I honestly believe that edging makes it possible for me to be multi-orgasmic. I feel like I am cumming once, and if the stimulation continues, again in about 5-10 seconds, and maybe sometimes a third time in another 5-10 seconds. While it may not result in additional ejaculate to cum more than once, it does have the intense feeling of repeated climaxes, so who cares if there is ejaculate?
Needless to say, the feeling is great, both getting there and finishing. If your partner is conscientious giver, and can can learn the signs and take you to the edge, repeated times, you have found a sex god(dess) and you have been given a rare gift. They will take great delight in teasing the shit out of you, knowing it will greatly intensify your climax! Treat that partner with the utmost respect, because you may never find someone better suited to giving you such intense pleasure.