It can be either physical or a characteristic
Ex. the girl being taller than you, doesn't want to have kids, arrogance, etc.
Sweet and being down to earth!!!!!
Smoking. I once dated a woman who smokes and her pussy tasted like cigarette smoke. Yuk. I told her if she ever wanted me to go downtown again, she would have to quit smoking. She didnt, so that was the end of that.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter
The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
Smoking. Can't handle that. Absolutely refuse to. I met a guy for a blind date and couldn't even get through dinner, he reeked. The smell gives me a headache. I couldn't image kissing someone that smokes. Just not my thing.
Another one is someone that drinks too much. I have gone out with friends and seen where their dates can't hold their liquor. I'm not going on a date to be your baby sitter. It's just not fair. Some of these people (guys and girls) were slurring before we had made it to dinner. That would just embarrass me.
Another vote for smoking here. I just can't stand the smell of it.
Drug use too, although I relaxed my ban when my wife and I were in Amsterdam a couple of years ago. She was the nicest she'd been since we first met and she was trying to impress me. She's back to her old self now though. I might have to reconsider that one...
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill. The drug use/abuse, whether it be prescribed drugs used improperly or illicit drugs. Smoking, as previously mentioned, although I do have a soft spot for men who smoke pipes. Being a Bible thumper (or the opposite, a holier-than-thou atheist). Being married, and not to me. The list goes on, but those are the big ones.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!
Anything illegal. As a police officer, anything towards that nature is a huge turn off.
Someone has to be the Villain
Gay men and gay women don't make good bedfellows.
a drinker, drug user, smoker, lots of tattoos, bad hygiene, a constant talker. Damn, that's a lot of people!!!
Cigar or cigarette smoking, bad breath, funky body odors, AND the big one: lying...these are absolute deal breakers.
Definitely smokers! Also cheaters. In fact, I seem to have quite a list of deal-breakers. lol
Hmmm. Well smoking tops the list. Poor oral hygene and bad breath is a close second. A caustic personality no matter how pretty she is, is a turn off.
stupid! We've got to be able to at least have some sort of a conversation...
Smoking, tats, piercings, drug user, too religious, Just be NORMAL and horny
Not having tattoos or piercings. Too political, too opinionated, foul tempered, not being clean. And an other biggie, when it comes to sex, not being loud and off the charts enthusiastic and willing to do & try tons of sexual positions and experimentation.
She has to be broadminded a bit of an exhibitionist and a good laugh .
Smoking and body odor/cleanliness