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Why do guys like lesbians??

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Who saids that every straight man like to watch 2 girls kissing?
I've said it once, twice, too many times to count. I will continue, though. Not all guys are anything.

The phenomenon you're curious about, though, has to do with a lot of factors. For some dudes, it's about proving they're the exception, either because they're just so good, or because they're jerks who don't believe that women can not want dick. For others, it's about what's forbidden and they aren't supposed to have, or allowed to pursue. Others still find lesbians attractive because they're either secretly or openly a little bit (or more) trans and are attracted to the idea of having lesbian sex with a lesbian, rather than fucking her.

There are a few of the answers. Lots more out there. Hope that's useful to somebody.
Quote by CenterLine
I've said it once, twice, too many times to count. I will continue, though. Not all guys are anything.

You really don't have to continue. People are going to generalize and they understand that their generalization doesn't apply to every member of a given population. It's okay to generalize when a generalization is generally true and it's repetitive to see the same statistical outliers repeatedly point out that there are statistical outliers. But if you want to continue because you get something out of being repetitive, that's fine. It won't really serve any other purpose, but that's not a requirement.

I like lesbians because I share some interesting common interests with them.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Quote by Kimasa
Men like watching fantasy/lipstick lesbians because it's a very erotic image and who can blame them. I enjoy looking at those images too.

If one was fat and the other looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp the interest in watching would be greatly diminished

because when two women make love to each other ,andyou are the only male present ;if they allow you to be there ;unlike as in pornograghy;there is not the fucking anoying prescence of another male or his genitals; they are yours to worship and to enjoy looking at;and you are the only prick there!
Very simple answer.
If you are a guy and you love women, you get twice the number with two.
I dunno, why do so many women like gay men? I think what many guys like is the vision of two young, beautiful women together. Show me two old hags who look like Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno getting it on and the breath freezes in my lungs.
I, being the heterosexual man I am, love pussies, and have basically no use for penises (besides my own, but for the most part I'm not *looking* at my own, either). I love watching porn of pussies being played with, and I particularly love girl-on-girl porn:

1. There are twice as many pussies to watch.
2. Women, since they actually have one of their own, know *just* what to do.

Also, when a woman comes, it just seems like a lot more of her is involved, and it lasts for a lot longer. When a guy comes (at least those I have seen in pr0n and speaking from my own experience), it's a build-up that leads to about a millisecond of crescendo that corresponds to the first pulse, and then *poof* it's time for a nap.
My novel, The Society, is available now in the Kindle Store:
I'd like to set things straight from the get go, so... I don't like lesbians (not in the context of this post anyway) and, in my opinion, no guy in his right mind should... the term lesbian, or gay as i prefer to call them, means that these girls have absolutely NO intention of sexualy being with a guy... so why would any guy 'like' them when instead he could fantasize about two bi women...

As for guys getting turned on by two women being together... I guess its the ' ' involved; two members of the same sex getting intimate with one another. Being with more than one partners at the same time multiplies the arousal one physically receives, and since bi/gay wasn't a big thing till recently with guys the predominant fantacy is that with 2 (or more women)

At least that's how I see it
Why? Because they fantasize about joining in!!
Personally i find them easy to talk to and non judgmental to my own way of living.
1. They are good softball players.
2. They are good at poker and Texas Hold 'Em.
3. They can do motorcycle tricks.
4. They like the same kind of tattoos I do.
5. They make great sparring partners for Karate class.
6. They can really chug beer.
7. They are excellent dancers.
8. They are fun conversationalists.
9. They like to skydive.
10. They make good friends.

Actually they are just like everyone else.
guess its a guy thing wanting to watch 2 sexy ladies make out,, and yes even join in.
A man has to have a couple of kinks, right?
Why stop at two lesbians, three would be better!

I once had sex with a lesbian. The reason a guy would like lesbians. Is if he is in real bad need to feed the hunger. That's what happened to me once. I was in bad need and so was she. There was no emotion or love involved. It was just to get rid of the feeling of the need. For me that was hunger. You women don't know this but for us guys its like a hunger. For real, just like eating food. We can't go without it. Any guy that tells you other wise is lying to you or telling you what he thinks you want to hear. At any rate, I became her dildo and she became the pussy that helped me out. So it was easy to just leave, for both of us. As for watching two chicks, nah, that shit makes my dick shrink. I don't know why but it doesn't. I'm weird like that. I have no idea why other guys are so into watching two chicks go at it.
Because the sexual pressure is off,and you can work together to pick up girls.
I'm not. They're off limits and that's irritating.
I used to think that was hot but very rarly watch girl on girl its kinds boreing its hot in person much rather see two guys on girl.
i'm probably one of the few, but two women going at it does nothing for me. i mean, 2 naked women is great, but them pleasuring each other is like meh. rather see a woman get it on with a banana.

well, not literally...i just thought the play on words and smiley were funny. :P
Quote by Magical_felix
Because the only thing hotter than one sexy girl is two sexy girls.

What more needs to be said? smile
Additional hot girls increase the 'sexy' level exponentially.
Why in the world would we not like them? They're really nice people. Of course, there will be some you won't get along with, as you won't get alone with all men or all women in general.

What more needs to be said? smile
Additional hot girls increase the 'sexy' level exponentially.

So true. But IMO there's a profound difference between two committed lesbians and women who are merely having a bi-sexual fling. If I'm aware of that distinction, the latter situation is much more arousing for me than the former.