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Why do men cheat?

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I cheated because I wasn't committed to the relationship. I was not neglected I was a cad......Hey, least I'm honest about it. It did make me feel good. NO I never got caught and I was with a bunch of different women and a few guys....Hell one of the guys I was with before the marriage has been 23 yrs as a lover and 33 as a friend and I'm still with him. When we get the chance......

Advanced Wordsmith
Men's biological heritage is spreading their seed as far and wide as they can: it maximises the chances of their continued lineage.

Women's biological heritage is to choose carefully which man should sire her children and then to stop him screwing around once they have had them.

I'm not condoning men cheating, just saying that all man's ancestors fought for the right to screw the female: just look at male stags in the rutting season for chrissakes!

In a more pragmatic way, my observations in life say that men who marry too early (which is before they have got the mindless screwing bit out of their minds) tends to predicate more screwing around after marriage. Those who got laid a lot and gloriously before settling down are less likely to need to stray.
Quote by 1ball
I don't cheat. If you knew what my sex life was like, you would swear that the reason I don't cheat is because I'm too stupid to seek satisfaction elsewhere. I took my vows seriously. Maybe that's the same thing.

Believe me, I lived that life for almost 19 years. Not again.
Cock Connoisseur
Both genders cheat for various reasons. Do they make sense to us all? No. Why should they. We are not in anyone's particular situation. Walk a mile in someones shoes before you dare judge them for their actions. There are many forms of cheating. Physical versus emotional......
Advanced Wordsmith
This is not going to be a popular answer but speaking from an evolutionary position, faithful men nd women are fighting nature every day they remain faithful. The idea of a one-man, one-woman marriage is religiously and socially based and only a few thousand years old ( amere tick in geological time), compared to the many hundreds of thousands of years of human existence where the sexual drive to reproduce spanned across as many partners as people of the day could find. The desire for men to "spread their seed" has been genetically programmed for hundreds of thousands of years. Social upbringing and religious values have played a repressing role but those urges are there. Some people act on them, some people don't. But they're there.
Why do women cheat?
Men cheat for exactly the same reason women cheat.. It all depends on the relationship ya having!
Active Ink Slinger
people cheat for many reasons & gender has zippo to do with it

all the married guys i have talked to...the sex has want more...their wives feel it is not important

but to me...i supsect that half the wives have gotten tired of OTHER things in the relationship (ie he watches sports too much, he does zippo around the house, he never got up with the baby, he hates my mom, he told me i am fat)...what SOME ladies do instead of confronting u....we passive agressive u & withhold sex...for that besides $$$ pisses u off the most

some people cheat for they never will be faithful...& WE all knpw these people..we think they will change they do if faithfulness is a deal breaker...the first time they

cheat u have to kick them is not about is about...THEM

i believe that ladies cheat for they want out of the realtionship but have not admitted it to themselves for they are scared to be alone, have kids or love the lifestyle their guy has given them

or the people are insecure & are so unhappy the constantly need the reassurance of others to make them feel beautiful

these are my thoughts...& personal experiences.....there are many....more...i believe
Quote by corne
I personally know woman who have cheated on their boyfriend/husband. So, it works both ways. Why do people cheat, could be to expand their sexual horizons. Is it really cheating if they never intend on leaving their significant other? Is it just another form of cardiovascular exercise with a different partner?

Yes it is cheating not just SEX
Because some people are never fulfilled with what they have.
Women and Men cheat for the same season because they are not getting what they want out of their relationship
Why do men cheat? The same reason women do.
Active Ink Slinger
a variety of reasons or both men and women...all to do with..the relationship they're in, the grass being greener, wider experiences, insecurity, wanting to get out...etc... not condemning or condoning, just that each is different.
The Linebacker
Why do women cheat?

Unless the man is gay he must have a woman to cheat with, right?

So for every cheating man there must be a cheating woman.

Some people cheat because they are just cheaters. They can't give to the relationship what an emotionally mature, mentally stable person can so they seek out others to frivolously fulfill their own selfish emotional need. Others because of inadequacies in their relationship caused by partner who can't fulfill the relationship. Another reason could be just immaturity. A relationship takes real serious commitment and a strong willingness and dedication to make it work. But everyone is different, has different needs, some are stronger and some are weaker. However, some people are going to cheat no matter what.
Rookie Scribe
i honestlyhink monogomy is an unrealistic expectation. . . when you say "i do" it does not mean you will never want to fuck another person, it means you agree to refrain from fucking another person. i think if most people were open with there others the relationships would be secure enough to experience a little "outside entertainment" and not interfere with the primary relationship, if anything it would strengthen it
Recently,I read somewhere,that a person is like a fruit,with a unique flavour and taste,but people prefer the
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Buz
Why do women cheat?

i saw this thread pop up again and thats exactly what i thought too Buz. I really dont believe men cheat more than women or vice versa. People cheat for all the reasons mentioned in this thread and a million more.

i waffle between whether or not long term monogamy is a good idea or not. I dont feel like the general population is capable of open relationships at this stage of our social development but neither do i think being with only one person for 50 years is reasonable either in this society. both seem and feel out of balance.

to me, several long term, monogamous relationships of moderate length almost seem better, perhaps the longest being with the other parent of your children (as i do believe kids thrive better in a 2 parent home, generally speaking of course).

i think the part we need to let go of is attributing this sense of success that we seem to when we hear of a very long term marriage. perhaps the measure of a successful relationship is the betterment of the two people involved or the continued friendship and good will after the partnership has ended.
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by littlemissbitch

i saw this thread pop up again and thats exactly what i thought too Buz. I really dont believe men cheat more than women or vice versa. People cheat for all the reasons mentioned in this thread and a million more.

i waffle between whether or not long term monogamy is a good idea or not. I dont feel like the general population is capable of open relationships at this stage of our social development but neither do i think being with only one person for 50 years is reasonable either in this society. both seem and feel out of balance.

to me, several long term, monogamous relationships of moderate length almost seem better, perhaps the longest being with the other parent of your children (as i do believe kids thrive better in a 2 parent home, generally speaking of course).

i think the part we need to let go of is attributing this sense of success that we seem to when we hear of a very long term marriage. perhaps the measure of a successful relationship is the betterment of the two people involved or the continued friendship and good will after the partnership has ended.

LMB is so smart she's ultra sexy. I'd cheat with her in a heart beat!!
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Active Ink Slinger
It's nature.

To guarantee the propagation of the human race, nature instilled an insatiable urge in men to wish to procreate with as many partners as possible.

Conversely, nature instilled in women the desire to find men that are reliable and will remain with them in order to ensure successful upbringing of the offspring.
I haven't read every post here, so someone may have said this already. Here's my take on why men cheat.

Though we are supposed to be the primary species on the planet, the fact is we are still members of the animal kingdom. And like many other species, our deep imbedded drive is procreation. Females do this by finding the strongest male to provide strong offspring and security for them. Males are driven by the urge to spread their genetic code as far as they can. So in laymens terms, a woman looks for one man to fulfill her every need while a man looks for every woman to fulfill his one. JMO.
Active Ink Slinger
men aren't the only people who cheat women are just as bad
Men cheat because they are hard wired in their genetic structure to do just that. Unlike women, who are home makers and need to raise children, men are essentially hunters. OK ... it's not like that nowadays but the thin veneer of civilisation is just a few hundred years old. In caveman times that's how it was and in order to procreate, the male would spread his seed as far and as wide as possible.

Perfectly illustrated by most mammals around nowadays and humans are no different.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by cokeheadbarbie

I knew a couple in Spain that did that all the time so they they are each free to fuck around whenever they want. but then the guy started fucking this girl quite a lot and liked her better than the wife so he left her. but the new girl was a younger one and also a model. the wife was so sad she said she will never play these games again. its a recipe for bad times. men always go for the younger/hotter upgrade when they can hook it up.

xx B.

That is just not the truth my wife and I have an open marrage i have been with younger hotter girls and my wife has been with guys younger hotter and better fucks than me but why would we want to leave each other when we both let the other do as they want the guy in spain was an ahole we know lots of swingers and the only ones we have known to split was for other reasons
Active Ink Slinger
A Woman makes herself available to you and your cock leads you on. Once you sense that a woman wants to have sex with you or what ever, it is hard not too. Seems like after I got married I had more pussy then I could handle.
Active Ink Slinger
A Woman makes herself available to you and your cock leads you on. Once you sense that a woman wants to have sex with you or what ever, it is hard not too. Seems like after I got married I had more pussy then I could handle.
Active Ink Slinger
A Woman makes herself available to you and your cock leads you on. Once you sense that a woman wants to have sex with you or what ever, it is hard not too. Seems like after I got married I had more pussy then I could handle.
Cheeky Chick
Humans cheat, it's not just a male thing.... People suck.
I like the flirting here, and it is nice feeling desired a bit more than normal at home. But before counseling and therapy, I considered it strongly. Feeling taken for granted, almost feeling like sex was something that was scheduled just barely enough to keep me from fucking someone be wanted, desired, someone craving your attention? It was a heady feeling. Luckily I decided we needed help before it went too far. Now I try to keep it at friends, and if the flirting gets out of hand, that is all it is. Internet flirting.
Men cheat because they can. There are as many reasons for it as there are men who do it. Usually it's simple opportunity and no resistance. A little "strange" is offered, they take it. There could be psychological or emotional reasons but if it's never offered, then they're only trying to cheat, not succeeding. The same is true for women, of course. Many people use alcohol, drugs, or some other justification for their actions. Some say "I didn't mean to" which is ridiculous. Some say "It just happened" or "It's not my fault", also ridiculous. There is no other reason than that you wanted to and you did it.