Yes I am emo! I would like to know dis cuz guys are kinda picky lol
Vampire your fine its not what you look like its your personality and u seem to have a good one or u wouldnt have put the poll up
I put down smart, but really they can have a combination. Seldom do girls only have one of the listed traits, at least from my experience. I've know smart-emotional-preppy girls I've liked.
Intelligent women rock my world and are a part of my Relationship Triangle.
There should be a "Doesn't matter" option..
It's a good question but I think there should have been a few other choices. "Smart-emotional-preppy", "Combinations of above (write a reply)", and I'm sure there are guys out there who would pick: "Dumb or Crazy". The list could go on or be simplified into broader range groups because I find the choices are too narrow. And I totally agree with Cloudstrife there needs to be a "Doesn't matter."
Emo rock girls but not goth girls.
def not emo girls!! so werid!
I like a funny girl. One that will make a funny crack during.
I find it impossible to narrow it down to one type only. Also, can someone explain what an emo is?
Normal. Whatever in the hell that means!!
Intelligent women are incredibly sexy, especially if they have a quick mind and wicked sense of humor.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter
The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
I love them all except tha bitchy or fuckin know it alls
Mmmm, I loves me a smart girl.