Who cares ? It is part of who you are
Hell, I have a bigger scar than a C-section one! If she can handle that, I can handle her little scar. Who cares!
Dee, I've borne three sons and although each one came into this world through the regular route, not by Caesarean section, each pregnancy left me with wicked stretch marks. I went through a period of time where I was terribly ashamed of those stretch marks, until a wonderful man took the time to kiss each and every one, telling me that they were the scars from a battle fought and won. Your scars are exactly that; please don't blame yourself or think yourself unattractive because of that which proves you fought the good fight and won.
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Scars are not a turn off at all. One of my ex's was in a car accident (before we started dating) and she was in a wheel chair for a while. MANY scars all around her hips and stomach. She was worried to, but it is nothing to be ashamed or scared about. A scar on the skin changes nothing about who you are as a person. So that shouldn't change. And as far as just purely physical attraction? I do not see them as a turn off.
Yeah, we don't care.
And anyone who does, isn't worthy of your time.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill. like sexkitten says there's nothing to be ashamed of.. I personally don't mind them at all.
Let me tell you a True Story... (Hi Jayne!)
I had a girlfriend who I was VERY fond of. At that BEAUTIFUL moment when you're discovering each others bodies, I NOTICED an Appendectomy scar, BUT OF COURSE didn't give a shit about it! (I was at that point headed further South, if you will...)
But MONTHS later I asked about it... Just curious.
She BLUSHED SCARLET and told me that, when she was a little girl, she faked a stomach ache to play hookey from school. So well did she fake it indeed, that her parents rang an Ambulance and she was taken to the Hospital, (still screaming in pretend pain) where the doctors removed a PERFECTLY healthy appendix.
But she described how she had to keep up with the pretence, (she was like EIGHT!) even as they prepped her for SURGERY!!!!
I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever fucking heard. And SHE said it WASN'T funny it was TRAUMATIC and she berated me for laughing until my frankly caustic remarks caused her to break up in giggles...
"It could have been worse, you COULD have said you had a sore leg... You could be divorced from Paul McCartney by now...")
I didn't give a FUCK about her scar! (But her TALKING about it made me love her more...)
I have THREE nipple-sized moles on the back of my neck. (Ugh!) NEVER ONCE has anyone ever said, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY!!!!!!"
PERSONALLY, I think if a man is close enough with you to get to the point where he's seeing your C-Section scars he's already doing pretty fucking well... And I bet he thinks so too...
So stop being fucking stupid about it.
xx Steph