fake avatars need to calm down. When your real photos end up on Tumblr or any photo search with out your consent you wouldn't be so quick to judge.

We are all on here for different reason. Just injoy it and show everyone some respect.

that is the thing i'm getting at. an avatar doesn't have to be you. it represents how you feel, what you like, or just your humor. the only time an avatar is fake is when you say it is you and it is not. that is why they are called avatars and not pics of you. my avatar isn't me but it shows a person I'd love to be, one with nature.
Active Ink Slinger
A few reactions to this post really bothers me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I think people should be reflective on how they express their opinions. Why get personal? It's pointless and disrupts the purpose behind the original post. My avatar is not me nor do I feel comfortable posting a pic of me as my avatar but I can assure you that I am neither attention seeking or lonely and I am SURE that pertains to others with avatars that aren't them. I happen to love my avatar, and like Ginger, I feel like it represents me and I am sure that people who know me would agree it fits me smile.

I have made some great friends here and most of them were made in forums and a few in chatrooms. A few times I did accept a request from a random request and it turned into nothing but someone being creepy. I also wonder why people send requests to someone they have never had contact with...I think it's a good question-- just saying!

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.
As you all know my avatar is the real me. I got tired of all the Hollywood glamour and all the beautiful rich people so I decided to join Lush. I have also gotten friend requests saying how beautiful I am. Since they can only see my avatar do they really believe I am Scarlett?
The Linebacker
Avatars: Posting a recognizable face picture on your avatar is your decision, but should not be decided on lightly. People can recognize you – friends, family, co-workers, employers, probation officers, creditors, and so forth. In many cases your career could be jeopardized. You can also leave yourself open to stalkers finding out who you are.

Friend requests: Random, nilly willy requests do not seem sincere. In some cases though, the requester may have read your bio page and been impressed with you, thinking they would enjoy getting to know you. Maybe they enjoy your stories and would just like to know the author a little better.

I suggest just making sensible decisions.
I would still F/R you.

I don't care what people look like. I'm interested with your personality.
Quote by kiera

Babes Anyone who knows you knows you didn't make this forum for attention

I've seen the pics of yourself you used to use as an avatar beautiful and you didn't have to resort to using your tits

@ DSH seriously I was gonna say some shit but Curly girl took the words right out of my mouth I'm still cringing over the sad cage forum (shudders)

I agree with Ladyx and curlygirl doubtful any of those men are gonna post here they are too busy f/r but it would have been nice to find out why say for example they feel after reading my bio they can send me a f/r saying "small is cute will you swallow my cum" but I guess its not going to be. Thanks to the 2 guys who did post so far though it shed some light.

@ Curlygirl and Ginger really wish you two could sort this out whatever it is @ curlygirl I know she misses you.

Jealousy is an ugly trait to have..
Active Ink Slinger
As you can tell from my avatar, it's not all about me. It's more a look at my sense of humor.

Seriously, there are some of us who don't bother with the avatars. I look for friends based on either comments they have made on a story of mine, a story they wrote which touched me or their profile. Every picture tells a story, they say, but not here.
Internet Philosopher
When I friend someone, its because they are interested in my writing, I'm interested in theirs, or both. I do read their profiles but unless they specifically state they don't want requests, I offer one.

When I do, I'm careful to be polite and respectful. I'm upfront about my intentions or lack thereof. To be honest, I've almost never been turned down.

Whether or not people are accepting you isn't about who you are or what their desires may be. Its about how you present yourself. Be respectful, don't assume a woman wants to cyber you and tell him or her your real interest and why you'd like there friendship and you will find they will be respectful and open to your request.
well! Some of that was....interesting reading....For me the point is simple...have the respect to read a profile...use a little judgement before sending an F/R....a little interaction, be it Forums, chat, familiarizing yourself with a writer's work beforehand speaks volumes to me about a person's character...exhibiting respectful behaviours in response to a profile isn't that hard...

Disclaimer: yes ginger is a friend of mine...being a lazy ass, non-multi-tasker I don't chat with her much...but she destroys me in Forums on a regular basis and makes me laugh like hell...
Active Ink Slinger
Late last night I received a friend request from some girl I had never heard of. Her introduction to me was "Hi".

That's not going to cut it with me for a friend request. If I were to do that I'd be laughed off this site in no time.

I replied to her asking why she wanted to be my friend and her reply to that was that she owned a blog and that she didn't think a "Reason" was necessary to become friends.

I checked her profile and saw that she has been on Lush all of two days and had amassed 178 friends, some of them gold members. I turned her down, saying that I like to talk to my friends from time to time and that a collector like her wasn't interested in what I have to say anyhow. Being a lemming isn't for me anyway.

I guess it just goes to show that it takes all kinds to make up a large club such as this. The biggest power we all have is the power to say no.
Wild at Heart
Quote by LadyX

(cutting to the chase)

Let's see that butthole, girl. I didn't send that request for nothing.
Wild at Heart
Quote by ginger86

for the record i was really interested in why but now i don't care.

You're so annoying... I have no words.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Dani

My closest friends here didn't become my closest friends until after they requested me as a friend.

Wow, so conceited. Disgustingly conceited.
Short Arse Brit
Quote by Magical_felix

You're so annoying... I have no words.

Ok seriously Jack, I saw your forum about skinny vs curvy girls and your posts to anyone who made a wise crack or drifted off topic and you didn't like it so why do it to others? By all means attack me but what your doing isn't right. This thread already got off to bad start and was just getting back on track, please don't spoil it why cant you just make a valuable contribution to the thread I have seen you do it in others many times and when you do I've often agreed with what you've had to say, I don't however agree with the posts in here you have made thus far.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Wild at Heart
Quote by kiera

Ok seriously Jack, I saw your forum about skinny vs curvy girls and your posts to anyone who made a wise crack or drifted off topic and you didn't like it so why do it to others? By all means attack me but what your doing isn't right. This thread already got off to bad start and was just getting back on track, please don't spoil it why cant you just make a valuable contribution to the thread I have seen you do it in others many times and when you do I've often agreed with what you've had to say, I don't however agree with the posts in here you have made thus far.

Look kiera. That's very flattering. But I'm taking this thread very seriously. I was promised butthole pics and I didn't get them. What's right is right and so far I've been wronged. Butthole or get the fuck out.
Short Arse Brit
Quote by Magical_felix

Look kiera. That's very flattering. But I'm taking this thread very seriously. I was promised butthole pics and I didn't get them. What's right is right and so far I've been wronged. Butthole or get the fuck out.

I'm Sorry you were wronged perhaps you should start a forum about it or perhaps keep it to PM's??? Just a suggestion as this thread has nothing whatsoever to do with buttholes...just sayin.

The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Advanced Wordsmith
First even those who are are our friends in real life we also dont knew them but after some time people start talking to each other and if they both like each other they become good friends but here at lush u mostly dont talk with the petson in ur friends list so just forget about getting response who are not there in that list so however i thing is a good person or can be a good person i send him f/r. tats it.
Quote by Magical_felix

You're so annoying... I have no words.

Agrees with you..high five!
I am with Serene Prodigy here that response is real perspicacity.

My Av is clearly not me .. there is absolutely no ambiguity about that.

To respond to the OP: your question is logically flawed.

It (maybe not you because clearly you are too intelligent to make that mistake unwittingly) implies that you are a blank page on here. Obviously you are not; in reality you are a bit of a queen around here.
Hence you have already revealed quite a lot. The qualities that come over are those of considerable intelligence, and fierce individualism. You are a contrarian, and very opinionated.
All this makes you interesting and possibly worth considering as a friend.
But you know all this only too well which is why my learned colleague above has captured it all so well with his picture.
I also know one of your greatest pleasures in this life is to stir the ordure and pitch it into the fan.
Please do it again soon.
Have a very nice day.

Quote by Buz
Avatars: Posting a recognizable face picture on your avatar is your decision, but should not be decided on lightly. People can recognize you – friends, family, co-workers, employers, probation officers, creditors, and so forth. In many cases your career could be jeopardized. You can also leave yourself open to stalkers finding out who you are.

Friend requests: Random, nilly willy requests do not seem sincere. In some cases though, the requester may have read your bio page and been impressed with you, thinking they would enjoy getting to know you. Maybe they enjoy your stories and would just like to know the author a little better.

I suggest just making sensible decisions.

Almost spit my coke all over when i read that . But, my coworkers, friends, family Don't concern themselves with what i do in my spare time/ private life . If by 1 in a million chance someone did recognize /confront me ? , i'd just turn it back on them.

We've had employees get caught lookin at porn on work comps in the past. They weren't terminated for it (if anything a verbal warning). If anything , some probably got a kick out of it. Know i was about it.

Have no idea why anyone would send Ginger an FR, .

Wasn't a bad question at all compared to a lot of what you see around here. Why is she catching flack for it?

Not like she asked why people put porn/genital parts on her wall. Considering it is a sex site and all.
Cheeky Chick
Quote by Milik_Redman
When I friend someone, its because they are interested in my writing, I'm interested in theirs, or both. I do read their profiles but unless they specifically state they don't want requests, I offer one.

When I do, I'm careful to be polite and respectful. I'm upfront about my intentions or lack thereof. To be honest, I've almost never been turned down.

Whether or not people are accepting you isn't about who you are or what their desires may be. Its about how you present yourself. Be respectful, don't assume a woman wants to cyber you and tell him or her your real interest and why you'd like there friendship and you will find they will be respectful and open to your request.

You told me it was for my private boobie folder. You fibber.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ginger86
ok .. my bad.. i forgot you can't ask a serious question in here. go somewhere else and let this thread die

I thought that this was in Ask The Guys but I must have been mistaken as the majority of the posts have been from females.
I think we need to hear from guys that admit to sending them.
Now I will admit to sending some to gay males if I spot a profile that states it, simply because there are so few. However, nowhere near the number that I've got from anonymous women. These are ones that I've never seen in the foums and had no interaction with.
Obviously it works both ways.
Quote by LadyX

(cutting to the chase)

Because none of those dopes read profiles and are just trying to collect friends so they have access to as many pics of naked females as possible.

OMG !!! it's a girl !!!!. I bet she has a pussy and i cant wait to see it . I bet she can't wait to see my cock too.

But , i get thats how it is around here, and it sucks to be stereotyped with the rest of em just for being male.

Edit* Not saying anyone in here is stereotyping , but i'm aware of the pre- mindset some have when it comes to a lush guys.

I was chattin to someone not long ago who had removed a male friend. In HIS profile he states that he's not a stalker . She said she removed him cause he was a sexed crazed stalker.kBDEtMpXMyjJrtha
Internet Philosopher
Quote by Poppet

You told me it was for my private boobie folder. You fibber.

Actually, it's because of your scrumptious ass. That's really you, right?
Quote by dpw

I thought that this was in Ask The Guys but I must have been mistaken as the majority of the posts have been from females.
I think we need to hear from guys that admit to sending them.
Now I will admit to sending some to gay males if I spot a profile that states it, simply because there are so few. However, nowhere near the number that I've got from anonymous women. These are ones that I've never seen in the foums and had no interaction with.
Obviously it works both ways.

It is but, everything around here in ALL the forums is fair game. So whatcha gonna do?
Quote by B0swell0x
I am with Serene Prodigy here that response is real perspicacity.

My Av is clearly not me .. there is absolutely no ambiguity about that.

To respond to the OP: your question is logically flawed.

It (maybe not you because clearly you are too intelligent to make that mistake unwittingly) implies that you are a blank page on here. Obviously you are not; in reality you are a bit of a queen around here.
Hence you have already revealed quite a lot. The qualities that come over are those of considerable intelligence, and fierce individualism. You are a contrarian, and very opinionated.
All this makes you interesting and possibly worth considering as a friend.
But you know all this only too well which is why my learned colleague above has captured it all so well with his picture.
I also know one of your greatest pleasures in this life is to stir the ordure and pitch it into the fan.
Please do it again soon.
Have a very nice day.


You mean your not a talking horse? sad lol