I've never been with another man, but my wife has used her finger as well as tongue on and in my anus and I didn't like it at all. The tongue tickled like hell and made me want to hit the ceiling, and the finger was uncomfortable.
I love it. I think having my ass licked is the best feeling in the world. The finger up there, I could take or leave. It makes an orgasm more intense, but other than that, it doesn't do a whole lot for me.
I've enjoyed licking. I've never asked for it, it just kinda happened. It felt good but it just made me feel feminine. Its hard to explain but I can take it or leave it. If she wants to, go ahead. If she doesn't do it, I'm not going to ask for it.
Although most men don't know it, the male G-spot is right next to the prostrate, and yes, it exisits. It is AMAZING what a assage there feels like. I found out because of a Tantra workshop. Try it, you'll like it.9gWD9bqHhQsoh8nN
yeah im open to admit it feels good. fingers rubbing and poking all over the anus feels like good fucking...especially if both have showered before hand..and are all clean and fresh....licking, fingering...even nibbling of the anus is welcomed in an open sensual sexual relationship..
Just a bit of pressure works for me, through underwear or jeans or a finger. No tongues please.
I like a finger there. Havent had a tonuge there yet.
It's just not my bag. No thanks and no way!
Once a year I allow a woman to poke my ass with her finger - I have physicals, but am glad I have such a petite Doc. Otherwise - no thanks.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
i really like to have my ass liked and sometime one finger but no more then one
I love anal play, especially prostate milking. It's great!
I had an old girlfriend that enjoyed licking my butt when she was down there sucking me and it felt great. I had another that loved anal sex, so when she was giving me a blow job one time asked if she could put a finger in my butt. I really didn't know what to say, but as many times as I had been in her ass, I could hardly say no. She tried but it didn't work out so well. My asshole was pretty tense and puckered up! I told her if she wanted to try it again, maybe use some lotion or something. Sure enough, the next time we fucked she had some lotion to rub on my ass. It went in much easier, and she seemed to enjoy it. I didn't find that much pleasure in it, but it didn't hurt and she loved it, so it was all good!
nope, thought to be fair hasn't ever happen

Alone is not always a bad place to be Can't say I have had the chance. I've heard of the male g spot and have looked at some of the different prostate stimulators, but haven't had the time to buy one yet. I'm not completely opposed to trying it. "Try anything once," I say. But I'm not going to ask or go looking for it from a woman.
I love it, just wish i could get more of it.
You haven't lived until you have had a woman use a strap-on on you. Serious pleasure!
Hey, turnabout is fair play, Her ass my ass, whatever goes. I m totally heterosexual but we engage in a bit of toy play
Anything you want is great with me, as long as it is not another man's penis - you can do whatever you want. I think if it interests you, and I am your partner, I would rather you enjoy it with me than to wonder about it and eventually try it with someone else. There is nothing about sex with your partner - some people just aren't comfortable enough with themselves to let go and enjoy.
Don't mind a little light play, but a dildo up my ass doesn't sound too appealing. Massing the prostate is fantastic, but please, no strap ons.
Fingers for my butt...yes please! I have enjoyed it for a number of years.