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Why do men...

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Wild at Heart
Quote by Weavindreams

Oh and as for your smartass BS about my stories. Anyone who wants to read those can go look on other sites, I won't submitting anymore here.

I thought I was rather encouraging about your writing...but is it "by choice" like the reason you don't like women anymore or were your stories unacceptable?
Quote by Magical_felix

I thought I was rather encouraging about your writing...but is it "by choice" like the reason you don't like women anymore or were your stories unacceptable?

Says the asshole who can only write about anal because being an asshole is all he knows how to do...aside from lying, jerking off and pretending to be a "stud muffin". Tell us "stud muffin" where would get THE TIME to go out with a woman? As to "acceptable" ask some of the women here who have read and enjoyed them.

Quote by Weavindreams

Says the asshole who can only write about anal because being an asshole is all he knows how to do...aside from lying, jerking off and pretending to be a "stud muffin". Tell us "stud muffin" where would get THE TIME to go out with a woman? As to "acceptable" ask some of the women here who have read and enjoyed them.

Thanks... I got temp-banned & a few PMs from staff, ironically with the reason being I sent them PMs from other members proving I wasn't the only one thinking he did more harm than good.
Site administrator
Perhaps when the chase is over, in the sense that he thinks he has you hooked, he finds his expectations have not been met or perhaps as others have suggested its the chase that they enjoy and once thats over they move on.
Quote by Tnadnuder

Thanks... I got temp-banned & a few PMs from staff, ironically with the reason being I sent them PMs from other members proving I wasn't the only one thinking he did more harm than good.

I too have received both PM's and even Friends Requests from individuals thanking me and calling "MY HERO". We all know this IS a fantasy site, but sometimes a little reality isn't a bad thing. I'm as mystified as anyone and nearly everyone else.
Quote by Magical_felix

You said stop playing games then you said that men should stop chasing so that women will want them... Like imaginary reverse psychology. That would be playing games.

No, it isn't. You might see it that way, but what you're actually doing is STOPPING the games. "Run away and be chased" only works as long as someone is chasing. By no longer playing the game you give her a chance to make a decision. IF she's interested, she'll come back and you can go on without any games. IF she isn't you've really lost nothing because she wasn't interested in the first place.
Her Royal Spriteness
i like games. we play Sorry a lot. it's fun. it usually ends in nakedness. most things do, actually, at least at our place. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Wild at Heart
Quote by Weavindreams

No, it isn't. You might see it that way, but what you're actually doing is STOPPING the games. "Run away and be chased" only works as long as someone is chasing. By no longer playing the game you give her a chance to make a decision. IF she's interested, she'll come back and you can go on without any games. IF she isn't you've really lost nothing because she wasn't interested in the first place.

You sound so bitter.
Quote by sprite
it usually ends in nakedness. most things do, actually, at least at our place. smile

Same. I live alone, but still.
Quote by Magical_felix

You sound so bitter.

Bitter? Ok, if you choose to think so. I was simply pointing out the flaw in your theory. No bitterness just simple facts.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by bonnierabbit
I realise I probably sound like I've recently been hurt and I'm just venting. Honestly, I'm a big girl and I'm genuinely asking.

Why do men spend time and effort pursuing you and pestering you until you finally relent and start thinking they're kind of cute. Then just when it starts getting good... POOF, they go cold and disappear.

It's not just me, other women tell me this happens all the time. Really, what's up with that? You guys confuse me.

Could be that they thought they weren't getting anywhere if they've been chasing you for a while.

You might think that you're giving off the right signals when you're interested but they might think they've been friend zoned.

Possibly they might've met someone else in the process of trying to win your affection and the other girl has shown interest pretty quickly.

Could be many reasons although I wouldn't worry too much about it, I don't think humans will every fully understand the people they're attracted to lol. There are more unsuccessful stories I think than successful ones. Just seems to be the way it all works.
People that don't care, play games with people that do care. Life is just a game however and we all need to learn how to play it.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think sometimes people are just looking for the chase. Trying to come up with a good analogy and not liking what I'm getting right now. But sometimes you may just want to chase, flirt, and play a little without wanting to start anything. That could be the reason it cools off when you show interest...
Active Ink Slinger
it might be that after the chase things quiet down and are not as exciting(too much repetition) and the flaws start to cum out, women seem to do the same thing too so its not only A man thing
Cheeky Chick
Quote by clum
Same. I live alone, but still.

Same here. Kind of glad I'm not alone. Well, I am, but you know what I mean.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Weavindreams

Bitter? Ok, if you choose to think so. I was simply pointing out the flaw in your theory. No bitterness just simple facts.

You're like a child who doesn't like how the girls are playing so you cry and say you're taking your toys and going home. Waaah! sad
Active Ink Slinger
Maybe its a case of once they have it not knowing what to do with it? I dont get it either ha
Quote by Magical_felix

You're like a child who doesn't like how the girls are playing so you cry and say you're taking your toys and going home. Waaah! sad

But... when I was your age I had women... regularly... how's yer hand holdin' up?
Wild at Heart
Quote by Weavindreams

But... when I was your age I had women... regularly... how's yer hand holdin' up?

You're bragging about having women regularly (a common thing) to a guy who yanks your crank on the internet. Think about that.
Quote by Magical_felix

You're bragging about having women regularly to a guy who yanks your crank on the internet. Think about that.

Like I said... when I was your age... but I was sent pics of your current GF's AND your BF TOO.

Now, why don't you go write another story about the only kind of sex you REALLY know anything about... the IMAGINARY kind.

But it is nice that you've finally gotten around to ADMITTING that you're an INTENTIONAL TROLL. I'm tired of people telling me you aren't.
Don't fall out on my thread, or I will bang yer eads together!
Wild at Heart
Quote by Weavindreams

Like I said... when I was your age... but I was sent pics of your current GF's AND your BF TOO.

Now, why don't you go write another story about the only kind of sex you REALLY know anything about... the IMAGINARY kind.

But it is nice that you've finally gotten around to ADMITTING that you're an INTENTIONAL TROLL. I'm tired of people telling me you aren't.

I would fuck that one in the middle actually.

If I am troll, like you believe, then why do you allow me to piss you off so much? Like, you get really angry... It's funny.
Wild at Heart
Quote by bonnierabbit
Don't fall out on my thread, or I will bang yer eads together!

This is related to the thread, I promise. I chase weavindreams and he allows me to catch him with his reverse psychology technique we was talking about.
Quote by Magical_felix

I would fuck that one in the middle actually.

If I am troll, like you believe, then why do you allow me to piss you off so much? Like, you get really angry... It's funny.

Still in a confessional mood I see, good I hear it's good for the soul ...oh my bad... I forgot... you sold that. (also enlightening to those who didn't believe what I said about you before. You know the so twisted you can only get your rocks off BY angering people. Btw that's NOT kinky... that's fuckin' nuts. Go see a shrink man.)

To Bonnierabbit... Sorry I TRIED to be civil... with some people it's a total waste of both time and effort... not my fault.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Weavindreams

Still in a confessional mood I see, good I hear it's good for the soul ...oh my bad... I forgot... you sold that. (also enlightening to those who didn't believe what I said about you before. You know the so twisted you can only get your rocks off BY angering people. Btw that's NOT kinky... that's fuckin' nuts. Go see a shrink man.)

To Bonnierabbit... Sorry I TRIED to be civil... with some people it's a total waste of both time and effort... not my fault.

You didn't try to be civil. Your original responses where you almost had a stroke were deleted. lol

So... Now that you have so cleverly exposed that I like to pull your cord so you can entertain me what are you going to do about it? Are you going to tell on me?
Quote by Magical_felix

You didn't try to be civil. Your original responses where you almost had a stroke were deleted. lol

So... Now that you have so cleverly exposed that I like to pull your cord so you can entertain me what are you going to do about it? Are you going to tell on me?

Oh I'm SURE the mods aren't blind. As to the rest, my responses befit your normal garbage. Dish up shit, expect to get it back. Oh, that's right... you're special.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Weavindreams

Oh I'm SURE the nods aren't blind. As to the rest, my responses befit your normal garbage. Dish up shit, expect to get it back. Oh, that's right... you're special.

You're my puppet. I pull your strings and you dance for me. It's that simple.
Her Royal Spriteness

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Right, that's it... *bonk *dusts off hands

Anyway, I quite like the comment that different people would do the same thing for different reasons. There's no pattern to it I guess, just chaos. I can live with that smile
Quote by curvygalore

Oh my word!! You have just summed up something from a male point of view that I have experienced from a female point of view. Its not the thrill of the chase; rather more that sinking feeling that having happily committed to someone I am gradually overwhelmed with all their problems so that I become more of a free counsellor than a lover or partner. And the walls close in...

I like your comment. It's so often so hard to maintain a relationship on an even, fair-to-both keel.