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Why do men...

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I realise I probably sound like I've recently been hurt and I'm just venting. Honestly, I'm a big girl and I'm genuinely asking.

Why do men spend time and effort pursuing you and pestering you until you finally relent and start thinking they're kind of cute. Then just when it starts getting good... POOF, they go cold and disappear.

It's not just me, other women tell me this happens all the time. Really, what's up with that? You guys confuse me.
I'm sure that is a heavily traveled two way street. Maybe you should question why you are attracted to a certain type of men. They are certainly not all like that. There is a broad spectrum encompassing men who are very shallow to men who have great depth.
I can't say much about your specific situation, nor anyone else's. But I think it might have something to do with the phrase, "Never meet your heroes." Often when we're pursuing someone, we've built up this idealized fantasy of them in our minds that the reality can't possibly live up to. And as long as we're attached to these fantasy versions, we're not in a genuine relationship with the real person right in front of us. So, then there comes some kind of disillusionment - he picks his nose, she farts in bed - and we realize who we're dating isn't who we imagined them to be. I've seen this happen many times with both men and women. They don't know how to deal with the inevitable disappointment when it turns out that their expectations are hugely over-inflated, and instead will blame their partner for failing to live up to their unobtainable dream-soulmate.

Furthermore, society has told us our entire lives that Mr. or Ms. Perfect is out there waiting for us, and that we are entitled to a lifetime of sheer bliss with this perfect individual, without having to work for it or ever be disappointed by them, and we should never settle for anything less. I think as you get older, you understand that this is just a myth. A mature relationship is work. It's compromise and acceptance and learning and breaking down and building and forgiveness. We all have moments when our partners can be perfect (and when we can be perfect, too), but these moments are not sustainable. They can't be perfect all the time. Sometimes they can be real shits too. But most of the time, they're just 'good enough' to make us feel content, secure, comfortable, loved, supported, and a little less alone in the world.

Don't believe everything that you read.

This probably only applies to me, but I've had on a couple occassions that as soon as the love turns out to be mutual that I start to doubt, myself, my honesty towards the other. "Am I fooling her just because I love the feeling of being in love so much?" It makes absolutely no sense and of course the other picks up on these doubts which will hurt the excitement of any new relationship. And trying to explain it is very hard as it just makes no sense. I don't understand it myself. But still, it has happened to me more than once and in all these cases my feelings were honest.


The thrill of the chase.

P.S. If that's you in your avatar, I already fell in love with you.
because they still lack maturity and are afraid of committment
Uncle Lemmy knows why ...

...until you finally relent and start thinking they're kind of cute.
Is it possible that they do not know that you are relenting and they just quit trying?

It sounds like you are playing games. When you play games, someone loses.
Quote by clum
P.S. If that's you in your avatar, I already fell in love with you.

Gee, thanks man! ;)


I have no idea... I guess some are just arseholes.
Quote by bonnierabbit
I realise I probably sound like I've recently been hurt and I'm just venting. Honestly, I'm a big girl and I'm genuinely asking.

Why do men spend time and effort pursuing you and pestering you until you finally relent and start thinking they're kind of cute. Then just when it starts getting good... POOF, they go cold and disappear.

It's not just me, other women tell me this happens all the time. Really, what's up with that? You guys confuse me.

Completely understand...I started a relationship 9-10 months ago with a guy that I have know for LOTS of year and when I was finally ready to commit to a relationship he disappears.
Clum, it's not me, but she could be my twin.

I think my conclusion is: Doesn't really matter I guess, s'only Lush.
There is a song called ' Buddy's Blues ' from Stephen Sondheim's Follies which sort of discusses what you're asking about.

There is a "Push me, Pull Me" aspect to human relationships I think. I desperately want exactly that; until I have it, and then it's the tightest prison in the world. There is a 'thrill of the chase' aspect to it, as was said above, but the more operative idea - at least for many men - is believing that suddenly you're trapped, in a relationship that will inevitably become prison-like. I'm not defending that thinking, just saying it's there.

I think '"fear of commitment" is a term to be somewhat cautious about. Most guys I know have zero difficulty committing to certain things - their sports teams, their car, making money, their recreation - or perhaps a political party or many personal relations. But, yes, their is, in many men, a very deeply felt fear of committing one's entire, or main, emotional energy to one person forever. For many men , even if only subconsciously, that feels more like hell than heaven.
I'd so fuck Lemmy.
For some men it's just the thrill of the chase, once they get what they want they lose interest and try for someone else. Not all men are like that tho.
fyi, in the name of fairness, women do it too.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Maybe they're attracted to the tease. The aloof girl - she who seems unobtainable.

It's easy to be attracted to something you can't have, you don't have to think about what you'll do when you finally get it.

Do you even know what you want from him?
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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Not just men. Women are guilty of the same thing. Sometimes two people are looking for different things.

I know for me it has been the early 'L' word that was scary. Or, a girl starting the nesting talk of how many kids she wants.... On third date.

Since I've been single again I find most women in their late twenties to forty fall into the biological clock syndrome. Divorced and looking for a husband. Single and looking for husband. Professional that has dedicated her life to business, looks in mirror and thinks it is time to look for mate.

In all fairness men do the same thing.
Quote by ralphbranca

There is a "Push me, Pull Me" aspect to human relationships I think. I desperately want exactly that; until I have it, and then it's the tightest prison in the world. There is a 'thrill of the chase' aspect to it, as was said above, but the more operative idea - at least for many men - is believing that suddenly you're trapped, in a relationship that will inevitably become prison-like. I'm not defending that thinking, just saying it's there.

Oh my word!! You have just summed up something from a male point of view that I have experienced from a female point of view. Its not the thrill of the chase; rather more that sinking feeling that having happily committed to someone I am gradually overwhelmed with all their problems so that I become more of a free counsellor than a lover or partner. And the walls close in...
Another one of those "one size does NOT fit all" questions. Different people have different reasons for doing the very same thing. SOME do get into "the chase". Others may well have gotten TIRED of chasing and decided to stop. It might also be that YOU only BECAME interested WHEN he decided to stop. (I've advised a few younger guys who were "chasing" to STOP chasing and she'll stop running and might well come back to find out WHY you stopped chasing.) But, as Gardez wisely stated, "When you play games, someone loses." So STOP with the games, realizing that ACTUAL LOVE ISN'T a game. It's caring and sharing and accepting.
Quote by Weavindreams
Another one of those "one size does NOT fit all" questions. Different people have different reasons for doing the very same thing. SOME do get into "the chase". Others may well have gotten TIRED of chasing and decided to stop. It might also be that YOU only BECAME interested WHEN he decided to stop. (I've advised a few younger guys who were "chasing" to STOP chasing and she'll stop running and might well come back to find out WHY you stopped chasing.) But, as Gardez wisely stated, "When you play games, someone loses." So STOP with the games, realizing that ACTUAL LOVE ISN'T a game. It's caring and sharing and accepting.

You said stop playing games then you said that men should stop chasing so that women will want them... Like imaginary reverse psychology. That would be playing games.
Quote by Magical_felix

You said stop playing games then you said that men should stop chasing so that women will want them... Like imaginary reverse psychology. That would be playing games, stupid. You don't even make sense.

Plus aren't you like 60 and still single? Not sure if you are qualified to give advice on affairs of the heart. I get the feeling that when you say women are running away from you, you mean literally not figuratively. lol

Listen up jackwad. When I WANT shit from you I'll squeeze that over sized fuckin' pimple on your shoulders 'til it pops. FYI you sadassed twit I've had more ACTUAL nookie than you've written FICTIONAL stories about. Getting laid with or without money has never been a problem ...FOR ME. Some women do actually PREFER ACTUAL men not cyber pretenders. Oh, and while my life never was and still ISN'T any of your business, married for nearly ten years and single...BY MY OWN CHOICE ever since, although, when I was unemployed I HAVE HAD YOUNG WOMEN offer to support me... if I'd just move in with them.

NO LONGER CHASING, while it might SEEM like "reverse psychology" is in reality? STOPPING the game playing, which is ALL that continuing the "run and chase" nonsense amounts to. IF she cares, she'll come back and the couple can go on from there. If NOT, nothing lost as she was ONLY interested in game playing all along.

Oh as you ARE much younger than I am perhaps you could explain to us all just how it is that a man who "owns a business employing over 100 people" AS YOU CLAIM, and who IS the hot shit STUD... YOU CLAIM TO BE, has so very much time to spend TROLLING PEOPLE ON THIS SITE! Personally I smell an entire train load of pure BS!

Now as the ONLY thing you posted to do was TROLL ME there is NO mention of the OP anywhere IN your once again BOGUS BS. TAKE A HIKE!

Quote by Weavindreams

Listen up jackwad. When I WANT shit from you I'll squeeze that over sized fuckin' pimple on your shoulders 'til it pops. FYI you sadassed twit I've had more ACTUAL nookie than you've written FICTIONAL stories about. Getting laid with or without money has never been a problem ...FOR ME. Some women do actually PREFER ACTUAL men not cyber pretenders. Oh, and while my life never was and still ISN'T any of your business, married for nearly ten years and single...BY MY OWN CHOICE ever since, although, when I was unemployed I HAVE HAD YOUNG WOMEN offer to support me... if I'd just move in with them.

You really should reconsider submitting your stories to lush. You are very descriptive. I know you're upset and want to punish the site but really, end the embargo.

As for the rest... C'mon those young women must have been some real pigs yeah? What was the offer? Half a twin blow up mattress in some trailer somewhere? Or does the capitalized BY CHOICE mean something else? Like discovering some new feelings about yourself in your twilight years. You know, that don't involve young women.

Quote by Weavindreams

NO LONGER CHASING, while it might SEEM like "reverse psychology" is in reality? STOPPING the game playing, which is ALL that continuing the "run and chase" nonsense amounts to. IF she cares, she'll come back and the couple can go on from there. If NOT, nothing lost as she was ONLY interested in game playing all along.

Did you stop chasing when you ran out of breath or did the girl make it to a store, house, restaurant etc? Like, did she make it to safe place with other people present?

Quote by Weavindreams

Oh as you ARE much younger than I am perhaps you could explain to us all just how it is that a man who "owns a business employing over 100 people" AS YOU CLAIM, and who IS the hot shit STUD... YOU CLAIM TO BE, has so very much time to spend TROLLING PEOPLE ON THIS SITE! Personally I smell an entire train load of pure BS!

I haven't posted anything about what I do for a living in years... You are a fan of mine awww... Check your inbox. I like to send all my fans dick pics to enhance their reading experience. Should I make it out to weavindreams or do you prefer your real name?
Quote by Magical_felix

I haven't posted anything about what I do for a living in years... You are a fan of mine awww... Check your inbox. I like to send all my fans dick pics to enhance their reading experience. Should I make it out to weavindreams or do you prefer your real name?

Wrong twerp I remember the lies and BS you've put out. As for the rest, two words FUCK YOU!

There is not now, nor has there EVER HONESTLY BEEN any defense or justification for this twisted, pathetic pile of human garbage and the utter bull shit he perpetrates.
Quote by Weavindreams

Wrong twerp I remember the lies and BS you've put out. As for the rest, two words FUCK YOU!

So you want me to make it out to "wrong twerp"? Anything for my fans. Give me a sec ~
I do agree with the sentiment that it's not just a male thing. Some women can be just as... immature (for lack of a better word) as some men. Both men and women can enjoy the thrill of the chase. The difference is knowing what you want & knowing who you are as a person. My own husband will tell you that when we first got together as a couple... I didn't want a commitment... just a FWB. I had been hurt in the past. Telling him I loved him was huge... even though he'd told me he loved me without hesitation.

I think Buz said it best... what is it about these men that you are attracted too? Not all bad boys become good men. And no one can change unless they are willing too do so. You can't change someone to be what you think they should become... often... the change you get isn't what you want... nor is it a change you will accept.

I know I've changed in the over seven years I've been with my husband. I know he's changed too. I do believe we have both changed for the better.

That's the key difference. We've changed and grown as a couple.
Quote by Magical_felix

So you want me to make it out to "wrong twerp"? Anything for my fans. Give me a sec ~

Oh and as for your smartass BS about my stories. Anyone who wants to read those can go look on other sites, I won't submitting anymore here.