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why send a friend request if you don't know me

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I send request when I'm really interested in someone, simple really!!
As a newcomer, I find a lot of ambiguity here about how to connect up with someone. If a person has some specific prerequisites before acceptin friend requests, they need to be spelled out in the profile. Even then some are hard to figure. One person says, "I will not consider a f/r until we have chatted." Does that mean they will accept a private chat request, or does it mean that I need to run into them in a public chat room and butt into the current conversation to get her attention? The next profile says, "If you send me a chat request before we are friends, my boyfriend will cut your balls off!" OK, she's out no matter what, but if she said, "I don't chat until we are friends," can I send her an f/r?

I like the lesbians who say right up front, "Guys don't bother." Makes it easy for me, and I won't bother, there are plenty of other people around, and I'm glad I know where she is coming from. But then you get the people who say, "I'm bi, but leaning toward girls right now>" Hmmm, OK, but then you look at her friend list and it has three women and 37 men.

Whatever approach I take to someone, I'll try to make it courteous, perhaps humorous, mabe a little sexy if it looks like that will be OK based on what she says in her profile. Depending on the profile, it might be a f/r or it might be a c/r. I have not had much luck chatting in the public chat rooms. In any case, I'd appreciate some kind of response besides no reply, or "My boyfriend is going to cut your balls off!"
Quote by Ajax

Almost spit my coke all over when i read that . But, my coworkers, friends, family Don't concern themselves with what i do in my spare time/ private life . If by 1 in a million chance someone did recognize /confront me ? , i'd just turn it back on them.

We've had employees get caught lookin at porn on work comps in the past. They weren't terminated for it (if anything a verbal warning). If anything , some probably got a kick out of it. Know i was about it.

Have no idea why anyone would send Ginger an FR, .

Wasn't a bad question at all compared to a lot of what you see around here. Why is she catching flack for it?

Not like she asked why people put porn/genital parts on her wall. Considering it is a sex site and all.

Ajax, already many employers fire or do not hire people just because of what they post on their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Public school teachers have been fired for posting photos showing themselves drinking a beer and the US courts have have backed up the firing.

It all depends upon your career choice.

If you're a dancer, bouncer, or bartender down at the corner strip club, then I doubt you'll catch any grief, but many other career choices will not fare so well.

Being careful with one's true identity online is their own choice. It is a choice and if it turns out badly because they were indiscreet then they only have themselves to blame. That's life.

I am guessing Ginger, being a female, gets bombarded with male friend requests from guys she does not know and has become frustrated and overwhelmed with that.

It is a sex story site and most guys are horny. So a huge number of them will overwhelm women with friend requests. That is life.

I prefer having a good reason to send out a friend request, having already met them here or discovered that they have taken an interest in my stories or poems.
WOW. So much hostility today!! Send F/R, Don't send F/R! Read profile, don't read profile! Seek attention, avoid attention! Be my friend, don't be my friend................Life is too fucking short people!!!

First of all, just as with my RL friends, I am not concerned with what you look like. As far as why would I send a FR if I don't know you? I feel becoming friends is a good start in getting to know you.

I don't however, choose people at random, although I have in the past and predictably those are the friends I never have contact with. I read your profile and look for things we may have in common such as similar tastes in movies or activities.

Also as an author here, I look for other authors as our stories make for good conversation.

Ginger, some people just send friend requests, it is really just that simple.
Some of the guys said it well, and I just realised this is on "ASK THE GUYS" ~ sorry.RnIXBXIGCR9Hb4nL

I am the same way.
I understand.
My profile has said a lot of things right up front, and always has since I first joined, yet I STILL get requests. I am not pissed or bothered, I always knew that it would pronbably continue, maybe less, and I can use that as a source of reference, and that is as much as I can do. I can't make everyone read my profile or even go look to see what things I state BEFORE making a request. I mean~ it just doesn't work like that. I read profiles, but that doesn't mean everyone else does or even wants to. I think profiles are interesting but some people just see the picture and that is all or a post and that is all. It is not nessicarily a faux pas or bad, just people are different and have different reasons than what I may have. Maybe they see me on a forum and they are not thinking this is rude or inappropriate... I get requests from straight males, married males, males looking to swing or have an affair, straight females, lesbian females, bi males, bi-females, AND couples, lol. Sometimes someone has actually been interested in some of my interests or we talked because of a post and it was a bit deeper than just a random request. I don't mind messages. O mind chat requests even more than f/r because my computer freezes, lol.

So to answer your original question, and in all seriousness, I seriously doubt the friend requests will stop altogether no matter "what" you do & some people just do not look or think about things.
Quote by Milik_Redman
Actually, it's because of your scrumptious ass. That's really you, right?

Would I lie to you, darling? I mean, NO one lies on Lush... like, ever!
Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune
Ginger, some people just send friend requests, it is really just that simple.
Some of the guys said it well, and I just realised this is on "ASK THE GUYS" ~ sorry.n9vLLDAX78fD1LZ0

I am the same way.
I understand.
My profile has said a lot of things right up front, and always has since I first joined, yet I STILL get requests. I am not pissed or bothered, I always knew that it would pronbably continue, maybe less, and I can use that as a source of reference, and that is as much as I can do. I can't make everyone read my profile or even go look to see what things I state BEFORE making a request. I mean~ it just doesn't work like that. I read profiles, but that doesn't mean everyone else does or even wants to. I think profiles are interesting but some people just see the picture and that is all or a post and that is all. It is not nessicarily a faux pas or bad, just people are different and have different reasons than what I may have. Maybe they see me on a forum and they are not thinking this is rude or inappropriate... I get requests from straight males, married males, males looking to swing or have an affair, straight females, lesbian females, bi males, bi-females, AND couples, lol. Sometimes someone has actually been interested in some of my interests or we talked because of a post and it was a bit deeper than just a random request. I don't mind messages. O mind chat requests even more than f/r because my computer freezes, lol.

So to answer your original question, and in all seriousness, I seriously doubt the friend requests will stop altogether no matter "what" you do & some people just do not look or think about things.

How come you haven't had any from gay males? That would complete the set, lol.
You are right about not being able to stop it. It's as easy to press "no thanks" as "accept" and if you check their page you might get a pleasant surprise.
Some people only visit infrequently and you may have forgotten them but they remember you.
What bugs me most is when I send a pm and they only accept them from friends. This is mainly when they write stories. It's happened a few times when I wanted to say how much I'd enjoyed their story and I can't send it. It never says on the profile page and it just wastes my time.
Quote by dpw

How come you haven't had any from gay males? That would complete the set, lol.
You are right about not being able to stop it. It's as easy to press "no thanks" as "accept" and if you check their page you might get a pleasant surprise.
Some people only visit infrequently and you may have forgotten them but they remember you.
What bugs me most is when I send a pm and they only accept them from friends. This is mainly when they write stories. It's happened a few times when I wanted to say how much I'd enjoyed their story and I can't send it. It never says on the profile page and it just wastes my time.

I know right! I have gay male friends in 'real life,' and we get a long great. I am open to all kinds of friends here or rl, but who talks to me regularly here on Lush determines more. (Yes my signature and things that may be a superficial reason, why or why not, unless someone wants to get to know me for other reasons, and that happens some, too.) Though, personally, I don't reject a friend request, but I usually do not accept. I like to get to know someone, or talk in messages and know they are someone I will speak to ocassionally or frequently... but that is just me. I am not male and should not have answered here. I can say that my bf will not send a friend request unless he becomes friends. He doesn't take that lightly. We have had one mutual male friend we both talked to.
Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune

I know right! I have gay male friends in 'real life,' and we get a long great. I am open to all kinds of friends here or rl, but who talks to me regularly here on Lush determines more. (Yes my signature and things that may be a superficial reason, why or why not, unless someone wants to get to know me for other reasons, and that happens some, too.) Though, personally, I don't reject a friend request, but I usually do not accept. I like to get to know someone, or talk in messages and know they are someone I will speak to ocassionally or frequently... but that is just me. I am not male and should not have answered here. I can say that my bf will not send a friend request unless he becomes friends. He doesn't take that lightly. We have had one mutual male friend we both talked to.

The first part was said tongue in cheek because there are only two of us that post in the forums.
You said that you don't accept but you don't reject! Do you just leave them in the request folder? The person that requests thinks that you've rejected them anyway. You aren't informed of a rejection, so if you hear nothing then you assume it is rejected.
Quote by dpw

The first part was said tongue in cheek because there are only two of us that post in the forums.
You said that you don't accept but you don't reject! Do you just leave them in the request folder? The person that requests thinks that you've rejected them anyway. You aren't informed of a rejection, so if you hear nothing then you assume it is rejected.

Yes. I just leave them there incase we talk more and become better friends and I usually message each friend request andlet them know, also so no one takes it personal or as if I am ignoring them or with intent to be rude. It is time consuming, true, and maybe half the time no reply or just something polite. People who are actually interested will send me messages to talk. If they just wanted cyber sex, for example, I rarily hear more. Motives become clearer. It is still a rejection, basically, or a temporary one, but I do explain.
Quote by Buz

Ajax, already many employers fire or do not hire people just because of what they post on their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Public school teachers have been fired for posting photos showing themselves drinking a beer and the US courts have have backed up the firing.

It all depends upon your career choice.

If you're a dancer, bouncer, or bartender down at the corner strip club, then I doubt you'll catch any grief, but many other career choices will not fare so well.

Being careful with one's true identity online is their own choice. It is a choice and if it turns out badly because they were indiscreet then they only have themselves to blame. That's life.

I am guessing Ginger, being a female, gets bombarded with male friend requests from guys she does not know and has become frustrated and overwhelmed with that.

It is a sex story site and most guys are horny. So a huge number of them will overwhelm women with friend requests. That is life.

I prefer having a good reason to send out a friend request, having already met them here or discovered that they have taken an interest in my stories or poems.

I'm glad i dont facebook and twitter lol. Yes , but thier decision not to hire them based on facebook and twitter comments might be because, those canidates just dont fit the mold of what they are lookin for in an employee. Unless politics are involved, it's usually multiple disciplinary problems that get one fired. Who is to know what else was going on with the public school teachers that were terminated over posting a beer drinking pic. Did they have DUI convictions on thier record that occured post employment? something more serious?

Where i work? the Disciplinary process starts with : verbal warning, written warning, suspension , termination. Suspension and termination has to be approved by administration. At least one person i know of was fired immediately without going thru the whole process but that all came down to politics. Someone wanted them out of there. why exactly ? there were alot of nasty rumors floating around but to this day, Again, what we do on OUR time is our own business. That's coming from the Medical profession.

I laughed at your reference to a parole officer because, there are probably some memebers here/have been here, who shouldn't be . Due to a sexual related criminal history etc....
Although there is nothing wrong with being part of a site like this it does draw the undesireable element.

I agree that you should always protect yourself/identity. but, it's totally possible to put a pic of urself up in that little avatar box and mask it enough to still protect yourself.

As far as men coming here horny? yes , that's a given . But wouldn't you say that there is a right way to go about it and, a wrong way to go about it?
Especially since since the ladies of Lush time after time have echoed they prefer respect over crudeness?

My guess is Ginger's probably been pestered to no end over the years she has spent on here. I imagine if ur a woman it gets a little disgusting.
Quote by ginger86
as stated in profile, avi isn't me. you have no idea what i look like if not a friend. i spend a lot of time in forum games and they understand me. at least those who get to know me. now go read my profile, would you still send a f/r? so with my negative profile and can't see pic of me, why so many f/r from me and other girls who you know isn't them

It may be confusing since your past avatars and pictures weren't you either, but you played them as if they were.

If you are a writer on lush, I would think the more friends the merrier. I mean, don't you want people to read your work? If you aren't a writer and people request to be your friend it's probably because something perked their interest. If you don't like being called pretty, etc thinking they haven't read your profile ... Why have an avatar? You have that option too.

After reading your responses to people on here, you may no longer have this problem.
Quote by Nikki703
WOW. So much hostility today!! Send F/R, Don't send F/R! Read profile, don't read profile! Seek attention, avoid attention! Be my friend, don't be my friend................Life is too fucking short people!!!

I love you! I haven't told you lately, cuz I haven't been around.
Quote by kinkygirl
As you all know my avatar is the real me. I got tired of all the Hollywood glamour and all the beautiful rich people so I decided to join Lush. I have also gotten friend requests saying how beautiful I am. Since they can only see my avatar do they really believe I am Scarlett?

I doubt they do .... But, you and Ginger? Well, that's different
Quote by dpw

How come you haven't had any from gay males? That would complete the set, lol.
You are right about not being able to stop it. It's as easy to press "no thanks" as "accept" and if you check their page you might get a pleasant surprise.
Some people only visit infrequently and you may have forgotten them but they remember you.
What bugs me most is when I send a pm and they only accept them from friends. This is mainly when they write stories. It's happened a few times when I wanted to say how much I'd enjoyed their story and I can't send it. It never says on the profile page and it just wastes my time.

When I get a friend request I always check out their profile and if I find them interesting I will add them. If I find that we are not compatible there is always the delete function. As for the accept/no thanks thingy I use to hit the "no thanks" one if not interested but I found, at least in some cases, that this doesn't always work. I have said no thanks to more than a few guys, girls too, and a few days later get another request from them. Maybe they suffer from short term memory loss or maybe like profiles they don't read them either or they send out so many they don't even remember who they've sent them to. Now I just leave them there unanswered. It may be rude and insensitive but I learned that if you don't reply they will get a message saying "you have already sent this person a request" if they try to send another one. I'm sorry if anyone reading this sent me a request and I didn't reply with the no thanks.
One thing that really is almost hilarious to me. You get a F/R from someone you've never interacted with and a message that just says hi. You go to their profile and all they have is one of those red and white avatar. They have no bio, no pictures, no stories and nothing at all about their interest. This has happened quite a few times to me. Does anyone ever really accept those kinds of requests?
Quote by jeni

When I get a friend request I always check out their profile and if I find them interesting I will add them. If I find that we are not compatible there is always the delete function. As for the accept/no thanks thingy I use to hit the "no thanks" one if not interested but I found, at least in some cases, that this doesn't always work. I have said no thanks to more than a few guys, girls too, and a few days later get another request from them. Maybe they suffer from short term memory loss or maybe like profiles they don't read them either or they send out so many they don't even remember who they've sent them to. Now I just leave them there unanswered. It may be rude and insensitive but I learned that if you don't reply they will get a message saying "you have already sent this person a request" if they try to send another one. I'm sorry if anyone reading this sent me a request and I didn't reply with the no thanks.

I do the same thing. I always read a profile when I get a F/R. Sometimes something interests me and I will accept even if I have never had any contact with them. Or sometimes I will hold the F/R for a bit and try to contact them and find out why they want to friend me. When I am not interested, I used to say no thanks but some kept asking and asking................and asking. So now if I am not interested I just delete it.

Quote by jeni
One thing that really is almost hilarious to me. You get a F/R from someone you've never interacted with and a message that just says hi. You go to their profile and all they have is one of those red and white avatar. They have no bio, no pictures, no stories and nothing at all about their interest. This has happened quite a few times to me. Does anyone ever really accept those kinds of requests?

HAHA. I get these all the time! Do they really expect someone to accept based on NOTHING?
Quote by AngelHeart01

I love you! I haven't told you lately, cuz I haven't been around.

AWWWWWW, Its Nice To Be Loved!!

PS- Love Ya Too, HAHA!!
Quote by AngelHeart01

It may be confusing since your past avatars and pictures weren't you either, but you played them as if they were.

If you are a writer on lush, I would think the more friends the merrier. I mean, don't you want people to read your work? If you aren't a writer and people request to be your friend it's probably because something perked their interest. If you don't like being called pretty, etc thinking they haven't read your profile ... Why have an avatar? You have that option too.

After reading your responses to people on here, you may no longer have this problem.

I'm curious as to when Ginger has used an avatar and played it off as being her, perhaps you could be more specific and give examples?
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
I now see why people seldom ask serious questions on Lush. Some of you take all as a joke, some dislike a person and find a reason to put them down, and a very few actually answer the question asked. I thought this was a very relevant question and wanted to hear truthful answers but seems most of you wanted to express past hated, not liking the person, or loving her, or just be an ass. Only a few actually answered the question. My avatar isn't me either, so fucking sue me, is yours?
Quote by jeni
I now see why people seldom ask serious questions on Lush. Some of you take all as a joke, some dislike a person and find a reason to put them down, and a very few actually answer the question asked. I thought this was a very relevant question and wanted to hear truthful answers but seems most of you wanted to express past hated, not liking the person, or loving her, or just be an ass. Only a few actually answered the question. My avatar isn't me either, so fucking sue me, is yours?

The question itself seemed to me more rhetorical than anything else and I'm sure it was only posted out of frustration. As has been pointed out already, the types of guys she's aiming the question at aren't the type to come on here and throw their hands up and say "yeah, my bad".

The truth is, people add popular people. If you have a high presence on here you'll get a lot of FRs. It's almost as if people see the Socialite badge and think "well she must add anyone!"

Personally I wouldn't send you an FR because I would have read your profile and thought - and I apologise for this in advance - "23 year old, bisexual, topless waitress - yeah, right!" - fact or fiction it just sounds ridiculously implausible to me. I stress, that's just my impression from when I read it. A lot of other guys here will lap that kind of stuff up though and be desperate for you to be their friend.

Most guys here don't have lots of friends and don't know how to go about getting any either so they will just fire the FRs out indiscriminately . Girls generally don't have to send FRs because they will just end up in their inbox anyway and multiply like fungus.

I hope that was a serious enough answer to the question for you.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by overmykneenow

The question itself seemed to me more rhetorical than anything else and I'm sure it was only posted out of frustration. As has been pointed out already, the types of guys she's aiming the question at aren't the type to come on here and throw their hands up and say "yeah, my bad".

The truth is, people add popular people. If you have a high presence on here you'll get a lot of FRs. It's almost as if people see the Socialite badge and think "well she must add anyone!"

Personally I wouldn't send you an FR because I would have read your profile and thought - and I apologise for this in advance - "23 year old, bisexual, topless waitress - yeah, right!" - fact or fiction it just sounds ridiculously implausible to me. I stress, that's just my impression from when I read it. A lot of other guys here will lap that kind of stuff up though and be desperate for you to be their friend.

Most guys here don't have lots of friends and don't know how to go about getting any either so they will just fire the FRs out indiscriminately . Girls generally don't have to send FRs because they will just end up in their inbox anyway and multiply like fungus.
I hope that was a serious enough answer to the question for you.

I was actually 22 when i wrote this
. I guess there are no topless waitresses in your town or somehow you think the angels serve you. You made it apparent us girls don't exist. have fun and bye
Quote by ginger86

I was actually 22 when i wrote this
. I guess there are no topless waitresses in your town or somehow you think the angels serve you. You made it apparent us girls don't exist. have fun and bye

Well I was actually replying to Jeni - who does say she's 22

How odd that you should reply
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by ginger86

I was actually 22 when i wrote this
. I guess there are no topless waitresses in your town or somehow you think the angels serve you. You made it apparent us girls don't exist. have fun and bye

Ummm, does that mean you're Jeni?

No more Lush lunch breaks for me. Now, I'm confused.
Quote by CurlyGirly

Ummm, does that mean you're Jeni? No more Lush lunch breaks for me. Now, I'm confused.

I'm glad i'm not the only one to jump to that conclusion
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by ginger86

I was actually 22 when i wrote this
. I guess there are no topless waitresses in your town or somehow you think the angels serve you. You made it apparent us girls don't exist. have fun and bye

Ginger, I hope you don't mind me saying, but I think you need to relax a wee bit - that's twice in this thread that I've seen you take something personally that wasn't directed at you.

I know it's been a wee bit heated, but this wasn't even about you at all!!

Quote by Mazza

Ginger, I hope you don't mind me saying, but I think you need to relax a wee bit - that's twice in this thread that I've seen you take something personally that wasn't directed at you.

I know it's been a wee bit heated, but this wasn't even about you at all!!

Indeed. Let us all share a beer and a hug!

A bottle of wine too.
Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
I've always found that the sexier or prettier my avatar is, the more FR I get. Perhaps if people don't want to be bothered, they can change to an ugly one, or something inanimate. Either that or just live with it. If i've been posting in the forums, I get a lot more FR as well. If you put yourself out there one way or the other, you're going to get more FR.
Quote by kiera

I'm curious as to when Ginger has used an avatar and played it off as being her, perhaps you could be more specific and give examples?

"Ginger" has been around since at least 2010. I'm not just blowing smoke. All the pictures she had back when Hapless was here. Did that help a little with your curiousity? smile