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What things baffle you about women?

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I saw the reverse of this question on their forum ...

For me, it's the shoes and the bags first and foremost. The dozens and dozens of them .... WTF ????

After that, it's being able to walk in heels.

And finally, why do they chuck everything in one purse/bag such that they can never find anything but seem perfectly content this system works for them?
Make-up. So much time and money. I don't think I'll ever fully understand it.
Good point on the heels. Particularly the strange occasions they wear heels.

For this season of Master Chef (USA) I saw many home cooks wearing heels while they cooked. And I'm like, what the hell are you doing?

Women who openly flaunt their sexuality, yet give anyone a dirty look if they catch you staring. Seen it many a time, no matter who the guy is.

This one goes both ways, but instance on dated gender roles where the guy has to be the one to ask the girl out. I know it is generally probably more fashionable for the guy to "work up his guts" to ask you out. But in this day and age, I'll always wonder why more women don't initiate in asking a guy out.
I'm not here to bash or defend, but provide insight. Hopefully you guys will do the same on the thread asking us ladies the same question about you.

OK, here goes.

1. Purses & Shoes: They're always making new ones, pretty ones, shiny ones, ones that come in different shapes and sizes, and they all serve different purpose. They can be mixed and matched, they can be mismatched. They're an extension of our outfits. Sometimes they make or break an outfit. They make good little pick-me-ups as well as rewards for when we feel we deserve them. They're as vital as pants, bras, panties, socks, etc. Well, at least to me they are. Think of it this way: Most guys like cars, correct? If at any given moment and within your budget you could go out and just buy any car that tickled your fancy, even if you only ever drove it once, wouldn't you?

2. Being able to walk in heels: What can I say? It's an acquired skill. If we didn't learn it, we'd be shit out of luck. I like shoes in most forms they come in. I'm not gonna let something as simple as not learning to walk in them keep me from enjoying them.

3. Chucking everything into a bag and never being able to find it: The only person that can find anything on command in my purse is me. There's a reason for that. Think about it.

4. Make-up: Some women wear it because they feel they need to. Others wear it because they can. It's art. It's expressive. You can do anything you want with it. Create any look you want. You can go soft and subtle, or hardcore, and everything in between. Make-up, when done right, is a very beautiful thing. And I'm all for anything that makes anyone feel beautiful, myself included.

5. Openly flaunting our sexuality: I can't answer this, as it's not something I do. I'm such a horrible flirt sometimes. The only time I'm really good at it is when I don't realize I'm doing it. But if I were good at it, I wouldn't flaunt it unless I wanted results. As far as the women who give the dirty looks when guys notice, maybe you're not the guy they're flaunting it for.

6. Why girls don't ask guys out: Some do. Most don't. Most girls would rather give hints that she wants to be asked out as opposed to asking a guy out. I'm not ashamed to admit that 98% of the time, I'm one of those girls. On the rare occasions that I have asked guys out, it was totally an impulse moment, and because I just felt really compelled to do so. I could never continuously hit on guys and strike out. I don't know how you guys bounce back from it, so kudos to you for that. As I said before, I'll leave a guy hints that I want him to ask me out...strong hints...REALLY strong hints. It's like volleyball. I'll set it up, but it's up to you to jump up and drive that killer spike.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

As far as the women who give the dirty looks when guys notice, maybe you're not the guy they're flaunting it for.

Very possible, but as I've said, I've observed the dirty looks given to a multitude of guys while they're flaunting. Just seems strange.

Even stranger when it is in a gym setting and they're pretty much wearing the skimpiest/tightest thing possible. Basically V-ball tights and a crazy revealing top.

They aren't even long stares, just a quick admiring glance with a head shake afterwords. Though I'm mostly staring in jealousy at their rock solid abs. I eat super healthy, but damned if I can actually maintain those ab-diets! That's tough.


The hint dropping I understand, sometimes it's so incredibly vague though. Luckily most of my experience has been with easy to ID hints. Something to be said for something refreshing and uncommon to occur though. I've had a girl pretty much ask me out to a party before. Gives you a huge confidence boost to have the girl come after you directly. Just wish more did it.
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
4. Make-up: Some women wear it because they feel they need to. Others wear it because they can. It's art. It's expressive. You can do anything you want with it. Create any look you want. You can go soft and subtle, or hardcore, and everything in between. Make-up, when done right, is a very beautiful thing. And I'm all for anything that makes anyone feel beautiful, myself included.

Okay, I should have said, "Make-up for make-up's sake."

I understand women trying to create a certain look for a certain situation. I understand, and can appreciate, artistic make-up.

It's the women who wear make-up out of habit that I don't get. They slap on a bit of foundation and eye-liner "just 'cause". As part of a daily routine, it's time-consuming, expensive and, in my opinion, unnecessary.

Men don't need or use make-up to make themselves look more attractive. And I've never once seen a woman with no make-up on and thought, "What a dog; she could do with a bit of lippy." You don't need it to make yourself beautiful/sexy/acceptable; you just think you need it.
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
I'm not here to bash or defend, but provide insight. Hopefully you guys will do the same on the thread asking us ladies the same question about you.

OK, here goes.

3. Chucking everything into a bag and never being able to find it: The only person that can find anything on command in my purse is me. There's a reason for that. Think about it.

I like that one!

What baffles me about women. In short ... everything. Almost.
But mostly when I am asked to empathize with a problem BUT not help solve it.
Why they try to control you. For example giving you daily test to see how you react and handle the request.
Is this a trick question? Next you will be asking if those pants make you look fat.
Alright, after seeing it even in my friends photos lately, what in the hell is with the obsession women have with the fish face? It really isn't all that attractive and it makes you silly and not in a good way.
Why do they have to nag you about every little fucking thing you do or say that doesn't meet with their standards? They should accept us for who we are. Hell we accepted them for who they are. Don't try to change us girls. That's why it's good to be bi. Guys don't nag each other and if they do then dump the bastard and find you one who won't nag you. With that being said in the book of Proverbs there is a verse that states, "A nagging woman is like a constant drip." Whenever my ex wife used to nag me I would respond with the following, "Drip, drip, drip......" it would piss her off but it got her off my back, well, until the next time anyways.
Why they settle for less than they deserve.
The shit they say sometimes, or why is it every time a girl has to use the restroom they say hey brb have to go pee. Lol
Why single women out? All people baffle me at times.
When women always need to hint. OH MY GOD, JUST FUCKING SAY IT!

Yeah, I'm a man on the inside... lol
Everything, just Mind-Blowing;)
Why my wife wanted sex all the time before we were married but now after thirty years has closed her legs together
Quote by AriOli101
When women always need to hint. OH MY GOD, JUST FUCKING SAY IT!

Yeah, I'm a man on the inside... lol

That is just so true.. Am so glad on woman acknowledges that fact
Quote by c50t

Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
I'm always baffled by the things that come up in such topics. (Some of these issues are commonly discussed in college, etc)

I don't own numerous pairs of shoes.
I don't spend hundreds on clothing.
I own a few basic types of makeup which I rarely wear (truly a waste of money when I have to toss it while its still in the package)
I own one purse and it holds only a few items.
I don't tell people I have to pee.

All these things that men sometimes complain about ( but other guys seem to love as its all seen as being highly feminine) I don't do.

Neither does my sister or my mother.
Nor half the girls i know via work or college.

So it's not the girls - it's the guy finding women who have these trait in common to be attractive.

If you don't like these things THAT MUCH then don't date someone who holds these things as being important. Problem solved.
I really want to comment here, but, I HAVE TO PEE!

and fix my makeup , and adjust my pushup bra while i masturbate with the biggest fucking lelo ever, and it's name is Derk.

What was the question??

I wear make up everyday for work, I work in a restaurant and it's all about presentation, we live in a world that tells us women look more professional when dressed in certain clothes and wearing make up. It's tough sometimes because during my time off from work I often have huge bags under my eyes, from the long working hours, that make me feel as though I look dead compared to when I'm all made up for work.

I have a few pairs of heels ad I only really wear them for nights out, otherwise, I'm in flip flops or my work shoes.

I put everything I might possible need for the day ahead in my bag (note that I say bag, not bags), the really important things are in specific pockets, that way I can't lose them. Or, certain things get put in my bra, it's called the bank for a reason ;)

When I'm looking nice maybe, just maybe, it's for me and not for you, and it would be nice to go to the gym and focus on exercising rather than catching some random bloke checking me out. Should I apologise for wanting a safe space where I don't need to worry about certain attention?

No, I don't like to ask guys out, I'm shy and it's difficult. I send out plenty of signals to men I'm interested in (taking off all my clothes and getting into their bed).

I've just broken up (for the second time) with someone who spent all their time trying to turn me into their idealised version of the person they wanted me to be. It's not just women who have their issues!
Quote by freakycactus
I wear make up everyday for work, I work in a restaurant and it's all about presentation, we live in a world that tells us women look more professional when dressed in certain clothes and wearing make up. It's tough sometimes because during my time off from work I often have huge bags under my eyes, from the long working hours, that make me feel as though I look dead compared to when I'm all made up for work.

I have a few pairs of heels ad I only really wear them for nights out, otherwise, I'm in flip flops or my work shoes.

I put everything I might possible need for the day ahead in my bag (note that I say bag, not bags), the really important things are in specific pockets, that way I can't lose them. Or, certain things get put in my bra, it's called the bank for a reason ;)

When I'm looking nice maybe, just maybe, it's for me and not for you, and it would be nice to go to the gym and focus on exercising rather than catching some random bloke checking me out. Should I apologise for wanting a safe space where I don't need to worry about certain attention?

No, I don't like to ask guys out, I'm shy and it's difficult. I send out plenty of signals to men I'm interested in (taking off all my clothes and getting into their bed).

I've just broken up (for the second time) with someone who spent all their time trying to turn me into their idealised version of the person they wanted me to be. It's not just women who have their issues!

One thing I learned from England- The lady's not for turning I simplify that as, Don't like me as I am, JOG ON SIR!

That was no way political, I do not even vote. But hell, I agree with that. {} kisses to you FC.
Quote by c50t

What baffles me about women. In short ... everything. Almost.
But mostly when I am asked to empathize with a problem BUT not help solve it.

Because I've given it enough thought and consideration and I pretty know what I need to do to sort it out. I don't need to go through it with you, I just need someone to understand what I'm going through and that's enough support for me to sort it on my own. You start trying to fix my issues and I'm adding a whole bunch of new issues to the list and nothing will get sorted any time soon.

And why, oh why, does everything need to be fixed? I'm not broken, stop viewing everything I tell you as a problem that needs to be fixed!

If your help and advice is needed to fix something then we'd ask you to help fix it!
Quote by Curiosity72

That is just so true.. Am so glad on woman acknowledges that fact

Drives me mental.

And then there's the whole "does he like me? How do I talk to him?" shit.

I'm blunt with people.

that's easy everything lol
1) Overanalyzing and seeing hidden motives where there are none.
2) The shopping gene. My wife seems helpless to resist temptation and make a rational decision when she sees something new and shiny.
3) As mentioned previously, having to listen to women vent while expected to either keep your mouth shut or nod and agree.
the way their brain works or lack there of