Hi Guys! I'm not great at asking questions, but this is one I want to know your honest opinion on.
How often are you too tired to spend intimate time with your spouse or mate and why?
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being?
I may be a bit unusual here but, I'm going to go with "never". I can be sleep-deprived, sore, whatever, and if she's interested, I'm there. I have had sex after all-nighters, after a red-eye flight, after a 100 hour work-week, with the flu, even after surgery....yup, gotta say "never too tired".
I may not instigate it if I'm overly tired, but, if she started, even hinted at it, I always get in the mood very very quickly.
I would say never.... a day after a serious operation I was trying to have sex with my wife. LOL now that's horny.
I will admit though that I have been extremely tired from working really long hours and secretly hoped she wouldn't try anything.