What would you do if you had a cunt..pretty simple.
any man would be able to fuck me if i had a cunt
I would not enjoy it as much as I do OPC (Other Peoples Cunts) The care and feeding of them is mind boggling. )l(
I've had a cunt or two in my day.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
May I be rudely blunt,
When you end up with a cunt,
You cut ties and punt,
Time to go back on the hunt.
I would have some fun with that ! Or other men would to be more specific
Not call it a "cunt" for starters. There are nicer sounding names (I like "pussy" myself).
Otherwise, have sex and take leaks. Same thing I do with my dick. Not sure what else I'm supposed to do with it.
Probably start screaming at my doctor. "You fucking idiot, it was suppose to be a knee replacement!"
You can't wear it out. I'd probably try! Become a slut, whore, what ever.
And just you wait until it comes around to period time...
Scream and shout that my prayers had been answered - and then the sad truth that I was a decade post menopausal would sink in. Better late than never?
If you'd asked 'What if you had a pussy?' I think you'd have received vastly different responses.
Cut a hole in the ice and dive in.
I would see how far I could launch a ping pong ball.
I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?
I've often wondered what it would be like to have a pussy. Don't wAnt to give up my Dick, but I'd love to know what it's like to be fucked, licked, fingered.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Smuggle diamonds and/or plutonium across international borders.
Don't believe everything that you read.
Well, for starters, I would NEVER call it that! I find it SUCH an offensive word that it invariably turns me off Lush stories where it is used in the text. Lisa Hilton's otherwise excellent best-selling erotic novel 'Maestra' is simply littered with the word.
C*** is harsh and abbresive-sounding and in many English-speaking countries (eg Britain) is reserved as a term of abuse. Ie: "That Tony Blair's a right c*** for invading Iraq!"
Now if you're asking me if I'd like a pussy, then my answer would be: "Yes please, purr, purr!"