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Whats more attractive younger women or older women ?

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So guys whats your pint of beer ( thats the more gritty way of saying cup of tea ), I prefer older gals sometimes just because of the

experience they bring to the table ... the kitchen table to be exact thats where i eat most of my pus ... pickles damn do i love a soaked

puss ... pickle
all gals of alll ages are beautiful,,,but my oldest gf is 50 and my youngest 19,,,,its all good,,,xxx
I have always been attracted to older women, but a beautiful woman is still beautiful no matter what age she is.
Quote by crazydiamond

i call bullshit

Ms Diamond... how of you. Not uncalled for mind you.

Anyway as to the posted question; the norm is that the older you are the younger you like them and visa versa. To me though it's all about what you are looking for. If you want just pure sex, a young girls firm body will usually tip the odds. If you are looking to connect beyond a sex-only level then you are looking for someone close to your age, if not older.

Personally I want to get to know someone longer than the time it will take to get a few drinks, so my cuppa will usually be someone able to hold her own in a conversation and doesn't feel the need to post on facebook or twitter what she's doing every 5 minutes. If you want to put a tag as to how old she has to be please feel free to; I haven't been able to so far.
That depends. In general, I have to admit that younger women tend to attract me more in general on a physical level. HOWEVER, an older woman who is still in great shape, has a wonderful personality, is intelligent yet sexy, has a pretty face (smile and eyes are VERY important to me).... WOW.... I would pass up a younger gal in a heartbeat for that. And older women have always been more attracted to me than younger women for some reason. Maybe because I am not some wimpy sparkling pasty face vampire want-to-be? LOL Who knows.....

But in general, I find all ages to be appealing on an individual basis. It is just easier for younger women to be physically attractive... much the same as with men. But like I said, IMO when you find (that man or woman) that is in an age bracket (older) that you would not normally be attracted to physically in general, that is simply HOT AS HELL.... they tend to stand out more and make an impression.
I would imagine that most guys will find that the one that they can get their hands on is the most atttactive!
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
I find all ages of women attractive. Same goes for height, weight, color Hell even religion lol
Quote by angieseroticpen
I would imagine that most guys will find that the one that they can get their hands on is the most atttactive!

LOL While funny... and possibly true.... for me it is actually the one that wants ME that tends to be more attractive.

Seriously.... If there are two women and one is drop dead PERFECT, and the other is what you would call "real", but she really WANTS me.... I will be drawn to her over the more aesthetically and classically beautiful/attractive one. There is something about DESIRE that trips my trigger.

However, I do have standards. ;)
Quote by MrSexyLaugh
So guys whats your pint of beer ( thats the more gritty way of saying cup of tea ), I prefer older gals sometimes just because of the

experience they bring to the table ... the kitchen table to be exact thats where i eat most of my pus ... pickles damn do i love a soaked

puss ... pickle

The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker


SEW what am EYE attracted TWO; they have a heart beat, are in hailing &,exhaling.. HWP intellect, active, in possession of a good CENTS of humor,independent,
LOL Loves4play...... I didn't read the question as younger or older than ME in particular, but I am in a sweet spot that it tends to be that way. ;) I read it as in age in general... younger or older. I would put the line at about 40, below is younger, over is older. But that is just a generality since like I said, I am in a sweet spot and many 40+ women are still "younger" than me. ;)

That goes to show how perception and each person's position in things really DO matter, as well as determine the answers. smile
JOHN; EYE RED the question correctly, BUTT EYE wanted my comment to create a smile on those who will REED these HEAR posts... Joel
LOL Kind of why I posted again too. ;)
Me! This girl likes all ladies, but I am attracted to older women. Mhmm
I am definitely attracted to older women
a woman who is willing ready and knows what she likes
Quote by crazydiamond

i call bullshit

Is it any wonder why young women 18 to 24ish, still prefer to chat with, converse with or actually date men who are 6, 8, 10 years older than they are?

Sometimes I wonder if adult sites similar to Lush, should implement graduated levels of membership based upon maturity instead of age.

Gav, do you think you could develop an intuitive logarithmic anti-fcktard entry button to access specific areas of the site?

We need some hurdles around here sometimes.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
In every way I prefer the 'older' woman. They have experienced life and discovered their own inner beauty, wants, and desires.
Quote by WellMadeMale

Is it any wonder why young women 18 to 24ish, still prefer to chat with, converse with or actually date men who are 6, 8, 10 years older than they are?

Sometimes I wonder if adult sites similar to Lush, should implement graduated levels of membership based upon maturity instead of age.

Gav, do you think you could develop an intuitive logarithmic anti-fcktard entry button to access specific areas of the site?

We need some hurdles around here sometimes.

God damn, that's hot!

*EDIT- He really should.. us "older" woman have them in real life, already built in! They are called "CLITS", it's an intelligent button, I must say. If you are a fucktard, you ain't gaining entry...simples.
Really depends on attitude. My ex wife was 8 years older than me and a FWB was 20 years older at the time. My last GF was 17 years younger...
Age is not an important factor. A womans (or in some cases a guys) mind is the main factor. Are they mature or immature? Can they excite the mind or just the body?
An attractive an 'attractive lady''...........age is not important
Age is unimportant; intelligence and the ability to laugh and cause laughter is.
i call eating pus to be against all health standards!!!

and as a woman of 46..honey i am going to call bullshit too on you getting any older ladies....bullshit police arrest this youngster!

i mean hello an older women needs conversation...manners and a vocabulary that seems to excede(sp?) yours

however age should not matter in love or sex

IT IS THE person..who counts

but me..i like them older...i want someone who can converse with me on MY life level..and experiences....

i know harsh people..but honestly does he REALLY think he bring anything to someone older??

and no i am not talking about my age..say even 5 years older...IF you had older she might has been a year..and that is NOT older...

case dismissed....
I must say that women of all ages have special advantages: younger ones are willing to do anything,antwhere,and anytime without alot of coaxing. They are willing to perform in front of a crowd. Older women konw the benefits of showing their knowledge and are willing to take charge. That makes them sexy beyond anything a younger women can do. Give me a older woman hands down.
I married a woman who was exactly my age. 2 weeks older is all. She left me in a divorce after 10 years. So really as long as they are not exactly my age, I consider them well ahead of the damn curve.
If you have read 50 Shades of Gray and think that you are ready to be a dom or a sub. Then you have a lot to learn.

Follow my slave's blog slave skye's real life blog if we can get 100 followers she is going to start posting pictures!!! I know there are at least 100 of you that want to see that click the link enter your email and follow. We hit 100 then she has said she will post a picture of herself.
I find that I'm more attracted to older women. My wife, if the first women I ever dated that we younger that me. But Mature women is my poison.