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The oldest woman you would go out with

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I think I am at an age where I would think it would be harder to be around someone who is younger than 25, being with someone who is 50 does not seem out of my range.
I can't remember who wrote this but one lushly wrote I'm not 50 something I'm actually a 30 something with about 20 years experience. I like that and you might from that guess my answer
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
When I was 40, dated a 27 year old and a 57 year old, Age don't matter.
age is not the deciding factor it is wether we connect and get on that matters
I leran about oral sex from 39 yrs old lady when i was 18 i still prefer older female then me.
For me age does not important,I will accept any invitations to go out especially if she is good person and look great.
Why ask her age? If you find her attractive and the feeling is mutual then why can't we all have fun..
Quote by clum

I've heard that one is pretty good...

I heard three people had multiple orgasms over it!
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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It would depend on the woman
Age is just a number. Its all about the chemistry and raw sexual attraction (up or down - to the legal limit anyway).
Age is just a number. If I'm attracted to her, there's no problem.

Oldest was last summer. Met a couple at sex club. She was less than two months from her 80th. Still sexy, appreciative, wet pussy, and very sensual touching me anywhere. Her hand had my cock hard in seconds. Multi orgasmic as well.

Hell, I’m not going to pretend age is just an irrelevant number. I wouldn’t date or fuck an 18 year old, nor would I a 90 year old. I might potentially get turned on by someone of those ages in porn, but in real life no.

Being in my mid fifties, I wouldn’t likely get together with a man or woman younger than mid thirties, nor older than about seventy. That window is not absolute, definitely depending on the person, and it is likely to shift as I age

Quote by Hornyukteacher
Why ask her age? If you find her attractive and the feeling is mutual then why can't we all have fun..

This.. at 101 darlings everyone’s age is but a number

For me age isn’t so much of factor as life experience and if I were single (which I very much am not) I don’t think I could ever date someone significantly younger than me, but I wouldn’t put an upper age limit on an older lady. It would probably be more whether they were happy dating me.

As long as a woman is over 18.

Personality goes much farther than age.

I haven’t a limit.

105. One must have some dignity remaining and the woman must have a heartbeat.

Any Age is Ok for Me One is Never Too Old !!!