Quote by hopp3r
I would see how far I could launch a ping pong ball.
I've personally seen that done.
Quote by thomas61
If I had a cunt
Another hole at the front
I would hope the cunt would come with tits
So I could go shopping for a bra that fits
Because then I would be a female
And treat my pussy as the holy grail
One question though, in terms of attraction
Would I really go for male action ?
For that my brain would also have to change
So new cunt + new tits + new brain, please arrange
Or keep my brain, it still functions well
I will buy a strapon, to fuck my belle
So honestly speaking, I am happy with my dick
It works well, and seems to do the trick
To have a cunt, for me has no appeal
My dick and my balls, for me the real deal
Imagine a cunt, the care that it requires
The shaving and trimming, let alone the monthly fires
The wining and dining, the chocolate and flowers
And “communicating” for hours and hours
To get a dick going, it doesn’t need much
A smile, a kiss, and a very soft touch
And ready for action, no need for the brain
It stands to attention, my proud fleshy cane
Oh ladies, oh ladies, how much I thee pity
Brain + emotions, a cunt is managed by committee
In one thing however, your cunt clearly surpasses
The smell and the wetness, conveniently close to your asses.
Quote by PanJinlian
You wouldn't smuggle plutonium for very long though. There's not enough room for suitable shielding up there you know- you'd be dead from the radiation poisoning in very short order.
Don't believe everything that you read.
Quote by Freddie Mercury
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairy tales of yesterday grow and never die
I can fly
The show must go on.
Quote by Jaques
I have often fantasised about having a vagina and being fucked and having someone ejaculate inside me. I find the vulnerability, being dominated and being a vessel for someone's sexual satisfaction extremely arousing. The notion of feeling an erect penis penetrating my vagina, sliding in and out of me and pouring semen into my body is incredibly erotic.