I've just always wondered. I know I can just taste myself, but I'm kind of scared to try that.
Her pussy tastes kind of sweet sour, and when her fluids become active its a bit slimy and creamy. ver nice
Every pussy is different. If they keep it nice and clean is is very tasty
I like to suck my fingers when I masturbate. I hope he likes my taste too.
Different women have different flavours. In general, the pussy itself is somewhat sour, but not unpleasantly so. It gets stronger when she's on or close to her period, but the taste itself isn't the main concern when you eat someone out - it's more to make her squirm and give her feelings she didn't have before.
Cum tastes a lot like urine, but again, it's different from woman to woman. Sometimes it's thick and creamy, other times it's clear and watery, and sometimes it just *is* urine. It's kind of a tart taste, reminds me of wood, for reasons I don't know since I've never bit on wood... God, it's hard to describe flavours. And I want to be a writer...
ETA: Just realized this is "ask the guys", so excuse this excursion from an old . Carry on.
Not all pussies taste the same, but usually a bit musky and sharp. Their cum is usually just a tad tangy or something that's hard to describe, maybe slightly tart. I prefer pussy not to have a strong taste, especially to be strongly uriny. Mild musky is best.
Just curious, OP, why are you "scared" to taste yourself? The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, and as long as you shower and otherwise keep yourself clean, it's not like there's anything down there that is going to be intrinsically harmful to you. Personally, I think I taste blandly sweet--a lot of the taste of a woman's vaginal fluids has to do with her diet, and I don't eat much meat, and apparently that makes for a rather bland tasting pussy. shrugs
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Steak and chips .. wait wrong thread .. no it isnt.
Personally its the best thing I've ever tasted...... sweet and tangy with a longing of lust.
Same as a post orgasmic dick with pussy juice on it: Nectar, Ambrosia, delicious, etc etc. But not nearly as nice as a clean excited moist vagina in my personal view, that should be kissed licked eaten tasted fingered loved till my neck breaks
Imagine a mild vanilla milk shake with a touch of anchovy and you'll be pretty close.QLrf0iUChNezWhV5
It tastes unlike anything else, but that is what makes it so special. You should not be afraid to taste yourself, as it cannot hurt you. Probably it is best to give it a try after a shower, when you have a chance to lie in bed, relax, have a nice extended play, and then taste after you have an orgasm and are feeling that nice feeling of euphoria. The association of the taste with extreme pleasure is what keeps me coming back for more!
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
if they eat well and keep it clean, it won't taste bad. It's an acquired taste. I love it
It is heavenly... But it depends on your hygene and time of the month has a lot to do with it as well
It is heavenly... But it depends on your hygene and time of the month has a lot to do with it as well